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After Gilani, Kayani to be summoned by SC

when will he summon Pakistani courts who let go all the terrorists.
someone has to do something, if courts do their jobs then army wont have to do court's job

the court decisions always rest on evidence, not mere speculations and hey he fits the profile lets get him and get some $$$ from our masters.

as for Army wont have to do the courts' job- who the hell do you think these military duffers (Asma Jahangir explanation) are to take law in their own hands??

that is exactly the mentality we the citizens of Pakistan have to kill- No one is above LAW.
Well i suppose thats justice, Kiyani should be questioned.By the way dealing with foreign agencies isnt the job of the court, although if they are kidnapped they must be brought to court for justice but the thing happening here is that they are playing the game their way, and to deal with foreign agencies is the job of federal investigation agencies and other agencies. Gen. Kiyani can be questioned on the involvement of foreign agencies too, why isnt it resolved yet, why aren't they kicked out of the country yet and is there evident proof for those (so called innocent people, mind you they are called innocent without any proof) so if this is the move to be taken i suppose things would be clear about who is innocent and how much innocent, that's pretty much fine. its JUSTICE :D :)
Its best time to bring the Army chief to book of Law-
This would be a good move, and I firmly believe that anyone replacing Kayani will be highly qualified for the job, & might take actions Kayani hasn't been taking to defend this country. Although I do not believe Kayani has done a bad job (he's done a reasonable enough job, but definitely not great), a new face might bring in new strategies, rather than Kayani's strategy which seems to be to just 'wait things out'. Kayani is just as accountable to the SC as anyone else is.
Gen Kayani will be in the dock after Gilani | The News Tribe

Throw him in jail if it is confirmed he has been killing Pakistani people without giving them their right to trial.

Tend to agree. Accountability is not just for the government and other state institutions but also for the Pakistan army. The military should be an example to the rest of the country.

It is the least corrupt institution in the country according to Transparency International Pakistan but I have heard stories of the army bombing innocent civilians in Swat and then denying all responsibility. Majors have shot dead civilians by mistake but refuse to stand bravely and say I have done so and I deserve whatever punishment the loved ones of the civilians want to give... nothing would be more honorable than this.

I think there have to be some courses for the Pakistan army about how to deal with dissent and how to change situations like in Balochistan. You cannot kill someone unless he raises arms against the state. Just because he doesn't believe in Pakistan or has different beliefs than the majority he can't be killed. Instead he has to be won over. This is the attitude that needs change.
Justice must be served
It is need of the hour and more than half of our problems will be solved
I think General Kayani is a deserving person who has been doing a good job, especially in these tight situations with a lot of internal and international pressure. He has proven to be a good leader for Armed Forces.

But if the allegations are true, he must be punished according to law.
Gen Kayani will be in the dock after Gilani | The News Tribe

... The CJ had ruled that the court might summon Gen Kayani to get his version on how the situation could be improved in the province ...

Look at the quote from the article above. I don't think that Gen. Kayani is going to stand trial at the court. He may be called in to give his point-of-view and opinion about the situation in Balochistan. At the most, he may be asked to bring the FC back in line if they are involved in killing innocent civilians.

So perhaps we have over-reacted to the news.

Except for the name Islamic, Pakistan follow common laws/English law. hence I doubt your assertion

That is the point. However corrupt may be Gillani, he should have been removed though parliament. This the case where Judiciary has encroached upon the powers of parliament

Agree with your post. Although our constitution is supposed to function within an Islamic framework, the reality is that it does not. We have inherited British laws and constitution from the colonial era. And if Islam is the guiding principle of Pakistan's laws, then how do people explain our interest-based economic system?

We need a reconstituted constitution; one that is tailored to Pakistan's specific needs.

For the second point; the SC may have stepped out of line but we must remember that there was absolutely no way that a Parliament with PPP+coalition in the majority would let him go. The SC felt compelled to take action. Chances are that the next PM could be Raja "December" Pervez Ashraf. The miserable ex-minister of Power and Water.
Court should summon Chief Kiyani on numerous drones attacks in second case.
How much time will it take to curtail judicial power if parliament think all these orders are judicial overreach ? Just pass a resolution with 2/3 of parliamentarian agreeing on it ..

Even a resolution with 2/3rd majority could be ignored by these justices because of, what the judges perceive as, 'against the spirit of the constitution'! Remember what happened when the 18th Amendment was passed: It was grand, unanimous consensus document after much deliberation involving all major parties in the parliament--something like that never happened since 1973. And yet the SCP objected to some provisions in that about judicial matters. The original Amendment had to modified.

As I keep saying, IF these judges declare Friday as the weekend (because they 'interpret' Pakistani Constitution as 'Islamic' in nature) instead of Sunday then there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Their 'playing to the gallery' is not new. The have done it since 1954!! They have cowered before dictators many times. They have backstabbed their own colleagues (look up what President Tarar did to unseat the then CJP)...And as late as 2008/9 we had dozens of these highest judges part of Musharraf's Kangaroo Courts. SO, YES, THEY ARE ALSO VERY FALLIBLE!
Even a resolution with 2/3rd majority could be ignored by these justices because of, what the judges perceive as, 'against the spirit of the constitution'! Remember what happened when the 18th Amendment was passed: It was grand, unanimous consensus document after much deliberation involving all major parties in the parliament--something like that never happened since 1973. And yet the SCP objected to some provisions in that about judicial matters. The original Amendment had to modified.

As I keep saying, IF these judges declare Friday as the weekend (because they 'interpret' Pakistani Constitution as 'Islamic' in nature) instead of Sunday then there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Their 'playing to the gallery' is not new. The have done it since 1954!! They have cowered before dictators many times. They have backstabbed their own colleagues (look up what President Tarar did to unseat the then CJP)...And as late as 2008/9 we had dozens of these highest judges part of Musharraf's Kangaroo Courts. SO, YES, THEY ARE ALSO VERY FALLIBLE!

All the crooks in the parliament sit together and developed a mechanism to select judges of their own choices- the SC had to take action and get it modified- Whats wrong? and the mechanism now established is quite fair- thanks to SC modification- the selection of judges at SC is not on political basis anymore- its now just a factor-

Secondly, if the freaking parliamentarians we select, declare that Pakistan is now a godless state (Read NRO)- oh we should be thankful that we got a judiciary restored with people power, who thinks it shouldnot be so- whats wrong?

in civilized societies the parliamentarians forgo greater interests just to keep the public happy- in our case we are hanged for 5 years for some god for saken greater national interest.

so please when the judges are doing their job right- lets just support them... and back in 80s if you remember in some case Justice Patel commented, "why should we take the risk and give judgement, when the nation doesnot back what is right !!"

so as citizen of pakistan, Im all for hyper judiciary over parliament of crooks or generals who lurk.
Try reading the whole thing first,i am surprised that even senior members did not bother reading the article.

Sir everybody read it correctly but you should have read the posts before replying in this thread

Islamabad: After sending Mr Yousuf Raza Gilani home, it seems the Supreme Court of Pakistan would not hesitate in summoning Chief of the Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani if the law enforcement agencies don’t mend their ways in Balochistan.

and Kiyani was asked to submit his reply during the memo commission as well... We have not been questioning the Generals in past, it is the recent trend taken up by the SC..
The rumors are that PPP is trying to get another amendment in constitution, to save themselves from the court. That the amendment will be, the immunity of president cannot be challenged.!

The objectives resolution and constitution say that the laws should be in accordance with Islam, but Islam does not grant immunity to anybody,. Gotta get a petition in the court for this!:meeting:
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