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Ahmadi doctor killed in Chenab Nagar

What a joke this country has been made. The sad part is the 99% majority who supports peace & wanna live with peace is quiet waiting for their turn to die. Pakistan truly needs a revolution to flush out extremists, traitors, politicians, feudal, terrorists, media thugs etc.

Huzoor i am from that God forsaken district. It hurts me more than anyone else to see these Islamofascists roaming like wild dogs and biting people.

Why don't you do something? People need to act on their own as law enforcers have no control.
Extra judicial killings, should not happen irrespective of who is involved! The protection of minorities is guaranteed in the constitution. The Govt isn't doing jack about it & that is truly a shame!
I don't get you guys... 99% of you who feign outrage, are okay with religion based terrorists groups when they attack outsiders...

.you have created this monster and such things will continue - especially in this case where your constitution says ahmadis are lesser people... think about it- you have singled them out in your constitution as not being muslims and called it a crime if they do... what do you then think the result would be for those folks in a muslim country?
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I don't get you guys... 99% of you who feign outrage, are okay with religion based terrorists groups when they attack outsiders...

.you have created this monster and such things will continue - especially in this case where your constitution says ahamedis are lesser people...
Please name those 99%. Thanks!

Don't mus-quote / misconstrue our constitution! It doesn't say they are lesser people. It just says, they follow a different religion, thats all!
Please name those 99%. Thanks!

besides Vcheng let me know which among you are not gleeful or in denial about 26/11 , in denial about " religious fanatical " groups funded and trained in pakistan to attack americans in afghanistan...
besides Vcheng let me know which among you are not gleeful or in denial about 26/11 , in denial about " religious fanatical " groups funded and trained in pakistan to attack americans in afghanistan...
Your own CBI admitted to 26/11 being false flag so what are you talking about? Secondly, you can howl all you want, but you didn't name any members!! Thirdly, provide evidence for your baseless claims otherwise keep quite.
Don't mus-quote / misconstrue our constitution! It doesn't say they are lesser people. It just says, they follow a different religion, thats all!

any person with average intelligence will read between the lines... you have singled them out for attention. What do you think would happen, when you live in a country where your own govt singles a group out as their religious belief being false?

i.e.what do you then think will happen to the ahmadis, in that country where the constitution and fiber of the country is based on the muslim identity and they are effectively called false followers?

Your own CBI admitted to 26/11 being false flag so what are you talking about? Secondly, you can howl all you want, but you didn't name any members!! Thirdly, provide evidence for your baseless claims otherwise keep quite.

There you go proof positive of what I mean... you come with rubbish like CBI called it a false flag... denial, conspiracies , excuses .
Then you wonder why...

This will be a never ending saga going forward- till you get rid of your conspiracies and face up to the facts.

I'm not saying this to you to make you angry--- I'm just speaking the truth ....of what you must realize before things change

I told you the 99% of who posted here ( pakistanis), I don't have to name them. it is pretty logical to assume whom there are ( includes you)
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any person with average intelligence will read between the lines... you have singled them out for attention. What do you think would happen, when you live in country where your own govt singles a group out as their religious belief being false?

what do you then think will happen to the ahmadis, in that country where the constitution and fiber of the country is based on the muslim identity and they are effectively called false followers?

There you go proof positive of what mean... you come with rubbish like CBI called it a false flag... denial, conspiracies , excuses .
Then you wonder why...

Speak English, your ramblings are incomprehensible! Meanwhile read what an undersecretary of the Home ministry testified to!

R V S Mani, who as home ministry under-secretary signed the affidavits submitted in court in the alleged encounter case, has said that Satish Verma, until recently a part of the CBI-SIT probe team, told him that both the terror attacks were set up "with the objective of strengthening the counter-terror legislation (sic)".
Govt behind Parliament attack, 26/11: Ishrat probe officer - The Times of India

Now keep quite and quit derailing the thread with your nonsense!

I'm not saying this to you to make you angry--- I'm just speaking the truth ....of what you must realize before things change

I told you 99% of who posted here ( pakistanis), I don't have to name them. it pretty logical to assume whom there are ( includes you)

The truth and you don't go together! Quit talking crap! Crap pay yaad aya, Forget changing us, go change the fact that you are the country who defecates the most in the open, on planet earth, more than 600m+ people. NO OTHER COUNTRY DOES THAT!

Secondly when you can't name people, don't talk nonsense! Quote me, when did I ever support the BS that you are spewing?
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Speak English, your ramblings are incomprehensible! Meanwhile read what an undersecretary of the Home ministry testified to!

R V S Mani, who as home ministry under-secretary signed the affidavits submitted in court in the alleged encounter case, has said that Satish Verma, until recently a part of the CBI-SIT probe team, told him that both the terror attacks were set up "with the objective of strengthening the counter-terror legislation (sic)".
Govt behind Parliament attack, 26/11: Ishrat probe officer - The Times of India

Now keep quite and quit derailing the thread with your nonsense!

I can't dumb down my english and my writing to your level...if you can't comprehend it , its all you.

You show me an article of one obscure claim made by one person. Even while your own govt fessed up that kasab is from pakistan... and then you are holding on to some fellas claim and ignoring the overwhelming evidence to the contrary on others.

I bet you think 911 was an inside job too..

I'm not derailing the thread my man- I am simply showing you that when you excuse behaviour on " some stuff" from these religious fanatics or look for conspiracies to deny their behaviour... such things will happen ...
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I can't dumb down my english and writing to your level...if you can't comprehend it all you.

You show me an article of one obscure claim made one person. Even while your own govt fessed up that kasab is from pakistan... you are holding on to some fellas claim and ignoring the overwhelming evidence to the contrary on others.

I bet you think 911 was an inside job too..

You don't need to dumb down anything, you showed everyone who is what ,when you said the following in post# 55

There you go proof positive of what mean......

This is called GIBBERISH NOT ENGLISH. Now shoo go away! Go talk your gibberish crap somewhere else!

@Manticore @Emmie @Jungibaaz This thread needs some serious cleaning. Thanks!
You don't need to dumb down anything, you showed everyone who is what ,when you said the following in post# 55

This is called GIBBERISH NOT ENGLISH. Now shoo go away! Go talk your gibberish crap somewhere else!

@Manticore @Emmie @Jungibaaz This thread needs some serious cleaning. Thanks!

ah , so you caught some of my typos( which I corrected ), congrats. It is not easy to type on a phone. But what about the substance? your substance is same old anger filled conspiracies..

The truth and you don't go together! Quit talking crap! Crap pay yaad aya, Forget changing us, go change the fact that you are the country who defecates the most in the open, on planet earth, more than 600m+ people. NO OTHER COUNTRY DOES THAT!

Btw - if you are going to complain about typos or grammar, you should check yours, quote " you are the country who defecates the most in the open"

A country can't defecate , people can :)
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Your own CBI admitted to 26/11 being false flag so what are you talking about? Secondly, you can howl all you want, but you didn't name any members!! Thirdly, provide evidence for your baseless claims otherwise keep quite.

Please provide a link for that ludicrous claim. Or apologize for lying.
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