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After Gilani, Kayani to be summoned by SC

Supreme court should summon banned organization such as Jamat-ud-Da’wa and Baluchistan Liberation Army which are still operating.
Jamat-ud-Da’wa is still active :hitwall:

The banned 25 religious list includes Al-Qaeda, Sipah-e-Muhammed, Tehreek-e-Nifaz-e-Fiqh Jafaria, Sipah-e-Sahaba, Jamat-ud-Da’wa, Al-Akhtar Trust, Al-Rasheed Trust, Tehreek-e-Islami, Jaish-e-Muhammad, Lashkar Jhangvi, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, Islamic Students Movement, Khair-un-Nisa International Trust, Tehreek-e-Islam Pakistan, Tehreek Nifaz-e-Shariat Muahammadi, Lashkar-e-Tayyaba, Lashkar-e-Islam, Balochistan Liberation Army, Jamiat-e-Ansar, Jamiatul Furqan, Hizb-e-Tehreer, Khiddam-e-Islam and Millat-e-Islamia Pakistan.

Sunni Tehreek has been placed in the watch list.
Sir everybody read it correctly but you should have read the posts before replying in this thread ...

There are two different sentences. First one implies that the writer thinks that the courts will make him answerable.

... it seems the Supreme Court of Pakistan would not hesitate in summoning Chief of the Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani if the law enforcement agencies don’t mend their ways in Balochistan.

and this one suggests that COAS' input is all that is required:

... the court might summon Gen Kayani to get his version on how the situation could be improved ...
Supreme court should summon banned organization such as Jamat-ud-Da’wa and Baluchistan Liberation Army which are still operating.
Jamat-ud-Da’wa is still active :hitwall:

The banned 25 religious list includes Al-Qaeda, Sipah-e-Muhammed, Tehreek-e-Nifaz-e-Fiqh Jafaria, Sipah-e-Sahaba, Jamat-ud-Da’wa, Al-Akhtar Trust, Al-Rasheed Trust, Tehreek-e-Islami, Jaish-e-Muhammad, Lashkar Jhangvi, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, Islamic Students Movement, Khair-un-Nisa International Trust, Tehreek-e-Islam Pakistan, Tehreek Nifaz-e-Shariat Muahammadi, Lashkar-e-Tayyaba, Lashkar-e-Islam, Balochistan Liberation Army, Jamiat-e-Ansar, Jamiatul Furqan, Hizb-e-Tehreer, Khiddam-e-Islam and Millat-e-Islamia Pakistan.

Sunni Tehreek has been placed in the watch list.
today these banned organization are demonstrating their power under "diffa e council Pakistan" with license from whom??
i think our justice has only eyes which look PPP and nothing else. they don't even to call retired general in asghar khan case, how its possible to call kyani
today these banned organization are demonstrating their power under "diffa e council Pakistan" with license from whom??
i think our justice has only eyes which look PPP and nothing else. they don't even to call retired general in asghar khan case, how its possible to call kyani
Don't worry they are divided into Fiqas. This is good that they always fight each other. Their unity is not in the interest of Pakistan.
but question is that supreme court releases hard core Taliban due to no proof.
why don't summoned against the owner of shamsi base (drones base). UAE sheikhs keep insisting zardari to not evacuate shamsi base with their loving drone.

Tell this to the court, they will decide. Let's see what court decision for the future of Kiyani and his failure to protect people in his uniform duty.
The more the SC puts pressure, the cleaner the leaders will turn out to become in the future. :enjoy:
Even a resolution with 2/3rd majority could be ignored by these justices because of, what the judges perceive as, 'against the spirit of the constitution'! Remember what happened when the 18th Amendment was passed: It was grand, unanimous consensus document after much deliberation involving all major parties in the parliament--something like that never happened since 1973. And yet the SCP objected to some provisions in that about judicial matters. The original Amendment had to modified.
Resolution requires simple majority not 2/3 majority, they don't have 2/3 majority in the parliament without the support of NS.

Also there are considered some fundamental tenants of the constitution that can't be changed (not without a constituent assembly which this is not), the 18th amendment had the NRO which was granting rights to corruption which can't be granted at all costs.

If they wish to waive off their cases, quite the assemblies, file for a constituent assembly by the ECP conduct a new election come to power and then make such sweeping changes.

The SCP only objected to NRO like corruption buffet changes, whereas it could have striked down a lot more things because it was not a constituent assembly the case can still be made.

As I keep saying, IF these judges declare Friday as the weekend (because they 'interpret' Pakistani Constitution as 'Islamic' in nature) instead of Sunday then there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Judges can't set new SOPs in place however this could have been struck down when the change was done to Sunday, but there is no such Islamic requirement to have a Friday weekend.

Their 'playing to the gallery' is not new. The have done it since 1954!! They have cowered before dictators many times. They have backstabbed their own colleagues (look up what President Tarar did to unseat the then CJP)...And as late as 2008/9 we had dozens of these highest judges part of Musharraf's Kangaroo Courts. SO, YES, THEY ARE ALSO VERY FALLIBLE!

The courts have followed the constitution that the lawmakers have made. Your SOP says, Supreme court is the ultimate arbitrator of justice and so according to your SOP they are right and your President and its party are wrong when they say the Parliament is supreme since its not parliament but the constitution that is supreme.
Don't worry they are divided into Fiqas. This is good that they always fight each other. Their unity is not in the interest of Pakistan.
but question is that supreme court releases hard core Taliban due to no proof.
for your kind information this unity is belong to one school of thought same as taliban and al qaeda. all of them love to kill shias and qadyani and christian in Pakistan.
yes! this is really thoughtful that supreme court has found no evidence against taliban activist even caught with suicide jackets.

Tell this to the court, they will decide. Let's see what court decision for the future of Kiyani and his failure to protect people in his uniform duty.
this is written on wall what would court decide. thanks for your wise advice but sorry to say that UAE sheikhs are not member of PPP, so they couldn't have attraction for our respectable CJ.
Seekers, SC can't be held responsible for not convicting many of those groups (although several have been convicted), as most of the times the LEAs don't end up doing their jobs properly in collecting evidence and basic CSI work that is required, then there is a case of prosecution - how useless the AG is we saw in the present case.

If you're a shia who has lost someone to these attacks and you're a judge on this case, even you would still let them go because the prosecution just doesn't make the case properly.
Seekers, SC can't be held responsible for not convicting many of those groups (although several have been convicted), as most of the times the LEAs don't end up doing their jobs properly in collecting evidence and basic CSI work that is required, then there is a case of prosecution - how useless the AG is we saw in the present case.

If you're a shia who has lost someone to these attacks and you're a judge on this case, even you would still let them go because the prosecution just doesn't make the case properly.

Many Pakistani's don't know... There is no Law which recognizes scientific evidence as part of trial e.g. Many terrorists caught when their phones were traced but it's not considered a evidence in Court... So blame the politicians who don't do their jobs properly and don't present any legislation related to WOT in Parliament
Many Pakistani's don't know... There is no Law which recognizes scientific evidence as part of trial e.g. Many terrorists caught when their phones were traced but it's not considered a evidence in Court... So blame the politicians who don't do their jobs properly and don't present any legislation related to WOT in Parliament

That is not entirely true, somethings like video evidence of say you murdering someone would have to be verified that this video is genuine, the person who recorded it has to give a testimony, so and so.

Video testimony is not allowed as well.

We saw the memogate case where the Supreme court demanded forensic evidence.

There are loopholes when it comes to science in the Pakistani courts but not as many that the basic convictions would fail and also this is the job of the law makers where they have to make the right legislation.
i think time is come where people who think with mind realize the double standards of supreme court in judgments.
Supreme Court cannot be above the Parliament, and the way Supreme Court has acted is not good for Pakistan in a long run. Already Pakistan is suffering from duel power centres, and with Judiciary becoming another power centre, Pakistan is heading into a serious trouble in the long run

None of the three branches of the govt. are above the other two. The concept is very difficult for some to comprehend. Only the Constitution or the law of the land is above the three branches of the govt. Since it is up to the court to interpret what the law is, the court has certain advantages over the other branches of the govt. On the other hand, the govt. possesses the means to execute the law according to its convenience and that gives the govt. certain advantages. In the same way, the Parliament makes the laws or amends the constitution and therefore, the Parliament also has certain privileges. Just because the court interprets the law or the executive branch implements the law or the Parliament makes the laws, does not mean they are above the law. Ideally, all the three branches of the govt. are subservient to the law they interpret, execute or make.

The supreme court has also made some shocking and stupid interference----in case of steel milll for one. Second----. NAB had contracts with americans lawyers---they paid them a certain percentage of money for collecting ill gained funds from pakistan and stashing it abroad---. Ch Iftikhar screwed up badly on that as well.

But the steelmill fiasco was the worst---it showed that Ch Iftikhar had no clue what the deal was.

Now there is an issue of ex-pats---our loyalties are being challenged----Gandhi was an ex-pat as well---and in a way--Mohammad Ali Jinnah was an ex pat as well----he had left the mainland and started living in england.

At times---it looks like that Ch Iftikhar has some very serious issues. He has not punished one gang rapist to death----he has not punished any kidnappers for ransom to death---he has not punished one single terrorist to death---some of his achievements are very ego oriented----.

He may be a good man at heart----but just like most of you pakistanis----he is running around in circles----chasing his own tail.
Why supreme kangroo court of Pakistan cannot see

1. Open terrorism by political parties in Karachi (ANP, JS and MQM)
2. Raja load-shedding corruption.
3. Dwindling condition of country economy and rising corruption.
4. Appointment of totally illiterate and incompetent people as ministers and members NA.
5. Terrorist released by PPP government?
6. Incompetency of police to maintain proper law and order in the country.

It is very clear to see that someone is bank rolling the CJ..he is a true one eyed Dajjal!
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