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After 32 years First time Kashmiri girls are watching cinema in multiplex in Kashmir

Pajeet, your country is toilet on open, it is one of the world bizzare puenomena, i am just fullfiling my civilsation duty to remind you and do something about it.
Why are you mad about it?
Just imagine Pakee Katue, your country did way worse than a "toilet" during COVID. LOL! :rofl: :lol:

Actually your "Both" countries.
Pajeet, your country is toilet on open, it is one of the world bizzare puenomena, i am just fullfiling my civilsation duty to remind you and do something about it.
Why are you mad about it?

You pajet friend responded first.
Keep crying Boskur, your country isn’t some European wonderland, its still a sh!thole nobody wants to visit.
Just imagine, your country did way worse than a "toilet" during COVID. LOL! :rofl: :lol:

Actually your "Both" countries.
Sure pajeet, as i said you left people on streets to rotten and be food for dogs and someone should trust your data.
Can you tell us acc to which economics, population = size of GDP ?

Pakistani Population is about double of japan ,about 4 times of UK

What is its GDP ?

Are you that dumb ?
Indian GDP per capita is much higher than your glorious failed state.:pop:

Half of it is in water ,other half is fighting and he is more concerned on Indian conditions. :lol:
Looks like I really poked some holes in your fragile ego, now let's take a look at the GDP per capita of the mighty, developing, and fast growing economy of SUPAPOWA India.
Screenshot 2022-09-21 090238.png

Even war torn shitholes like Iraq and Ukraine outperform you :lol:
Half of it is in water ,other half is fighting and he is more concerned on Indian conditions. :lol:

Wrong to make fun of natural disasters.. Climate change is going to affect all. A disaster of such a magnitude is almost certain to strike India sooner or later, and we have much more people than them living along river banks.
Keep crying Boskur, your country isn’t some European wonderland, its still a sh!thole nobody wants to visit.
Actually pajet we have constant growth in tourism industry, you know we do not rape and scam .

WTF is a "puenomena"? , coprophilia is finally causing aphasia now
Your brain lost 1 of 2 brain cells so you can not comprehend clearly written sentence?
Ok pajeet, you beleive in more stupid thing than that.
Lance says so:

Bosnia had excess mortality rate of 333.9

Reported Covid 19 deathReported COVID-19 mortalityExcess DeathsExcess MortalityRatio between excess and reported mortality
Bosnia and Herzegovina13 400214·820 900 (19 600 to 22 000)333·9 (313·8 to 351·7)1·55 (1·46 to 1·64)

MUCH MUCH MUCH higher than that of India
India489 00018·34 070 000 (3 710 000 to 4 360 000)152·5 (138·6 to 163·3)8·33 (7·58 to 8·92)

Source : https://www.thelancet.com/article/S0140-6736(21)02796-3/fulltext#seccestitle150

The Lancet is not owned by India. The study independently estimated excess mortality in 2021.

So Pakee Katuddin, your shit hole country can not even protect its people from COVID. If your population were same as India, 10 million of your stupid people would have died. So much for having clean water or whatever you were gloating about.

Actually pajet we have constant growth in tourism industry, you know we do not rape and scam .
And yet you can not protect your own citizens from COVID. :rofl: who will come there for tourism? Not me!

Looks like I really poked some holes in your fragile ego, now let's take a look at the GDP per capita of the mighty, developing, and fast growing economy of SUPAPOWA India.
View attachment 881472
Even war torn shitholes like Iraq and Ukraine outperform you :lol:
Yet Pakistan is almost HALF the GDP per Capita of India. What does that mean?
Lance says so:

Bosnia had excess mortality rate of 333.9

Reported Covid 19 deathReported COVID-19 mortalityExcess DeathsExcess MortalityRatio between excess and reported mortality
Bosnia and Herzegovina13 400214·820 900 (19 600 to 22 000)333·9 (313·8 to 351·7)1·55 (1·46 to 1·64)

MUCH MUCH MUCH higher than that of India
India489 00018·34 070 000 (3 710 000 to 4 360 000)152·5 (138·6 to 163·3)8·33 (7·58 to 8·92)

Source : https://www.thelancet.com/article/S0140-6736(21)02796-3/fulltext#seccestitle150

The Lancet is not owned by India. The study independently estimated excess mortality in 2021.

So Pakee Katuddin, your shit hole country can not even protect its people from COVID. If your population were same as India, 10 million of your stupid people would have died. So much for having clean water or whatever you were gloating about.

And yet you can not protect your own citizens from COVID. :rofl: who will come there for tourism? Not me!

Yet Pakistan is almost HALF the GDP per Capita of India. What does that mean?
So, what lance said about people eaten by roamin animals?
Looks like I really poked some holes in your fragile ego, now let's take a look at the GDP per capita of the mighty, developing, and fast growing economy of SUPAPOWA India.

Even war torn shitholes like Iraq and Ukraine outperform you :lol:

You are dumber than i thought.

Just a Hint,

Sri Lankans had much higher GDP Per capita, much higher HDI, now we have sent them food as aid. :pop:

Can you see where is pakistan in between all ?

Wrong to make fun of natural disasters.. Climate change is going to affect all. A disaster of such a magnitude is almost certain to strike India sooner or later, and we have much more people than them living along river banks.

Less to do with natural disasters more with the incompetence of the people,

They have no planning, no governance,

never built any dams , even after earlier floods.

State can face challenges / disaster but it is failed when it can't handle them or never learn.
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