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Ah....The reason why Uncle SAM is whining.


Jun 28, 2010
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Hot political summer as China throttles rare metal supply and claims South China Sea
Hot political summer as China throttles rare metal supply and claims South China Sea - Telegraph

Cutting-edge weapon technologies are classified, but the GAO said the M1A2 Abrams tank and the Aegis Spy-1 radar both rely on chinese samarium. The US Navy's DDG-51 Hybrid Electric Drive Ship needs neodymium, which enhances the power of magnets at high heat. The Hell Fire missile requires Chinese components, as do a host of functions in satellites, avionics, night vision equipment, and precision-guided munitions.

Some of the metals such as terbium, dysprosium, thulium, and lutetium, europium, cerium, and lanthanum are more important than others, but crudely speaking they are the salt of life for the high-tech revolution -- sprinkled in iPads, Blackberries, plasma TVs, water filters, or lasers.

Each Toyota Prius uses a fistful of rare earth elements, which is why Toyota has purchased the rear metals dealer Wako Bussan. Cerium is used in catalytic converters for diesel engines. Terbium is key for low-energy light-bulbs that cut power costs by 40pc. Neodymium is used in hard-disk drives, wind turbines, and the electric motors of hybrid cars. Fresh research in Tokyo shows that rare metals can cut friction on power lines, slashing leakage.

Countries that cannot obtain these minerals --at any price – will not play much part in the technology revolution.

Japan already has a "Strategy for Ensuring Stable Supplies of Rare Metals". Japanese companies have been stockpiling feverishly for the last five years -- which may be one reason why China decided to cut off supplies. The West has been caught off guard.

If China cuts off Rare Earth supply to the West (USA in particular) then USA can no longer threaten China will all those "awesome" weapons. USA has recently been bullying China will all the military drill right next to China's coast line with Tomahawk cruise missiles and Aircraft carriers , F35 etc etc

If the Arab World cut off oil supply to USA then all those American fight Jet, War ship etc etc will just be sitting in the garage.

If China cuts off Rare Earth supply to the West (USA in particular) then USA can no longer threaten China will all those "awesome" weapons. USA has recently been bullying China will all the military drill right next to China's coast line with Tomahawk cruise missiles and Aircraft carriers , F35 etc etc

If the Arab World cut off oil supply to USA then all those American fight Jet, War ship etc etc will just be sitting in the garage.


Only IF things were that simple...World does not function in the IF ways you have mentioned...
If China cuts off Rare Earth supply to the West (USA in particular) then USA can no longer threaten China will all those "awesome" weapons. USA has recently been bullying China will all the military drill right next to China's coast line with Tomahawk cruise missiles and Aircraft carriers , F35 etc etc

If the Arab World cut off oil supply to USA then all those American fight Jet, War ship etc etc will just be sitting in the garage.


the arabs will just drink oil if they at all manage to do something like this :D
Of course it is not that simple because even before the Arabs or China can do anything....the USA will nuke the hell out of them.

Now Mr Sam bow down to Uncle Mao nicely and say sorry. :rofl:
If China cuts off Rare Earth supply to the West (USA in particular) then USA can no longer threaten China will all those "awesome" weapons. USA has recently been bullying China will all the military drill right next to China's coast line with Tomahawk cruise missiles and Aircraft carriers , F35 etc etc

If the Arab World cut off oil supply to USA then all those American fight Jet, War ship etc etc will just be sitting in the garage.


The US and other countries (save Japan maybe) actually have their own rare earth mineral sources except they are not as abundant as China and they have not actually developed to mine the minerals as China supplies it below the cost of mining it. I doubt it would send any panic messages but it would cause some concerns.
The US and other countries (save Japan maybe) actually have their own rare earth mineral sources except they are not as abundant as China and they have not actually developed to mine the minerals as China supplies it below the cost of mining it. I doubt it would send any panic messages but it would cause some concerns.

US itself was the biggest producer of rare earth metals before China came into play. So it will not be a panic, however if China had not flooded the market wit its abundant supplies, everyone will not be able to enjoy those hi-tech toys with cheap price.

Chinese Production of Rare Earths: The Real Crisis

by Jack Lifton on June 4, 2010 · 12 comments

in China,Rare Earths
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The Chinese rare earth mining industry has angered the officials of the Chinese government in charge of meeting the environmental requirements of the current five-year plan. Of this we can be certain from the number of breathless stories now proliferating on the Web.

I only urge those of you who are still rational to note that the issue for the rare earth industry, as with every other “smokestack” industry in the People’s Republic of China, is to operate in such a way as to ensure that energy intensity – the amount of energy used per unit of production – goes down, not up, as it has been doing lately in the reversal of a long term trend. The lessening of efficiency and productivity indicated by the rise in energy intensity has embarrassed the Chinese government, which pledged to reduce carbon emissions per capita through raising energy use efficiency and thus lowering energy intensity by the end of the 2006-2010 five year plan to a level at or below those in 2005. Note that the source of 87% of China’s energy is coal.

This “embarrassment” is the driver for the State Council’s fury at the rare earth mining industry, which allowed Western reporters to see the devastation from environmental disregard and rogue (illegal) mining and smuggling of goods.

NOTE: The Chinese government can only insure that it gets reliable data on such topics as energy intensity, from closely monitored large state owned and run operations. So figure out for yourself why this might cause a “restructuring” of a notoriously opaque industry.

The so-called emphasis on the Sichuan rare earth production from the “ionic clays” is a direct result of China’s governmental worries about pollution impacting efficiency, health, and safety.

You won’t have seen many photos of Sichuan located rare earth “mining operations” that were taken in the last 20 years or so. Why? These operations were of the open above ground acid leach type and are said to have had devastating effects on the local ecology and ruined actual or potential farmland in a country where agriculture is a critical industry.

Remember that China imported grain from the USA as recently as last month (May) due to the drought and “other conditions” in China.

Rare earths are nowhere near as important to the China State Council as they are to Western stock promoters, trying their P.T. Barnum Best to get us alarmed over a non-existent direct threat, from a battered industry in a country trying to raise its standard of living and meet stated national economic goals.

China is not the USA. China’s central government is embarrassed when its planned economic advances are not on track; it doesn’t seem to blame its shortfalls on a US conspiracy to deprive China of domestic economic progress.

China, like the USA today, apparently, believes in strong central government ensuring the health, safety, and well being of its citizens. The difference is that China’s one party rule allows decisions to be made for any and all industry, which, “private” or public, must follow the rules and attain the goals set by the State Council. China’s state councilors are notably better educated and informed than their American counterparts, and clearly do not seem to simply follow industry advice given at lavish dinners and on expensive fact finding missions to beautiful beaches, to discuss mining issues.

I wonder if any of the punditry on rare earths can even imagine a Western government that asks reasonable questions of a natural resource industry, and then having received answers, makes decisions on the allowable operations of that industry based on a pre-determined set of national economic and political goals.

This bulls*** about the threat from China or the sinister machinations of the China State Council is of the same type as the commentary by those who read defense contingency plans, and write headlines shouting “US has Plan to Attack Canada!”

It is clear that China is trying to minimize environmental damage where it can without disrupting the general economy.

The Chinese rare earth industry is part of a larger supply chain that ends, in China, in a large number of end use technology products for both domestic use and export. Thus the production of rare earths cannot be slowed down, much less stopped, without negatively impacting the general economy.

It is because of its, the rare earth production industries’ critical spot in the supply chain for so many goods, that China is regulating it rather than just shutting it down for environmental remediation.

China’s government believes in direct central control of the economy; that is in fact its central philosophy of the correct path to the betterment of mankind. Therefore the Chinese government will do whatever it can to minimize a negative effect on the central economy by a rogue or misguided industry.

This is accomplished by putting direct control of that industry into the hands of state corporations reporting to officials in Beijing who are directly responsible for meeting goals and who, in Beijing, have the power and authority to shut down state industries or to change managers.

Any capitalist would agree that this is the best way to manage a business: by setting goals and judging managers by performance to objective. It is also obviously a test of the goals themselves, but that is a political not wholly an economic issue.

As for prices: I have said before, and I will say it again. “Private” industry in China has been keeping the prices of the rare earths low by fierce competition without regard for environmental or efficiency standards. The central government has two fears:

1. INFLATION of commodity prices,
2. CURRENCY APPRECIATION without government sanction.

The rare earths are clearly due for a price correction.

Competition is the life blood of free market capitalism I am told by Larry Kudlow and lesser lights in the firmament of punditry on that topic.

So, I recommend to all of the institutional investors reading this that they take a hard look at the non-Chinese rare earth mining opportunities, and to use whatever fantasy price increases come out of learned reports and surveys in the near term to assess their risk of making/losing money by investing in a rare earth mining venture.

Then they need to take a hard look with a laser up the you-know-what of the management, of their choices from the above to weed out the grossly incompetent from the just plain incompetent. Then the institutional investors can place financial MANAGEMENT SUPERINTENDING PERSONNEL WHEREVER THEY INVEST.

Then they need to GO TO China and Japan to round up end use customers for the short term as well as the long term.

Then they can securitize the off-takes from the chosen mines and sell them to the end use customers, or speculators, or stockpile agents, everywhere to distribute the risk of non-performance.

And then… the world can go on to the next rare metals supply crisis.
Chinese Production of Rare Earths: The Real Crisis ? Technology Metals Research
there are other countries that have rare earth minerals and simply have not developed mining them. Canada and Australia have a huge amount of untapped rare earth minerals. But as another poster stated why mine them when China sales them so cheap?
The West wants China to continue to be the sucker supplying them Rare Earth at rock bottom price. The cost of mining Rare Earth is really high and the pollutions from the mining process does very big damage to the environment. Who cares if many Chinese people die because of the pollution as long as the people dying are not white Caucasians.
<USA has recently been bullying China will all the military drill right next to China's coast line with Tomahawk cruise missiles and Aircraft carriers , F35 etc etc>

Dude, in the Sea of Japan.

<Of course it is not that simple because even before the Arabs or China can do anything....the USA will nuke the hell out of them.


I hope you were not under the influence of hashish or cocaine when you made the statement above.

Maybe nuke the Arabs but not China.

NOTE: The US did coerce the Arabs to sell its oil during the Arab Oil Embargo. It was needed to supply the oil for South Vietnamese military or military operations in SEA.

<white Caucasians.>

Is there non-white caucasian? Need clarification!!!

<The West wants China to continue to be the sucker supplying them Rare Earth at rock bottom price. >

Do you really think China is that stupid? Never forget the concept of Yin and Yang.
Man do you have any basic idea of arab countries oil & US? other then Iran all other arab countries sell oil for US $ not there own currency, this helps keep the $ strong. All the oil money is then invested in US economy by the arab royals, so if the US economy goes so will the royal wealth, their interests are inter connected to make sure they dont go out of line to harm US. During the embargo by King Faisal of KSA the US was fighting the Vietnam and was having oil shortage for its jets over there so it was decided that if need be US should attack and take control of the major oil fields in eastern Saudi Arabia, the whole thing was planned and this all is revealed in a documentry House of Saud. The US generals who made the attack plans and the Us embassador to KSA confirmed this on video. So stop your day dreaming of Oil embargo by Arabs on USA.
there are other countries that have rare earth minerals and simply have not developed mining them. Canada and Australia have a huge amount of untapped rare earth minerals. But as another poster stated why mine them when China sales them so cheap?

Because if 92&#37; of the world's rare earths were shunned to the United States, the residual 8% would result in an inevitable price hike in most of everything that use electricity, which in turn will destroy the American economy. Notwithstanding, countries in possession of the remaining reserves would be reluctant to export them, speculating on the pricing prospects ahead. Japan is not a large military hardware producer; it's building reserves to epitomize this very scenario. In a similar sense, military powers without such minerals would be racing to build reserves for military use, which exacerbates the situation.

It's basically like cutting China off from 92% of the world's oil. Of course, there'd be 8% left, but the demand would be much greater than the supply.
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Because if 92&#37; of the world's rare earths were shunned to the United States, the residual 8% would result in an inevitable price hike in most of everything that use electricity, which in turn will destroy the American economy. Notwithstanding, countries in possession of the remaining reserves would be reluctant to export them, speculating on the pricing prospects ahead. Japan is not a large military hardware producer; it's building reserves to epitomize this very scenario. In a similar sense, military powers without such minerals would be racing to build reserves for military use, which exacerbates the situation.

It's basically like cutting China off from 92% of the world's oil. Of course, there'd be 8% left, but the demand would be much greater than the supply.

It's a good thing then that China doesn't hold anywhere near 92% of the worlds supply then isn't. Though it may hold the largest developed mines. It wouldn't take long under a supply cut off to get new mines up and running. Though in the short term it would be painful for the world economy including China's. In the long term it would undercut China's position world wide. Which is precisely why China won't cut off supplies completely. They will reduce supplies to drive up prices but only to a point. At some point it hurts them just as much.

I understand emotionally many here would love to see such things like a cut off of supplies. Or anything that in your view would show up the U.S.. But you need to differentiate between your fantasy of the U.S. getting it's proverbial "come upping" and the realities of worlds economy and politics.
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It's a good thing then that China doesn't hold anywhere near 92&#37; of the worlds supply then isn't. Though it may hold the largest developed mines. It wouldn't take long under a supply cut off to get new mines up and running. Though in the short term it would be painful for the world economy including China's. In the long term it would undercut China's position world wide. Which is precisely why China won't cut off supplies completely. They will reduce supplies to drive up prices but only to a point. At some point it hurts them just as much.

I understand emotionally many here would love to see such things like a cut off of supplies. Or anything that in your view would show up the U.S.. But you need to differentiate between your fantasy of the U.S. getting it's proverbial "come upping" and the realities of worlds economy and politics.
Completely on own point of view advocated
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