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Ahmadis in Pakistan

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What is it with the highlighted part?? :blink:

Mirza Qadiani died in 1908 so he wrote this probably in between 1885-1908.

"Most of life has been spent in supporting the British Empire. I have written so many books and published posters against Jihad and in support of obedience to British that if you collect them they will fill fifty bookshelves. I have sent these books to all Arab countries, Egypt Syria, Kabul and Rum (Ottoman Empre). It has been my wish that Muslims became true supporters of British Empire."
@ People:

I dont give a damn about Altaf hussain but what he is saying is true that ahmadis should have rights as a minority like any other minority in Pakistan.

Kabhi kabhi gadha bhi kaam ki baat keh jata hai :coffee:

just because his words are converging with yours dosent means he's right, you people say only qualified people must talk about religion, when did AH became a scholar?

log kabi kabi gadhe ko bhe b a p ban lete han


my questions reamin unasnwered...

1) Why is serious issue been talked is Islam Bashing? When clearly people here are bashing Ahmadis & showing their intolerance
2) Are you people denying or justifying the persecution of Ahamdis due to their faith?
3) Do you people support Ordinance XX?

I need simple straight answers, No twisting of words
so what about Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, he was also loyal to British & preached the Infidel syllabus, the same infidel syllabus which gave us great leaders

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan wanted Muslims to get modern education and he established a Muslim University. While Mirza Qadiani invented a new religion and taught obedience to British empire.

Read my previous posts no one is denying the persecution .
We are discussing the Ahmadi issue which does not mean that it is being bashed.
The Ordinance will remain in place until a draft resolution to this issue is reached with Ahmadi leaders but they would have to step down from satellite TV channels to have a wide ranging talk to bring some sort of resolution to this issue.

The Concerns from both sides must be treated fairly & Ahamdis shall have 100% freedom and transparent system of justice and no special laws against them.
Changes to Kalima(The declaration of faith)



If you have nothing constructive to say then please don't comment.

I will when I see something constructive from you and like minded. As of yet, I have not seen anything and hence requires no response. No wonder you and company have taken ¾ of the thread space just trying to justify your lame and baseless arguments without any success. You and like minded have not even were able to convince majority members of this forum less changing things in Pakistan. Good luck! Just remember majority rules and people of Pakistan have spoken (right or wrong).

This is a pretty obvious trend by multiple posters that support bigotry and discrimination in Pakistan - when you have no response to the arguments made against the black laws against Ahmadis....

OK! Show me in my post where did I support bigotry and discrimination? Any proof or you just ranting and generalizing? I wish if I could say the same;” ranting will get you banned".

On the side note:

This is supposed to be a defense forum but has turned into a gossip and Islam bashing board. The duty of a Mod is to monitor the forum for quality and its content and not to take sides and indulge in controversial debates. But guess what, some of them are heavily involved in debating and taking sides instead of being fair and impartial. Some members, especially one of the females from Islamabad, continue to use vulgar language and profanity without even being checked. And hence, the quality of this forum is deteriorating everyday. On one side, some Mods have the odyssey to act like a champion for the rights of minorities but then at the same time they are violating the rights of majority members of this forum by not catering to their calls which is no less than, in my opinion, a dictatorship.

It’s about time that you first set an example to be fair and impartial on this forum and respect the calls of majority before fighting for the rights of minorities.
talking about discriminatory laws which do not allow a particular group of people to:

1. Preach their belief.
2. Call themselves a Muslim.
3. Recite Holy Quran.
4. Say Muslim salutation "Aasalam-o-Alaikum".
5. Recite "Kalima Tayyeba" i.e. There is no one worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is His Prophet.
6. Call for Prayers (Adhan).
7. Call their places of worship as "Masjid".
8. Cannot posses anything (badge/book etc.) on which Quranic Verses or Ahadith (sayings of Prophet Mohammad [peace be upon him]) are printed.
9. Act or pose like a Muslim

is not Islam Bashing, for goodness sake

Its the Violation of basic rights
If discriminatory laws against so called Muslims are passed(Stopping students from praying in Schools,banning veil), then there is huge hue & cry about Islamphobia, Denial of Islamic Glory & all, but if Muslims pass discriminatory laws against particular group of people then its not 'bad' at all

This is called hypocrisy & is against the basic Islamic tenets of Freedom of Faith & Tolerance & existence of these discriminatory laws will ensure that there is not faith tolerant society in Pakistan
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Blackblood seems like perfect case of brainwashed creation of Zia's time, first of the so called Ahmadi Links you are providing are a separate Ahmadi group, I just saw on Wikipedia that they are the Lahore Ahmadiyya group which is separate from the main body, so them calling others kaffir and what not cannot be claimed to be the belief of all.

As for the other images you are posting and this urdu newspapers and books, do you know what kind of garbage is made up in these. Some are altered to suit the likings of these Islamic groups, I want proof from credible sources, not some clippings from sites which are ckearly run by Islamic parties and we all know they are biased in all their views.

Someone told me to only provide links to neutral sites, you should do the same. As for what they say or not, it should not matter to you, if a so called cleric in Saudi Arabia can ask for breast feeding in work places, it does not mean that we have to follow it.

Please go enjoy some milk and then come back with credible links and not those religious parties use to so read sectarian violence, I have read some of the most despicable things against other sects written in these papers.

We are discussing rights not religious belief of different groups.
a simple question here should be if BOURIs and AGHA KHANIs are allowed to practice there faith without a problem then why are the AHMEDIs side lined??

if you disagree with there beliefs PRAY for them!!! not KILL THEM & OPPRESS them that will not get them to like you or anything.

Whatever i have posted belongs to"Ahmadis" not "Lahoris" i know the difference between them but many may not.

Stop telling me that i am brainwashed or whatever i dont get personal with you. if you have got credentials to Prove that what i have posted is not written by Mirza then bring them forward or either keep it shut or i would have to speak webbie about it.

You are no body to judge what is being discussed neither you can restrict my posts , i will post whatever i think is relevant and sheds light at the core of the problem , its not your damn business.

Whatever i have posted belongs to"Ahmadis" not "Lahoris" i know the difference between them but many may not.

Stop telling me that i am brainwashed or whatever i dont get personal with you if your credentials to Prove that what i have posted is not written by Mirza then bring them forward or either keep it shut or i would have to speak webbie about it.

You are no body to judge what is being discussed neither you can restrict my posts , i will post whatever i think is relevant and sheds light at the core of the problem , its not your damn business.

It is my damn business to tell you to stop going off topic when you continue to discuss religious topics in regards to Ahmadies repeatedly and then produce all these 'evidence' just so you can malign a whole group.

We are just discussing the rights that the state should allow but you continue to provide things related to faith and the so called official websites you posted are of the Lahore group.

This website you listed as an Ahmadi source is in fact the Lahori group:

The Lahore Ahmadiyya Islamic Movement

Qadianis declare other Muslims as kafir

You continue to post this and list is as an Ahmadi source, its like me producing Agha Khani websites as proof of all Shia thought.

Watch your damn language too, you continue to post topics against many groups making us all look bad, you need to differentiate between people and stop being so bigoted here.

You can also take this up with anyone you want to because it is you who continues to go off topic and argue for things that are not required.

I also do not care what someone wrote or said as I have other things to do in my life, it does not change my faith or thinking if someone says something.

Discuss the rights of this particular minority only in this thread not a competition of faiths.
It seems someone got really flunked and is out of options :coffee:
talking about discriminatory laws which do not allow a particular group of people to:

1. Preach their belief.
2. Call themselves a Muslim.
3. Recite Holy Quran.
4. Say Muslim salutation "Aasalam-o-Alaikum".
5. Recite "Kalima Tayyeba" i.e. There is no one worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is His Prophet.
6. Call for Prayers (Adhan).
7. Call their places of worship as "Masjid".
8. Cannot posses anything (badge/book etc.) on which Quranic Verses or Ahadith (sayings of Prophet Mohammad [peace be upon him]) are printed.
9. Act or pose like a Muslim

1. Discriminatory

2. Not Discriminatory

3. Discriminatory

4. Discriminatory

5. Discriminatory

6. Shouldnt be allowed

7. Shouldnt be allowed

8. Discriminatory

9. ACT is Mulsim we dont have a problem, POSING - Yes we have a problem.
1. Discriminatory

2. Not Discriminatory

3. Discriminatory

4. Discriminatory

5. Discriminatory

6. Shouldnt be allowed

7. Shouldnt be allowed

8. Discriminatory

9. ACT is Mulsim we dont have a problem, POSING - Yes we have a problem.

People have problem understanding this one and only issue.
They want to discuss what is being done to ahmadis but they dont wana get into why did it started and how it can be stopped :P

Its funny the way this world works these days:coffee:
They want to discuss what is being done to ahmadis but they dont wana get into why did it started and how it can be stopped :P

Its funny the way this world works these days:coffee:

We are pretty much discussing by what means it can be stopped.
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