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After 32 years First time Kashmiri girls are watching cinema in multiplex in Kashmir

Most probably considering that's how they view Islam without looking at themselves first

Seems Strange to see Comments of Yew Pagans regarding Civilisation Religions !!!

For Yew Pagans, Indians and Arabs both are backward !!! Strange Festivals Etc.


and why exactly are you, a Bosnian, apparently ? (sus AF) so interested here ?

btw, it's ok, if you actually do happen to be a Bosnian muslim and very interested in this part of the world but something about the way you write seems off to me, to be a dead give away almost... that you are in fact actually from the subcontinent..

Pakistani ho, ke Lungi ho, ki disgruntled IM ho ? .. which one.. come clean now at least.
Creature is a balkan blister. In this age smartphones and internet are ubiquitous. Which means ISIS propaganda proliferates every corner of the world. Being at the receiving end of Serbia military, his nation is ground zero for ISIS recruits

2011 United States embassy attack in Sarajevo


:rofl: Seriously!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Lets get some real facts now.

Another source : https://mea.gov.in/lok-sabha.htm?dtl/28197/QUESTION+NO3245+FOREIGN+AID

Man! I knew Bosnians are idiots but this big? :rofl: wristband.com as a source??? :lol:
You are giving the last of its brain cells a run for their money

Probably the most amount independent thinking this thing done in a while
kabhi face to face aaya to susu nikal jayegi is bhikari machuwarey ki

Infantry Soldiers are the bravest !!! Only Ancient Civilisation Soldiers fight to uphold Commandments of Supreme Creator !!!

What Yew Pagans are doing in Lands of Indians and Arabs ??? Utah is big and Beautiful !!!
Pajeet, your whole nation is Mughal abortion.
Man your nation did worse than India during COVID while you boast higher GDP per capita and higher HDI. How stupid is that! Worthless nation!

BTW, I did not know COVID affected roaches.

BTW, I am pretty sure your "Both" Nations did worse than India. :rofl:
more coprophilia.........all blame on your Serbian Dads

Ahhh.......I seem to have struck a nerve here, Serbian and Croatian fathers it is

Source: al-Sham new hire pamplet

It is probably thoroughly searching in the fine print of its al-sham pamphlet right now
He’s another bu++hurt subcon who’s whining since morning, ofcourse small man syndrome is pretty much visible but whats more funny is him trying to be an expert on Indian affairs :lol:.
Drinking and rape is your specialty.
Rich coming from a lungideshi raqibool who’s country rapes almost 10 women per 100k women while the same figure for India is less than 2.

Unsurprised since BDiots still come under LDC tag i,e, least developed countries and it’s pretty visible.
In hindus hand even dictionary becomes pathetic because hindus are lowlife...

We Bangladeshi Muslims don't have drinking culture. It is a hindu thing. Drinking and rape is your specialty.

Still better than being a lowlife rapestani rapist immigrant.

Non of my grandmas were hindus. You are a hindu right? Then instead of making fun you should condemn Pakistani act against your religionmates...
Look dear, I know your life is hard but lets get one thing straight. Hindus saved your Ma/ Ammi, Apa, Dadi and Khala from getting a third and fourth hole after their two holes were pounded during '71's romp by pakistanis. So keep it real, don't jump the fence and stitch Chaddis. May be you will be able to buy a second hand Maruti 800 by the time your retire. I know even that will be a big event in your family.
Million dollars lol can’t even get a small three bed house for that here 😂🤣
It was 1.7 million dollars or 1.12 million pounds.

There are quite a few properties available for 1.12 million pounds even in London. I do not know what your "here" is. If I pick specific properties, there are ones which go for 10 million or more here.

That being said, I find UK real estate ugly.

You decide::

Most of properties even for 5 million pounds look like this in london

while old charecter homes look like this in Canada

I knowingly decided against UK to move. Grim sky, bad weather foul mood of people and cramped cities are no fun. Canada is open and bright, if you choose properly. At worst its cold and snowy. Never cramped though.
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He’s another bu++hurt subcon who’s whining since morning, ofcourse small man syndrome is pretty much visible but whats more funny is him trying to be an expert on Indian affairs :lol:.
Creature has finally taken inspiration from his absent Serbian dads and gone absent from this thread
Must be working well for us.... we are creating one of the largest economy and you guys created a failed state.
Is this what they teach you in shakhas? India is the "world's largest economy" because you have so much damn people, your GDP per capita (which really matters) is one of the lowest in the world. When common Indians live under the poverty line in subhuman conditions and India ranks low in every parameter out there, what's the use in a "large economy" that only benefits a select few? Indians should really read up on basic economics. A poor man who pretends to be something he's not and has the gall to mock others for their poor condition deserves nothing but scorn and ridicule.
You’re a small country in South East Europe who gets access to European markets for trade. Even countries Liechtenstein have a per capita gdp 3 times higher than USA but that doesn’t mean they’re worth anything.

And no your small country’s per capita GDP in Nominal terms is 2.7 times more than India and 2 times more in PPP terms, stop lying.

Else I can feel your pain being poorer than a 3rd tier Indian city :lol:
No surprise these people gloat about European supremacy, nobody knows of their existence, those who do are full of contempt for them
Is this what they teach you in shakhas? India is the "world's largest economy" because you have so much damn people, your GDP per capita (which really matters) is one of the lowest in the world. When common Indians live under the poverty line in subhuman conditions and India ranks low in every parameter out there, what's the use in a "large economy" that only benefits a select few? Indians should really read up on basic economics. A poor man who pretends to be something he's not and has the gall to mock others for their poor condition deserves nothing but scorn and ridicule.
Can you tell us acc to which economics, population = size of GDP ?

Pakistani Population is about double of japan ,about 4 times of UK

What is its GDP ?

Are you that dumb ?
Indian GDP per capita is much higher than your glorious failed state.:pop:

Half of it is in water ,other half is fighting and he is more concerned on Indian conditions. :lol:
more coprophilia.........all blame on your Serbian Dads
Pajeet, your country is toilet on open, it is one of the world bizzare puenomena, i am just fullfiling my civilsation duty to remind you and do something about it.
Why are you mad about it?

Cared enough to respond to his posts, the irony
You pajet friend responded first.

Man your nation did worse than India during COVID while you boast higher GDP per capita and higher HDI. How stupid is that! Worthless nation!

BTW, I did not know COVID affected roaches.

BTW, I am pretty sure your "Both" Nations did worse than India. :rofl:
Ok pajeet, you beleive in more stupid thing than that.
My nation at least did not leave dead people on streets as feast for animals.

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