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After Gilani, Kayani to be summoned by SC

Why supreme kangroo court of Pakistan cannot see

1. Open terrorism by political parties in Karachi (ANP, JS and MQM)
2. Raja load-shedding corruption.
3. Dwindling condition of country economy and rising corruption.
4. Appointment of totally illiterate and incompetent people as ministers and members NA.
5. Terrorist released by PPP government?
6. Incompetency of police to maintain proper law and order in the country.

It is very clear to see that someone is bank rolling the CJ..he is a true one eyed Dajjal!

Ab sara mulk SC hi chalaye kiya?

Is the economy SC's job?

Is police SC's job?

Is NA SC's job?

There are some issues where they have messed up though.
Its the dam SC which is messing up every thing, & stopping govt to do anything, it dam CJ,s dam sumo-moto actions & PTI PMLn,s support to him, which is messing things around?
Surly , all this mess is going to be cleared soon by, PAKARMY,s nasty hard long boots!
Great justice is comming, traitors becarefull you all going to get hanged inside every court of Justice in the country?
Astonishing, to see so much traitors in agreement to hang the saviours of the land, who are giving their blood just for the independence of our future as a nation?
Don't wory we will going to get your playboyish god of justice hanged before , your traitorworship begains!
DEATH To the AGENTS of ZIAONIST & its justice MAFIA.
Long live pakistan.
The role of the Supreme Court is to safeguard the constitution. It has no executive powers. Now, the question is, how can it order the removal of the Prime Minister?

I say, a bad precedent

the Prime Minister had a choice....it wasnt a unilateral move.

as for the SC - yes at times it has flexed its muscles and been on collision course with govt.

this was seen in 2007, post-Lal Masjid. There were anti-state jihadis being held (based on actionable intelligence rather than solid proof).....some were released and embraced the rifle again.

but looking to today, i think a strong judiciary is important. The accountability bureaus and even some FIA positions are given to lackeys at times; people hired based on loyalty rather than merit

THAT is the bad precedent -- though in our case its not exactly new news. Cronyism and corruption are among the greatest hinderences to making Pakistan a prosperous country. Things must change.

Army has always been the least corrupt of all institutions though i do agree that they must not embroil themselves in politics -- which i believe they have shown restraint and are having no interest to meddle in politics....why would they need to? The civvies are good at making fools out of themselves; thats why they never command any respect wherever they go.
Why supreme kangroo court of Pakistan cannot see

1. Open terrorism by political parties in Karachi (ANP, JS and MQM)
2. Raja load-shedding corruption.
3. Dwindling condition of country economy and rising corruption.
4. Appointment of totally illiterate and incompetent people as ministers and members NA.
5. Terrorist released by PPP government?
6. Incompetency of police to maintain proper law and order in the country.

It is very clear to see that someone is bank rolling the CJ..he is a true one eyed Dajjal!

I one hundred percent agree with you on this. CJ is the person due to which this government was able to systematically destroy this country. Why he kept delaying all high profile cases? Does this happen anywhere else in the world? No.

The one-eye'd jackass is the head of the most corrupt institution in the country and he is as corrupt himself. He deliberately delayed and did not pass any judgment on any case to allow this Zardari regime to destroy this country.

Ab sara mulk SC hi chalaye kiya?

Is the economy SC's job?

Is police SC's job?

Is NA SC's job?

There are some issues where they have messed up though.

The incompetent CJ is unable to do his own job. His job was to hang terrorist but its an astonishing fact that the courts of Pakistan have not hanged a single terrorist in past 10 years. He should be stripped down and hanged for allowing terrorist to roam free'ly in the country to kill more citizens of Pakistan.
If everyone in the three powers works honestly then all the three powers are a check for each others and therefore each power will work in a way that is good for the country.

But everything stops at IF.

Just earse Army from big trhee's and problem will be solved. In fight between SC and Parliament the solution will be peaceful and good for Pakistan.In India there are lots of fights inbetween SC and Parliament and result is always peaceful. Army involved is not a good option at all.
I one hundred percent agree with you on this. CJ is the person due to which this government was able to systematically destroy this country. Why he kept delaying all high profile cases? Does this happen anywhere else in the world? No.

The one-eye'd jackass is the head of the most corrupt institution in the country and he is as corrupt himself. He deliberately delayed and did not pass any judgment on any case to allow this Zardari regime to destroy this country.

The incompetent CJ is unable to do his own job. His job was to hang terrorist but its an astonishing fact that the courts of Pakistan have not hanged a single terrorist in past 10 years. He should be stripped down and hanged for allowing terrorist to roam free'ly in the country to kill more citizens of Pakistan.

I'm glad to see people who can see and think freely! looks like a case of less TV - less brain wash ;)

The way Iftikhar chodry, has openly supported TTP & BLA militants is enough to draw a connection between CJ & Militants.

TTP+CJP= Brought upon Zardari & Rehman Malik
Judiciary + Interior ministery = Patrons of TTP + BLA
FC is a subject of the Ministry of Interior, it has nothing to do with the Army, the Chief or the MoD.
Why supreme kangroo court of Pakistan cannot see

1. Open terrorism by political parties in Karachi (ANP, JS and MQM)
2. Raja load-shedding corruption.
3. Dwindling condition of country economy and rising corruption.
4. Appointment of totally illiterate and incompetent people as ministers and members NA.
5. Terrorist released by PPP government?
6. Incompetency of police to maintain proper law and order in the country.

It is very clear to see that someone is bank rolling the CJ..he is a true one eyed Dajjal!

i think you people here first should makeup your minds because on one hand you people are blaming the SC of overreach and on the other hand you people are complaining as well that why SC has not taken action in cases where politics is involved or where executive has failed miserably. i think you people first need to read what SC can or cannot do under pakistani law. its not like a khala ge ka ghar. There are some limitation of SC as well under the law.
Supreme court is giving legal protection to Brahamdagh Bugti by not issuing his warrants & by not writing letter to Swiss govt.

chalo ab letter bhi Supreme court likhay gi...... wah kiya logic ha... afreen. phir kahein gy SC had par kar gai ha.
FC is a subject of the Ministry of Interior, it has nothing to do with the Army, the Chief or the MoD.
But it is commanded by army officers!
That,s why some stupids are targeting FC, but never mind they are going to get wiped out soon, with their masters.
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