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After Gilani, Kayani to be summoned by SC

But, the question is does Judiciary has executive powers?

simply no.

Oh i kinda hate the fuss this stupid Chief Justice (on the payroll of American Embassy) loves to create every now and then. He let Zardari rule for 5 years, never hanged a single terrorists in 10 years, did not pass any judgment over the karachi terrorists where he himself admitted that all political parties are involved in karachi terrorism, and still people have expectations from him. If anyone, it should be Chief Justice who should be stripped down of his seat for fooling the under-educated nation for 3 years.

show us the evidence.
army will have to a court marshal..according to law army personnel have to face court marshal..
anyway it would be impossible to prove..and most liklely it isnt true
You a forgetting one thing, We are an Islamic country and have islamic oriented constituion and in Islam Judiciary is supreme, not the parliament.

Except for the name Islamic, Pakistan follow common laws/English law. hence I doubt your assertion

simply no.

That is the point. However corrupt may be Gillani, he should have been removed though parliament. This the case where Judiciary has encroached upon the powers of parliament
father of arsalan isn,t dare to issue summoned to his own God father
That is the point. However corrupt may be Gillani, he should have been removed though parliament. This the case where Judiciary has encroached upon the powers of parliament

No mate if the Constitution provides that he can be removed in this manner and it does then that's fine
when will he summon Pakistani courts who let go all the terrorists.
someone has to do something, if courts do their jobs then army wont have to do court's job
Exactly! How many terrorists apprehended by the Army/Security Forces have been sentenced by the courts? The courts (Judges) themselves are scared to take any action against them for fear of reprisals.

The courts should first get their houses in order before pointing accusing fingers at the security forces. The same is happening with Maoists in India. The security forces apprehend them, send them for trial and the courts either let them out on bail or dismiss charges due to 'lack of evidence'. Jeeez!

And the irony is that these same terrorists are back to fight another day!
In international law it is common for legitimacy to be derived from the people in the form of elections etc

The constitution should and allows for differing views and what to do in case of disagreements there are procedures.

Yes there are... But a president has immunity world wide... Even Obama cant take action against Zardari if he had wanted, how can a PM take? CJ should also know president enjoys immunity, and it cant entertain cases against him, while he is power..
You do understand that 3 power centres will have difference of opinion over each and every action taken by people elected democracy?
Then whats the use of people elects?
The 3 power centers have different roles.

The role of SC is to make sure that LAW shall be upheld by every individual in the government. SC has nothing to do with politics.
The 3 power centers have different roles.

The role of SC is to make sure that LAW shall be upheld by every individual in the government. SC has nothing to do with politics.

Pls read the comment made by former CJ of SCI markendeya katju..
He said president cant be prosecuted...
Pak SC has gone berserk: Justice Katju - Hindustan Times

Doesnt it mean its overstepping its power?
First pls read that short article
SC to summon kiyani......not happening:no: infact NO WAYYYY

He has already been summoned once as a witness to the Memogate trial. Even this time his neck may not immediately be on the line, but he may need to answer some difficult questions.
How much time will it take to curtail judicial power if parliament think all these orders are judicial overreach ? Just pass a resolution with 2/3 of parliamentarian agreeing on it ..
Justice should be done and served across the board, however it should be implemented in a manner that it neither demonises the masses or paralyses any institutions.
Justice should be done and served across the board, however it should be implemented in a manner that it neither demonises the masses or paralyses any institutions.

It would be very difficult in the case of the present day Pakistani parliament, considering who is sitting in it!
Well it became clear few days ago that Foreign Intelligence agencies are directly involved in Balochistan & are destabilizing Balochsitan province in every possible way, people who are getting kidnapped are mostly done by BLA & the foreign agencies who are destabilizing Balochistan.

This is where I say the CJ does not understand the situation & is keeping his shut & staying deaf on the main problem which is the involvement of foreign agencies in Balochistan this what he should be originally looking at first rest should be viewed later.

I am sorry guys CJ is a complete lunatic & a complete failure, he should had punished Gilani & he should had punished him for the massive corruption he has done etc. but CJ didn't do any thing plus there is so much more he didn't do even after watching the leaked video of Journalist & Anchor men where all the big fish names were clearly taken.

The thing is everybody wants to damage the Guardians of Pakistan which is our brave Pak Army. Mr CJ open your fu****g eyes & look at the main problem rather than putting the blame on Pak Army for everything. The mentioned things are the main reason why I don't like him & don't trust him for anything.
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