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Agni-VI to have longer reach (10,000 km)

for now,instead of working on more longer range missile we should work on having advance mirv srbm,mrbm,irbm to make them uninterceptable with 100% hit success as now we have whole of china covered with agni 5
i have a question..normally how many warheads does a mirved ICBM carries?

Solid-fuel missiles 1-10 warheads, but more warheads (several hundred kg's each) means less range. Chinese DF-31 probably carries a single 150-600kt warhead or three 90-150kt warheads, Agni V will be probably quite similar but with it's warheads having smaller yields.

The final test series concluded in the spring and summer of 1996. According to Japanese government sources (reported in Nihon Keizai Shimbun), the penultimate underground Chinese nuclear test on 8 June 1996 (calculated at 20 to 80 kilotons) was actually a simultaneous detonation of multiple warheads (a common practice by both the U.S. and USSR). It was said to be part of a program to produce smaller warheads for submarine-launched and multiple-targeted missiles. Overall, the yields since 1990 have suggested that two warheads have been in development: one in the 100-300 kt range, and one in the 600-700 kt range.

China's last nuclear test was detonated at 0149 GMT (9:49 p.m. EDT) on 29 July 1996. According to the Australia Geological Survey Organization in Canberra its yield was 1 to 5 kilotons, with a seismic magnitude of Mb 4.3. This was China's 45th test, and its 22nd underground one.

It is believed that with the conclusion of this series, China has completed development of a range of warheads similar to the state of the art weapons developed by the other major nuclear powers. These would be miniaturized hardened thermonuclear warheads with yields in the tens to hundreds of kilotons, as well as warheads with variable yield options, and enhanced radiation ("neutron bomb") warhead.
China's Nuclear Weapons
i guess put agni 6 on hold. there is reason why indian scientists are soo happy abt this missile, more than even agni 3 although it hit 90% china.

that is agni 3 had max height of only 400km, while agni 5 is 800-1200km. now we have to destroy something at that height, it will prove both asat and midcourse abm capability.

india has been doing a lot of :blah: about asat and midcourse for last 3 yrs, i guess this was the time they were waiting for.

china's asat test was done at 860km. this missile way goes beyond that. seekers and guidence has already been developed by pad and aad.

and inrecent interview Mr saraswat said that this missile will destroy satellites in future. here is the link:
Agni V, India's first ICBM, successfully test-fired
We should go for 8000KM range land based BMs and 8000Km SLBMs... what is now needed is an SLBM with more range.. I hope K4 fructifies soon :)
You are right... It's a good achievement but at the same time we should not overhype it as well.
Congrats to DRDO for this achievement but dont stop it here and relax for another 10 yrs...... We would expect more innovation from our huge scientific community... Agni V is good by not sufficient....
Good achivement by India, but let's not go crazy here.
As per the threat perception, India has its enemies covered :tup:

As per Dr. Saraswat statement, if the threat perception increases we will go for the kill! I think we should keep it there.

DRDO should now seriously focus of developing a 100% error free Missile defence shield for India :tup:

Our missiles should destroy rougue missiles coming into our hoemland even beofre they enter our airspace :tup:

that should be our next target :cheers:
Wow amazing....Missile having potential to launch mini satellites at short notice and having the potential to take down hostile enemy satellites has huge advantages , wish to see DRDO achieve that , good luck to them !!!:smitten:
that is agni 3 had max height of only 400km, while agni 5 is 800-1200km. now we have to destroy something at that height, it will prove both asat and midcourse abm capability.
ASAT capability was achieved before A5. A4 is also capable of ASAT technology. A5 is a very advanced missile and features a lot of new technologies...This concept of quick launch of nano and mini military satellites is a great concept...
i have a question..normally how many warheads does a mirved ICBM carries?

It varries to a great deal. Take Broccoli's words for that. Coming to Agni-5, it would have numerous MIRV configurations that range from a minimum of 2 warheads to a maximum of 13. The Agni-III would be implemented first with these 13-warhead MIRVs and then the same can be put on Agni-5.

Different configurations of MIRVs for A3+ (save on your comp. and zoom in for better view) -
we should be very careful..because when we test a missile with range of 10000 km (or more),they world and many friendly countries may be feel uncomfortable..and it may make us a potential target of US (just like China)..we should be better off this missile for few more years..

We need this missile coz That will help us in developing a SLBM with more range which is prudent for second strike capability ...with this we could be far in away SCS and Indian ocean still maintain effective deterence patrol ..:D
A longer range variant of K4 will be just perfect.

However, we must also develop land based missiles upto 10000/12000 kms range.
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