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Agni-VI to have longer reach (10,000 km)


Jul 30, 2011
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While China reacted cautiously at the successful test-fire of Agni-V on Thursday, Indian scientists and engineers are now looking forward to Agni-VI, the next missile in the series that could well possess double the target range. Though the Defence Research and Development Organisation, which develops and manufactures missiles for the Indian armed forces, is yet to make an official statement on the new one in Agni series. It has announced intentions to work on missiles with a target range of 10,000 km.

Agni-V is an intermediate range ballistic missile and falls 1,000 km to 2,000 km short of being called a real Inter-Con-tinental Ballistic Missile. But it is quasi-ICBM, as it can hit targets in other continents, depending on the location from where it is fired. “We go from here to many other missiles, which will have capability for MIRV (Multi-ple Independently Targetable Re-entry Vehicle), for anti-satellite system. The new missile will also be built using this technology for launching micro-, mini and nano-satellites to meet the requirements of the Army on very, very short notice,” DRDO chief Dr V.K. Saraswat said.

Agni-V can carry up to three nuclear warheads, and officials said the next missile in the series might carry even up to 10 nuclear warheads, capable of hitting multiple targets simultaneously.

Agni-VI to have longer reach | Deccan Chronicle
Bl[i]tZ;2841489 said:
While China reacted cautiously at the successful test-fire of Agni-V on Thursday, Indian scientists and engineers are now looking forward to Agni-VI, the next missile in the series that could well possess double the target range. Though the Defence Research and Development Organisation, which develops and manufactures missiles for the Indian armed forces, is yet to make an official statement on the new one in Agni series. It has announced intentions to work on missiles with a target range of 10,000 km.

Agni-V is an intermediate range ballistic missile and falls 1,000 km to 2,000 km short of being called a real Inter-Con-tinental Ballistic Missile. But it is quasi-ICBM, as it can hit targets in other continents, depending on the location from where it is fired. “We go from here to many other missiles, which will have capability for MIRV (Multi-ple Independently Targetable Re-entry Vehicle), for anti-satellite system. The new missile will also be built using this technology for launching micro-, mini and nano-satellites to meet the requirements of the Army on very, very short notice,” DRDO chief Dr V.K. Saraswat said.

Agni-V can carry up to three nuclear warheads, and officials said the next missile in the series might carry even up to 10 nuclear warheads, capable of hitting multiple targets simultaneously.

Agni-VI to have longer reach | Deccan Chronicle

whaaaaattt???? AGNI 5 is quasii BM ??? :woot:

A quasi ballistic missile (also called a semi ballistic missile) is a category of missile that has a low trajectory and/or is largely ballistic but can perform maneuvers in flight or make unexpected changes in direction and range

Agni 5 has become the most advanced one in the whole world and one of the fastest BM!!!

Can any one put more light.. what exactly did they launch????????? :D
Good achivement by India, but let's not go crazy here.

i was talking about the term Quasi. only Russia has tested its long range Bulava for operational purpose so far I think. And is one of the most advance in the their inventory.
We dont need missile of that much range in near future so better funds and other resources should be spend on other important projects like ASAT missile
No Doubt that DRDO is well capable of making 10,000 km range missiles they can even make 15,000 km range missiles!!

But only if Gov. give clearance for rest of them.

Still waiting for Official statement from DRDO about it.
this is good news if we are able to develop a SLICBM for the new Arihant submarines this will add to our power projections not just regionally but globally.
No Doubt that DRDO is well capable of making 10,000 km range missiles they can even make 15,000 km range missiles!!

But only if Gov. give clearance for rest of them.

Still waiting for Official statement from DRDO about it.
i think it would be better if ISRO is given the charge of making such long range missiles
wow.. looks like we are going missile crazy. Then again.. good move by DRDO. Regardless whether that range of 10K is needed or not.. we do not want to be lagging behind in possessing the technology!!
i think it would be better if ISRO is given the charge of making such long range missiles

I dont think so, ISRO is totally different organisation with a totally different working/functioning and objectives.

But it's for sure that scientists from ISRO will(are helping *i guess*) help DRDO in all future and current projects. :)
we should be very careful..because when we test a missile with range of 10000 km (or more),they world and many friendly countries may be feel uncomfortable..and it may make us a potential target of US (just like China)..we should be better off this missile for few more years..
we should be very careful..because when we test a missile with range of 10000 km (or more),they world and many friendly countries may be feel uncomfortable..and it may make us a potential target of US (just like China)..we should be better off this missile for few more years..

USA is 15000km away so its ok.

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