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Ahmadi doctor killed in Chenab Nagar

I gone past the stage of grief and anger

they lie, they use deceit and all sick methods to cause death and misery and in case you didnt know they even justify rapping as well. in Syria, in tribal areas and in Africa as well.

for them no one is Muslim but them so everyone is legitimate target. they even attacked Masjid haram and assassinated our 4th Caliph, do you know they declared him Kafir as well?

coming back to current day Pakistan. all I can say is
Allah ki nagari may dair hay andhair nahi

whenever army kills these pests in operations. bastardised media and some political parties start bitching over collateral damage and our judiciary has been identified as the biggest reason for repeat terrorism it has freed 3 out of 4 terrorists immediately whenever thy were brought in front of it. the one that have been imprisoned pending trials have never been convicted and have either escaped in jail breaks or are being freed in the name of "missing persons"
The three are other points to add into post 28
Jang has also reported the news. The doctor name is mehdi hassan by their news piece.
Just another day in Pakistan where killing minorities has become a sport!

Punjabi saying goes like this 'Lakh di Lanat' for bafoons like these pseudo islamic thugs!

They are most likely dunyawi thugs out to profit from religion. Pretenders called munafiqs, Doesn't make them Islamic though

Pakistan needs a Lenin or trotsky or ataturk . Or else pakistan will balkanize thanks to the sectarianism of the 72 sects of Islam.

@Jaanbaz @Pakistani Exile

stupid Indians. Lenin, troitsky, and atatuk CAUSED balkanization

like modi will do to india in he future

All this happens because of Brainwashed Molvis brainwashing others. Very sad Indeed! And now look at Our beloved Nabi S.A.W has to say: "The Companions were talking about Malik ibn Dukhshum, and they wished that the Prophet -- Allah bless and greet him -- would curse him so that he should die or meet some calamity. The Prophet -- Allah bless and greet him -- said: "Does Malik ibn Dukhshum not testify to the fact that there is no god but Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah?" They said: "Yes, he no doubt says this but it is not in his heart." The Prophet -- Allah bless and greet him -- replied: "No-one ever witnesses that there is no god but Allah and that I am Allah's Messenger and then enters the Fire nor is consumed by it." Anas said: "This hadith impressed me so much that I ordered my son to write it down and he did."

only ahmadi murders are highlighted. Not really any news regarding the much higher number of murders of deobandis, barelvis, ahle hadith, and of course shia

it is not true that debandi / wahabis doctors aren't killed eithr, or their molvies aren't shot either.

This is just a reflection of no rule of law in Pakistan. The police and politicians are corrupt, and corrupt molvis jump onto the same wagon
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They are most likely dunyawi thugs out to profit from religion. Pretenders called munafiqs, Doesn't make them Islamic though

stupid Indians. Lenin, troitsky, and atatuk CAUSED balkanization

like modi will do to india in he future

only ahmadi murders are highlighted. Not really any news regarding the much higher number of murders of deobandis, barelvis, ahle hadith, and of course shia

it is not true that debandi / wahabis doctors aren't killed eithr, or their molvies aren't shot either.

This is just a reflection of no rule of law in Pakistan. The police and politicians are corrupt, and corrupt molvis jump onto the same wagon
I agree and I would also like add that we the people need to change ourselves and the system as well because our leaders comes from within us and if any one of us got the opportunity he/she will act the same way as these people
One of the greatest minds human civilisation had produced has been lost. Collective loss of humanity. May REASON bless us. !
Seriously there should be a major scale un-brainwashing people to stop such stupidity!

Understand that it cant be un-done . The ideology of hatred and extremism has rooted itself deep into the society . Say All Hail to the Commander of the Faithful Zia-ul-Haq's radicalization of the otherwise tolerant and moderate society .

Just another day in Pakistan where killing minorities has become a sport!

Punjabi saying goes like this 'Lakh di Lanat' for bafoons like these pseudo islamic thugs!

The saying has become " chalo koi gal nhi " , now . You have been absent from this country for long , mon fraire . The ground situation is worsening day by day . Indifference and apathy is the order of the day for the masses .
it was a very stupid act who ever did this... every day many Pakistanis got killed in target killings ,crimes and terrorism...Soldiers and officers are giving their lives , nobody cares as if it is a routine and we are used to it...
Understand that it cant be un-done . The ideology of hatred and extremism has rooted itself deep into the society . Say All Hail to the Commander of the Faithful Zia-ul-Haq's radicalization of the otherwise tolerant and moderate society .

The saying has become " chalo koi gal nhi " , now . You have been absent from this country for long , mon fraire . The ground situation is worsening day by day . Indifference and apathy is the order of the day for the masses .

Huzoor i am from that God forsaken district. It hurts me more than anyone else to see these Islamofascists roaming like wild dogs and biting people.
Huzoor i am from that God forsaken district. It hurts me more than anyone else to see these Islamofascists roaming like wild dogs and biting people.

Cant do anything , mate . Seriously , this is a hopeless situation - one that may already be past the point of no return . When you have masses that extreme , people glorifying murderers and terrorists and trying to dig a hole in the ground and go further down ( when the traditional wisdom says that when we are down , the only way is up ) , God's viceroys and his Little Angels wrecking havoc and blowing themselves up and an indecisive leadership , expect no good .
Huzoor i am from that God forsaken district. It hurts me more than anyone else to see these Islamofascists roaming like wild dogs and biting people.

here is a lead may be you can forward it to the police , they were openly threatening him

If he was a cardiac surgeon, he had in all probability already done more good for humanity than all these religious fanatics and their mullahs put together. It's an unfortunate reality of the world, that primitive, tribalistic, hate filled, unaccomplished losers can end the lives of people infinitely better than themselves.

Sorry doctor, maybe this world was not good enough for the likes of you. Barbarians with guns are more suitable for this world.
If he was a cardiac surgeon, he had in all probability already done more good for humanity than all these religious fanatics and their mullahs put together. It's an unfortunate reality of the world, that primitive, tribalistic, hate filled, unaccomplished losers can end the lives of people infinitely better than themselves.

Sorry doctor, maybe this world was not good enough for the likes of you. Barbarians with guns are more suitable for this world.

no one knows who did this...it could be a family or land dispute ...
no one knows who did this...it could be a family or land dispute ...
Well the OP (first post in the thread) states that it happened because of his religious beliefs, so I went by that when I made my post.

If it happened because of other reasons, then it is still unfortunate and condemnable, because nobody should shoot another person for familial or land disputes - there are law courts for such issues.
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