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After Iran, Pakistan?

This is such a childish and stupid column and that it appeared in dawn news ,iam not much surprised.
Seriously these dawn analysis are always so...immature, stupid.
Plz stop saying we are obsessed with india. Indian ideology a BS ideology of akhand bharat and specifically the prospective massive economic growth and gainss india could reap had pakistan been its part, has never in 70 years let india sit in peace . Apparently, indian states central ideology has always revolved around capture and take over of pakistan. I know i have a thing for conspiracy theories but trust me this is true which many of u iknow agree with. When partition was taking place quaide azam had strongly asked for undivided punjab and bangladesh,but why congress had neevr agreed to it, because they had thought that by giving botched divided provinces, resources will be unevely distributed, hence at some point the deprivation will lead to us pakistan and bengal to merge bacl with india.
Ok back to original point why i find analysis childish, For GoodGod's sake Pakistan is not some usa minion that they will push through God knows what diplomatic ways to denuclearize it. And mention of indian lobby ,well yes it could happen. But the thing is neither india nor usa need these lobbies efforts to take away pakistan nuclear arsenal. Cuz this job has been assigned to cia,raw,mossad . Pakistan is a sovereign nation which has a firm stance regarding its nuclear weaponry and has developed advanced delivery systems , you cannot tale them way through any rubbish diplomatic talks. These foreign intel agencies have always remained aggressively involved in efforts in locating our nuclear arsenal locations. Why usa had enetered afghanista. Why india took advabtage of it. In last 14 years we witnessed efforts on all all fronts diplomatic, intl pressure and intel agencies spying to denuclearize us. There were some incidents in last decade where britain or dont know which nationality spies were caught for trying to spy on nuclear installations. Why i call musharraf names ,during afg war years usa had always wailed same lame line your nuclear weapons going in millitants hands, hence under the pressure musharraf had allowed over hundreds of foreign spies to operate in pakistan to give surity to west that nuclear weapons wont be gone. And then we got raymond davis . Many of these spies engaged in anti state activities , giving support to madrassahs and much more. Ofcourse they came as journalists, social workers, diplomats,ngos. When shakeel afridi case had surfaced the popular ngo Save our children was found to be involved in it. Then isi had blocked their operations that created alot of outcry from west.
West and india keep analyzing where exactly our nuclear installations are, whether base of some rugged looking inhibitable mountain or some remote area of country. But noone knows.
And also these intel agencies try to connect with our nuclear scientists and try to extract information from them in exchange for monetary benefits etc.
The day our nuclear weapons are God forbid gone. What india will have to show,will be worst than europe dark ages that even used to have human meat shops. Worst than that. Isis is baby before indian cruelty.
The difference between Iran and Pakistan is that the latter has developed nuclear weapons and a robust structure to support and deliver them if need ever arises. Iran today is what Pakistan was in the 90s under severe sanctions. The difference is we survived and thrived, Iranians on the other hand had a different agenda and gave up.

So in all essence it is safe to assume that our nuclear capability is safe.
Locating and destroying or shutting down a nuclear power plant is one thing, calculating and trying to find a country's nuclear weapons the complete opposite.
Does the author really thinks that if push comes to shove, Pakistan will hand over all it's war heads on a platter. Let the Americans first find Iraqi WMD then talk about cutting the ribbon in Pakistan.
The difference between Iran and Pakistan is that the latter has developed nuclear weapons and a robust structure to support and deliver them if need ever arises. Iran today is what Pakistan was in the 90s under severe sanctions. The difference is we survived and thrived, Iranians on the other hand had a different agenda and gave up.

So in all essence it is safe to assume that our nuclear capability is safe.

I guess Iran didn't want to eat grass until they got the bomb. Amirite @haman10 ?

“We(Pakistan) will eat grass, even go hungry, but we will get one of our own (Atom bomb)

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
How old is this author?
Pls dont misunderstand me, I believe ppl get wiser with age but this former ambassador to UN makes me doubt if he really got any wise as his hair strands turned grey. I seriously doubt his capability to cogitate if he thinks that this is not true
— Pakistan should no longer be “obsessed” with India, which is now preoccupied with becoming “a regional economic and political power”;

Pakistan’s nuclear and military deployments against India are destabilising; and;

Pakistan is descending into chaos.
Or may be he has put on blinders.
Some capsules of @halupridol should be enough to make him understand that it is Pak which has an ambiguous nuclear policy, and which refuses to pledge a no-first use like other regional nuclear powers (China and India). It is Pakistan which posses tac-nukes, which brings down the threshold of a nuclear war. Even a grade 8 student can list these points but Mr. Ambassador is blinded by his nationalism and ignores the threat his country poses to its neighbors.

India will exact its plans with a blood thirst that will make ISIS quiver.
So is it your hobby to make predictions??
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Interestingly, the gentlemen is stating my exact thoughts on the matter. What he has failed to include however, is once those nukes go.. India will exact its plans with a blood thirst that will make ISIS quiver.


Sirji you used to be a progressive liberal. I have read your posts since long. Probably one of the top5-10 Pakistani posters I enjoy.

When did you descend into frank Islamism?

India, Hindus, ISIS-paling bloodthirst. Where does this come from?
“We(Pakistan) will eat grass, even go hungry, but we will get one of our own (Atom bomb)
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

Hey at least it turned out to be a good decision. Without nuclear bomb India would have eaten up Pakistan. Even Mr Modi ji knows not to poke Pakistan too much, all it needs is a one deranged General to empty Pakistan's arsenal on India. That is the reason why India has been sucking up to Israeli lobby in USA. :sarcastic:
Hey at least it turned out to be a good decision. Without nuclear bomb India would have eaten up Pakistan. Even Mr Modi ji knows not to poke Pakistan too much, all it needs is a one deranged General to empty Pakistan's arsenal on India. That is the reason why India has been sucking up to Israeli lobby in USA. :sarcastic:

Oh really, explain before you had the bomb, specially from the time 74 when we got nukes to 98 when you got them?
India will try its best of course, but with recent developments like the AH-1Z sale of $1 billion, it seems Washington is not ready to play ball.
. Even Mr Modi ji knows not to poke Pakistan too much, all it needs is a one deranged General to empty Pakistan's arsenal on India.
Deranged generals?
Glad that you've accepted that there's no dearth of such generals on your side. Our leaders understand that its futile to argue with fools who do not understand the consequences of a nuclear war....ergo no pokes :)
Interestingly, the gentlemen is stating my exact thoughts on the matter. What he has failed to include however, is once those nukes go.. India will exact its plans with a blood thirst that will make ISIS quiver.

we fought 4 wars and it was started by....:coffee:

and the first 3 were fought when you had no nukes & our air superiority on you was far more than current times.
Deranged generals?
Glad that you've accepted that there's no dearth of such generals on your side. Our leaders understand that its futile to argue with fools who do not understand the consequences of a nuclear war.

Pakistan is smaller then India in terms of basically everything. The warmongering Indians should know Pakistan is like a bullied child that has decided to steal a kitchen knife. It doesn't matter if the bully strikes first, if the bully gets anywhere near the child he will swing like there is no tomorrow.:D
Interestingly, the gentlemen is stating my exact thoughts on the matter. What he has failed to include however, is once those nukes go.. India will exact its plans with a blood thirst that will make ISIS quiver.

@Oscar; having an attack of paranoia? Thought that you had some immunities in your physiology.
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