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After Iran, Pakistan?

Interestingly, the gentlemen is stating my exact thoughts on the matter. What he has failed to include however, is once those nukes go.. India will exact its plans with a blood thirst that will make ISIS quiver.

Everything ok with you?
Interestingly, the gentlemen is stating my exact thoughts on the matter. What he has failed to include however, is once those nukes go.. India will exact its plans with a blood thirst that will make ISIS quiver.

India has no 'plans'. Between 1974 and 1999 you guys didn't have any nukes. Did we execute any 'plans' then. We think Pak can become a normal neighborly state if you guys give up the paranoia.

Everything ok with you?

The same 'wajood tasleem nahi kiya argument rehashed'
The same 'wajood tasleem nahi kiya argument rehashed'

Saw him talking weird on another thread as well, saying hindutva one day will persecute all indian muslims and then sterilize the remaining. Same would be done to christians.

He seems ill today.

@Oscar; having an attack of paranoia? Thought that you had some immunities in your physiology.

Sounding like Horus.
Saw him talking weird on another thread as well, saying hindutva one day will persecute all indian muslims and then sterilize the remaining. Same would be done to christians.

He seems ill today.

Sounding like Horus.

He is one of their smarter minds.

I think he's trolling us.

Islamism does not pay. Painfully evident worldwide to even the mentally less gifted. And Oscar is anything but.
He is one of their smarter minds.

I think he's trolling us.

Islamism does not pay. Painfully evident worldwide to even the mentally less gifted. And Oscar is anything but.

No other reason to be surprised on his posts today.
Biggest false premise of the entire article. NYT is a private newspaper that reflects the thoughts and opinions of their own writers, editorialists, and journalists, not official US policy.

I wouldn't be too sure about that. This is not only regarding the NYT or the US. The media is frequently used for political reasons by various governments around the world. Various media houses work in cooperation with governments across the world to propagate their message and stance. This is not a secret. We can never be certain whether the NYT diatribe is the official stance of the US government, but let's not be surprised if it is. After all, the official US stance would never be in favor of a nuclear Pakistan. I don't need to explain that. In other words, caution is never a bad thing. Of course they can't touch Pakistan's jugular vein. We can be rest assured. Pakistan isn't Iran. Pakistan is an established nuclear power.
He is one of their smarter minds.

I think he's trolling us.

Islamism does not pay. Painfully evident worldwide to even the mentally less gifted. And Oscar is anything but.

I see. Still looking for fights with mods on this forum?
The difference between Iran and Pakistan is that the latter has developed nuclear weapons and a robust structure to support and deliver them if need ever arises. Iran today is what Pakistan was in the 90s under severe sanctions. The difference is we survived and thrived, Iranians on the other hand had a different agenda and gave up.

So in all essence it is safe to assume that our nuclear capability is safe.
We gave up on sth we never intended to do. Lol

The deal is for 10 years and then Iran will expand the living crap outta is program.

The only thing we gave up was using 2/3rd of our centrifuges

While well make hundreds of billions of dollars from the deal

Your agenda was different than us

Also, Iran's sanctions are the harshest sanctions ever put on a country in history of mankind

Much lighter sanctions have resulted in mass loss of life, while Iranian economy continued to grow after a set back
Pakistan is the only Muslim country which has developed capability to wage nuclear war.They have developed "Islamic bomb" which is a threat to whole world unlike Israel, Indians,Russians or Americans themselves :lol:
On serious note,what so ever is reflected by writer is not a new strategy. This was aimed before as well when Iraqi nuclear reactors were bombed-Pakistan's nuclear reactors were also next in number.However,the plan was failed badly before it was even executed.
Now,despite of this fact that NY times doesn't completely represent the US policy, it does not misrepresent as well.This possibility do exists.
I believe, that yemen Arab war,Irani nuclear technology and Pakistan's possible success to gain warfare thus destroying terrorists nexus are interrelated to some extent.How?taking benefit of one situation by utilizing or exploiting it for desired purposes.
If Yemen- Arab tension increases and Pakistan will be forced to take part in it then it will become a black hole for both Iran and Pakistan.Iran will be accused for supporting houthi terrorism while Pakistan will weakened by pulling into another proxy war.
At the end of the story, both nations and Arabs will end up either by self destruction or some new terrorists figure ( fawadi, Maliki blah blah ) will be escaping from Yemen to any of these two countries as a result of which operation decisive storm or enduring freedom will be again launched ,thus accusing us to provide them safe heavens and declaring us incapable to have nuclear warheads.
But-it is just a stupid dream of theirs and it will never come true because plans are easy to make and difficult to execute. :D
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We gave up on sth we never intended to do. Lol

The deal is for 10 years and then Iran will expand the living crap outta is program.

The only thing we gave up was using 2/3rd of our centrifuges

While well make hundreds of billions of dollars from the deal

Your agenda was different than us

Also, Iran's sanctions are the harshest sanctions ever put on a country in history of mankind

Much lighter sanctions have resulted in mass loss of life, while Iranian economy continued to grow after a set back

Like i said Iran had a different agenda. I did not mean any disrespect.

The knife would be snatched and the teenager would be sent to rehabilitation center, and that would be the end of this story.

If that would have been that easy, you would have done it already.
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