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After 32 years First time Kashmiri girls are watching cinema in multiplex in Kashmir

My nation at least did not leave dead people on streets as feast for animals.
You know, 1992 to 1995 is not too far in the past. Want me to post what happened back then in Sarajevo with nice color pictures?

So, what lance said about people eaten by roamin animals?
Nothing, there was nothing about animals eating dead people in lancet.

History books tell a lot about that in Serajevo in 1995.
You know, 1992 to 1995 is not too far in the past. Want me to post what happened back then in Sarajevo with nice color pictures?

Nothing, there was nothing about animals eating dead people in lancet.

History books tell a lot about that in Serajevo in 1995.
Not a problem, i know pajeets are mentaly challenged so you can act like that it is your habitual nature.
So, you do not deny fact that people were eaten on streets of pajeetland during pandemic?
Not really, meanwhile you pet you people in peace conditions to be eaten.

Aka your absent dad
Why mad pajeet, at least i know who is my dad.
bhai, Indo-Pak main problem is exactly those river resources ka strategic lafda hai.
It's not river resources only, you can agree on that and share like normal countries do but people are usually connected through that, there's a reason why we had little UP/Bihari presence here pre partition but always a Kashmiri, pakhtun, Baloch presence cause of connection's

and religion ? there's plenty of Islam in India, all over the place.
Muslims are the most hated thing period in India which is ok by me, we knew it, random Egyptian guy I just met was saying how Indians hate Muslims - now y'all are calling the Bosnian guy an ISIS member for saying the same exact thing that most Muslim world atleast citizens are saying

than how are you going to convince a Muslim majority region who are already a bit on the conservative side? That hey guys our political elite hates your way of life, our people hate your relgion, and we know y'all are conservative but still please call yourself Indians, and identify with this identity, identify with us

Through force ofcourse, they naturally won't accept you atleast in the current form they won't

Not that they owe anyone an acceptance, it's thier land and way of life/culture

Many ethnic Kashmiri live in my city,some koshur speaker kid who I went to school with, his family was even more conservative than your average CP urban Muslim Punjabi, how are they going to be happy with you?

Honestly my culture is way more connected with Indic culture than thier dardic culture, and both of us know we're different enough to not be one - why can't thier people be given the same treatment of accepting them for who they're?

looks, culture ? north, north east, east, south dravidians, punjabis.. there's lots of racial sub groups here and there are 22 official languages here with many dialects and variations.
But that doesn't mean every group is going to vibe with that, some are alright with this arrangement some are not but those who are not can only be connected through force
India is hard to understand if you're not from here.
I respect India for what it is

In regards to this thread it is a troll fest, cause trolling is the only thing that can stop the conversation
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So, you do not deny fact that people were eaten on streets of pajeetland during pandemic?
Do you deny you had worse outcome of COVID in Bosnia?

Not really, meanwhile you pet you people in peace conditions to be eaten.
Your people have been dying in streets from 1990s. LOL! You have a country with more resources per capita yet have worse COVID outcomes. That makes you totally worthless as a nation. And lets not forget, you can not even make your own vaccines, can you now? :rofl:
Do you deny you had worse outcome of COVID in Bosnia?
Not really and it does not matter, you know EU gave for each deceased person 5000 euro of help to fight pandemic, so you can draw conclusion why the stats were like that, each deceased person was reported as COVID victim, not something to be proud but that is politic, but you still have to explain how your wonderland allowed animals to eat dead people on streets.

Go cry to him, not to us
I am just exopsing your complexes and fragility by your histeric responses i think i do great job.
You raised some interesting points... i'll reply later, Maula J
Not really and it does not matter, you know EU gave for each deceased person 5000 euro of help to fight pandemic, so you can draw conclusion why the stats were like that, each deceased person was reported as COVID victim, not something to be proud but that is politic, but you still have to explain how your wonderland allowed animals to eat dead people on streets.
That does not still explains higher mortality rate and does not change the covid outcome.

BTW, Is Bosnia in EU? (https://european-union.europa.eu/principles-countries-history/country-profiles_en?page=0)

If not, then unless they gave you alms, it really does you no good what EU did. You are talking about Bosnia and not EU.
That does not still explains higher mortality rate and does not change the covid outcome.

BTW, Is Bosnia in EU? (https://european-union.europa.eu/principles-countries-history/country-profiles_en?page=0)

If not, then unless they gave you alms, it really does you no good what EU did. You are talking about Bosnia and not EU.
It literally does, are you that challenged?

We are not in EU but we are in some sort of negotiations and have access to their funds, so what is your point?
We are not in EU but we are in some sort of negotiations and have access to their funds, so what is your point?
So you basically begged and they gave you money.

Good going! Your pathetic nation is so worthless that it needs to beg to EU for money to compensate its citizens! Jeez! No wonder you chose to stay there. Pakistan and Bosnia has so much in common!
No wonder you love Dimran! Both of you love to beg.

And just sometime back you were harping about Indian recieving aid. :rofl:
And you allowed people to die in streets in 1995. And you are supposed to be having more GDP and higher HDI. :rofl:

Judging by you, you do not even know if Bosnia is in EU. :rofl:
Now your are totally incoherent and insanity prevailed.

So you basically begged and they gave you money.

Good going! You pathetic nation is so bad that it needs to beg to EU for money to compensate its citizens! Jeez! No wonder you chose to stay there. Pakistan and Bosnia has so much in common!
No wonder you love Dimran! Both of you love to beg.
Sure we "begged" but why you let people to be eaten by animals on streets during pamdemic, which is worse?
Now your are totally incoherent and insanity prevailed.
Bosnia, circa 1992

1. https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/bandic07.jpg
2. https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/p060.jpg
3. https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/p088_3f.jpg
4. https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/ap920611064.jpg
5. https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/gmk_bos_lehovici_111.jpg?

And these are not the worst ones.

So what were you saying?

Sure we "begged" but why you let people to be eaten by animals on streets during pamdemic, which is worse?
Well, for one they were not really eaten in street. Those were shallow graves on banks of rivers and there are communities in India which actually do funeral in that fashion ie burying in shallow graves on bank of Ganga (https://www.indiatoday.in/india/sto...nk-dead-bodies-buried-sand-1806086-2021-05-24). There is community in India which does funeral by offering dead body to birds (https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2015/4/7/without-vultures-fate-of-parsi-sky-burials-uncertain).

So you are quite a bit wrong about it.

I will however love to know the story here : https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/p060.jpg

Was they your family on the street? Oh I forgot you are a Pakee. So... I guess they must have been safe.
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