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After Iran, Pakistan?

Deranged generals?
Glad that you've accepted that there's no dearth of such generals on your side. Our leaders understand that its futile to argue with fools who do not understand the consequences of a nuclear war....ergo no pokes :)
It seems it is India that does not understand the consequences of a nuclear war. Otherwise ridiculous concepts like Cold Start would not exist.
is it not better for the world powers to promote an equitable solution to the Kashmir dispute and an agreement on mutual military restraint between Pakistan and India?
Is it compulsory to end every editorial to end with word "k"..and about latter part its not weird to think like that ...every country decide its military might on its own economy not on neighboring countries ..
Even for a moment if we consider role reversal, I dont think they would do same and India will demand same thing Pakistan demanding right now......

Have you read his other comments on other issues? He lives in his own world.

By the way I am not commenting on the issue at hand as I don't know how influential NYT is, But this Op-Ed seem to be a fallout of Gen Kidwai, a Pakistan military general, brazen boasting of Pakistan nuclear capability recently at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
I wrote below Msg. before Something just catches my Eyes, Just after writing the Msg. below at few Posts
Copy and Paste in 30 mins another Post come Alive and it says India has the right to be the Security Council Permanent Member........WoW just in 30 mins. It shows that Indians are constantly Watching our Post and even Msgs. It is just mind boggling, It means that the Hadith about Kafirs is right that they are Planning Day and Night for the destruction of muslims but Allah just make their Plans go away - Now, I strongly believe on this

Below is my msg. Just read this msg and wonder How such a long Msg. read by Indians and even get noticed by these Spys in mins. and they do the counter Attack in just 30 mins
I Know there are double the Indians then Pakistanis in SA, Dubai, Qatar, Oman, Egypt, Syria, Gulf Countries even in Iran as Iran is more Near to India then Pakistan; only Country which has less Indians then Pakistanis is Turkey Only, even Iran show Pure Hate towards Pakistan in many times

Iran occupies A big Part of Pakistan during 1947 Independence as at that time Pakistan was very Weak and Iran was much Strong and Iran took a big Part of Baluchistan from Pakistan and Wipe out lot of Sunni Population in Baluchistan and other Parts of Iran

Once Iran was Majority Sunni Country but in Centuries to Come Shia Elite in Power either force Sunni to Convert or make them migrate to Turkey, Syria and other Sunni Countries or Just kill all Sunnis

This is the reality of Persian-Irani Majoosi Shia Iran - So Iran is also not a brother of Pakistan, Hell with Iran & SA-Gulf Elite & Establishment too; Yasser ARafat always Prefer and Love India over Pakistan, His Blonde Whore Wife took Billions of $$$$ Money, the Money which belongs to Poor Palestinians but Not a Single Person in Arab World Speak a Single Word as Arabs are there Own Enemies, They Hate Pakistan, Iran, everybody else and even Hate themselves!

Pakistan is Pakistan Friend and Brother - Thanks but No Thanks

We are NOT Toilet Papers Super Rich Arab States - Enemies of Poor Muslims, Go to Hell

Even We Help them, I for sure know that in future they will not Support Pakistan Bid in UN Security Council for Permanent Membership but Vote for Indian support,

So called African Brother Muslim Countries are more near to India then Pakistan and have Significant Indian Hindus Sikhs and other Indian Presence; So Why Should We Pakistanis give our lives and our Soldiers Lives for these Fake Brothers, who just use us as Toilet Papers and here in Pakistan we are just saying One Ummah - Muslim Brother Hood, Indonesia, Malaysia, Afghanistan Love Indians and Chinese more than Pakistanis

There is no Such thing as One Ummah, We are One Ummah only to Turks and Pakistan not to these FAke Muslim Brothers..................
Pakistan is smaller then India in terms of basically everything.
The inferiority complex!
The warmongering Indians
Warmongers?? who??
Kargil war and all the wars before that prove you wrong. :)

should know Pakistan is like a bullied child that has decided to steal a kitchen knife. It doesn't matter if the bully strikes first, if the bully gets anywhere near the child he will swing like there is no tomorrow.:D
A paranoid teenager who doesnt have any scruples about dropping a nuke!
The knife would be snatched and the teenager would be sent to rehabilitation center, and that would be the end of this story.
The inferiority complex!

Warmongers?? who??
Kargil war and all the wars before that prove you wrong. :)

A paranoid teenager who doesnt have any scruples about dropping a nuke!
The knife would be snatched and the teenager would be sent to rehabilitation center, and that would be the end of this story.

A Child some who is according to you Paranoid teenager most of time kill the bully with the Knife or if he cannot kill the bully then at least wound the bully enough that bully never fuk with the teenager again for the matter of fact any teenager Again....No Peace with Indians AnyWhere and Lovers of Indians esp. Gulf Arab.........Fuk Indians and Lovers of Indians Hard in their Butttts :smitten::sniper::usflag::guns::flood::lock::dance3::crazy_pilot::jester::fans::sleep::closed::man_in_love::smitten::pakistan:
A paranoid teenager who doesnt have any scruples about dropping a nuke!
The knife would be snatched and the teenager would be sent to rehabilitation center, and that would be the end of this story.

Not really. Bullied children are usually bullied at home or have suffered traumas in the past. I believe the Islamic invasions have a left a deep wound on Hindus from which they have failed to heal. They think about revenge from Muslims of India who had nothing to do with invasions. Sometimes one must accept the past and move on.

Yeah we 're planning to show the complete picture soon. :P

Picture will have a plot twist.:chilli:

The teenager is hallucinating!

If you know how the world works then you must become the hunter instead of the hunted. :D
Hey at least it turned out to be a good decision. Without nuclear bomb India would have eaten up Pakistan. Even Mr Modi ji knows not to poke Pakistan too much, all it needs is a one deranged General to empty Pakistan's arsenal on India. That is the reason why India has been sucking up to Israeli lobby in USA. :sarcastic:

You military is full of deranged Generals

Precisely the world fears that someday some deranged General will empty Pakistan's arsenal on India. Why cannot you people have safe control over your arsenal? More than Pakistan nuking India, we fears that some deranged General will give some nukes to terrorists to play havoc with the world.
Not really. Bullied children are usually bullied at home or have suffered traumas in the past. I believe the Islamic invasions have a left a deep wound on Hindus from which they have failed to heal. They think about revenge from Muslims of India who had nothing to do with invasions. Sometimes one must accept the past and move on.
What you believe definitely doesnt have an iota of truth in it.
Your whole concept of India is limited to hindus, so its not hard to guess why you're off the mark by such a huge margin.
Its unfortunate how ppl like you bring religion into everything.

Picture will have a plot twist.:chilli:
Bollywood fan eh?
Interestingly, the gentlemen is stating my exact thoughts on the matter. What he has failed to include however, is once those nukes go.. India will exact its plans with a blood thirst that will make ISIS quiver.
I dont see why you compare with ISIS, if probability of war with India is compared(without nukes), it does increase. Not sure how much, because its going to set us back when we are in growth path.
both pakistan and India consider proxies to be cheaper and more effective, I dont think nukes change that much
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