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Agni-VI to have longer reach (10,000 km)

what are we gonna do with AGNI-VI???...............bomb Pakistan from south pole????:P
what are we gonna do with AGNI-VI???...............bomb Pakistan from south pole????:P

Target of depended on location from it is fired so we can cover only when we fire Agni5 from NE.

But it is quasi-ICBM, as it can hit targets in other continents, depending on the location from where it is fired.

10k not needed but we should go for 8k range missile
wow.. looks like we are going missile crazy. Then again.. good move by DRDO. Regardless whether that range of 10K is needed or not.. we do not want to be lagging behind in possessing the technology!!

We need such missiles with great ranges. The logic is that if India was nuked, in order to retialiate our misiles would have to be safe and far away from Chinese sub killers. Basically, in a sub underwater, far, far away. It makes strategic sense, it would be big blunder if we did not plan accordingly.
Ya you are dam right. Any sources for that height claim ???
Means even there is rumour that the missile was targeted to 5000 km mark deliberately. It would have travelled 6500 km if it would have allowed to do. But no concrete sources. Just rumours. But it kindda feel true. Offcourse no one will accept it

No sources which said that this was done deliberately but several defence experts on TV mentioned abt it.
It needs courage to accept the truth. However, I have not admitted the claim. I pointed out a possible reaction in case.
A simple fact, even a small reduction of about 100kg in warhead will give increased range. Btw...Agni VI is coming.

Govt will not give clearance to A6. Indian objective is clear, detterence from China. Since india and china both growing fast, china can start conflict to slow our growth.

Next step is SLBM MIRV accurate delivery. even if india get ICBM it will declare it as IRBM.
mod mod ..please show some signal that you are not biased towards indian here:taz::taz:

MODS need entertainment too( that's the reply is got from other pdf members when i said something similar to what u have said)
Govt will not give clearance to A6. Indian objective is clear, detterence from China. Since india and china both growing fast, china can start conflict to slow our growth.

Next step is SLBM MIRV accurate delivery. even if india get ICBM it will declare it as IRBM.

Some people say that about SLBMs too till they heard of K series. Everything isnt declared or told to public specially in defence field. You never know

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