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After 16 years on the run, Kerala man held in Coimbatore blasts case

so go ahead and propose your solution? IPC is not going to cut it, education and social justice wont either. Then?

LOL. I already did. Speaking truth. An unbiased media. An unbiased political culture. Tearing off political correctness.

You might also want to look into your definition of majority and minority. To the around 1.7 billion Muslims and 2.5 billion Christians in the world, since patriotism and nationality is a dirty word for you, there are only 1.1 billion Hindus. By your standard of political correctness the world needs to take care of its Hindus more than its Muslims and Christians.

What is that negative rating for? Misplaced logic? Or the typo where instead of nationalism I hurriedly typed nationality?

so go ahead and propose your solution? IPC is not going to cut it, education and social justice wont either. Then?

Well call a turd when I see one, weather hindu muslim or martian, but there are some threads I visit and some I gnore and cannot go through every thread or post to comment on them. right is right, wrong is wrong, whichever color it might be.


Now being radicalized is equal to being terrorist?
Yes, you are. Did you not assume that we plan to take out our MKIs and rain bomb on the Muslims? Did you not assume that we are going to kill every Muslim in India? I am to assume that is your definition of your pro-Hindu stance?

Was it me who proposed labelling 200 million muslims as radicals,?

Oh really, have you heard of Zaheer Khan or Amir Khan or Hamid Ansari talk about Muslim radicalism? How about Amir's Satyam Yeva Jayate? He did a lot of programs on flaws in the Hindu society, have you seen him speak out against the Muslim society?
Yeah you are calling out the wrong of those people who are point the wrong of our society. No you wont have guts to speak against Islam. No you wont have guts to speak against Muslim terrorism. Rather you or those who are politically correct in our society would go fear mongering about Saffron terrorism.
Do you know the defination of political correctness? that is the bigger question here.

Oh really? Did you do all that for our country? You mean unlike Sawant who just does it for TRPs? Wow, man your sacrifices have earned you the right to say kis bazaar mein patriotism milta hai. I concede.
Despite, it hasn't I guess, because i need a certificate from you prove my nationalism.

Yeah, Musim radicalization is going to be stopped now because of the fear of Indian law. No more Indian Muslims go to Syria and no more Indian Muslims ever cause a terror attack. Riots, mobbing, and all that can well be assumed to be the thing of the past. Why, because Sandy here has opined that there is no radicalization happening. Muslims are well integrated into the society but for evil RSS goondas.

Contesting a blanket label against 200 million muslims of india, or the citizenry of Kerela, is an Anti antional, Anti india, and anti hindu agenda.... wow

What is that negative rating for? Misplaced logic? Or the typo where instead of nationalism I hurriedly typed nationality?

You can debate, but maintain the decorum of the discourse, There were no personal attacks directed towards you and you are expected to show the same courtesy towards fellow members. If you think the rating was biased or unfair, please report it to mods and they will reverse it.

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Was it me who proposed labelling 200 million muslims as radicals,?

Yes I was. They are, barring a few exceptions. Radicals as of yet does not mean terrorists having not yet committed any act of terror.

Do you know the defination of political correctness? that is the bigger question here.

Yes I do. In India it means the Hindu is the devil and the Muslim is the angel.

Despite, it hasn't I guess, because i need a certificate from you prove my nationalism.

I would say a person who does not know where to find patriotism would need to prove his nationalism to just about everybody.

Contesting a blanket label against 200 million muslims of india, or the citizenry of Kerela, is an Anti antional, Anti india, and anti hindu agenda.... wow

Twisting my words is not going to earn you anything. Your anti-national agenda comes from your not being able to find patriotism. Your anti-Hindu agenda comes from your fear and blanketing of Hindus as Muslim killers. Muslim radicalization is a fact throughout the world as well as Kerala is emerging as the Terror Laboratory as per our own security agencies. You can bury your head in sand. I am not an ostrich.

You can debate, but maintain the decorum of the discourse, There were no personal attacks directed towards you and you are expected to show the same courtesy towards fellow members. If you think the rating was biased or unfair, please report it to mods and they will reverse it.

Oh so polite and so sweet. Why you are sunshine. I wonder where there was a personal attack. You are a global citizen are you not who does not know where to find patriotism?
Yes I was. They are, barring a few exceptions. Radicals as of yet does not mean terrorists having not yet committed any act of terror.
Exception, umm i suppose not bengalis right?

Yes I do. In India it means the Hindu is the devil and the Muslim is the angel.
So to drive you point home, you will resort to change functional defination to suite your agenda.

I would say a person who does not know where to find patriotism would need to prove his nationalism to just about everybody.[/quote]
Funny, you are proposing marginalization of muslims, you claim bengali (most) are commies, Mallus apparently are experimenting with terror, and then lecture me about patriotism. What has been your contribution to country may I ask? and when you are at it you might want to look up patriotism too, you might be confusing it with something else.

Twisting my words is not going to earn you anything. Your anti-national agenda comes from your not being able to find patriotism. Your anti-Hindu agenda comes from your fear and blanketing of Hindus as Muslim killers. Muslim radicalization is a fact throughout the world as well as Kerala is emerging as the Terror Laboratory as per our own security agencies. You can bury your head in sand. I am not an ostrich.

And the way we will combat radicalization is with unbiased media, Not education, not rule of law, not integration. Proposing those as subsititutes makes you anti national.... You are really having an off day today.

Oh so polite and so sweet. Why you are sunshine.
So to drive you point home, you will resort to change functional defination to suite your agenda.

I have not changed any meaning of any word. I am just telling you of the usage in India since this is where I live and how it is applied here is what matters. Otherwise too, I am not a fan of political correctness anywhere else in the word even in its more refined and precise form.

Funny, you are proposing marginalization of muslims, you claim bengali (most) are commies, Mallus apparently are experimenting with terror, and then lecture me about patriotism. What has been your contribution to country may I ask? and when you are at it you might want to look up patriotism too, you might be confusing it with something else.

Yeah I claim Bengalis are commies as proved by the 35 years of rule of CPM in WB. Yes I claim they are commies because their latest leader is more left than left itself. Yes I claim Bengalis are commies because the only way their differentiate themselves and the rest of the country is via class conflicts. Where did I propose marginalization of Muslims? Can you show me where I have done that? Yes, Mallus are experimenting with terror by their consipracy of silence and feeding of the Muslim victimhood. My contribution to the country? Nothing much beyond that of a law abiding ordinary tax paying citizen. Oh no, I know my patriotism alright.

And the way we will combat radicalization is with unbiased media, Not education, not rule of law, not integration. Proposing those as subsititutes makes you anti national.... You are really having an off day today.

Oh did I say we should bomb our schools now? Or do away with law now? Is this the level of your comprehension? Speaking truth and advocating truth makes me an anti-national? Wonder if you really had an on-day ever.
I have not changed any meaning of any word. I am just telling you of the usage in India since this is where I live and how it is applied here is what matters. Otherwise too, I am not a fan of political correctness anywhere else in the word even in its more refined and precise form.
So you are proposing the opposite of political correctness, right? Think what that would mean.

Yeah I claim Bengalis are commies as proved by the 35 years of rule of CPM in WB. Yes I claim they are commies because their latest leader is more left than left itself. Yes I claim Bengalis are commies because the only way their differentiate themselves and the rest of the country is via class conflicts. Where did I propose marginalization of Muslims? Can you show me where I have done that? Yes, Mallus are experimenting with terror by their consipracy of silence and feeding of the Muslim victimhood. My contribution to the country? Nothing much beyond that of a law abiding ordinary tax paying citizen. Oh no, I know my patriotism alright.
by the same logic, every Indian up untill this election was a congressi? Labeling 200 million muslims in india as radicals, and proposing their loyalties and sympathies allign themselves against the nation is not marginalization. correct.

Oh did I say we should bomb our schools now? Or do away with law now? Is this the level of your comprehension? Speaking truth and advocating truth makes me an anti-national? Wonder if you really had an on-day ever.
My comprehension can another topic of discussion, solution to radicalisation in your own words is not Education, integration or stronger law and order, it is un biased media coverage.... Problem solved.

do you see the ostrich smiling in the avatar ;)
So you are proposing the opposite of political correctness, right? Think what that would mean.

What would it mean? It would just been free speech just like in USA.

by the same logic, every Indian up untill this election was a congressi? Labeling 200 million muslims in india as radicals, and proposing their loyalties and sympathies allign themselves against the nation is not marginalization. correct.

Yes, a lot of Indians are congressies. I was until I was voting for them. Where is the argument? No it is not marginalization. Should I advocate depriving them of any right that is available to other citizens, that would be marginalization. Radicalization is a fact. That you find it hard to digest says perhaps about you and your ability to handle facts.

My comprehension can another topic of discussion, solution to radicalisation in your own words is not Education, integration or stronger law and order, it is un biased media coverage.... Problem solve

My comprehension can another topic of discussion, solution to radicalisation in your own words is not Education, integration or stronger law and order, it is un biased media coverage.... Problem solved.

No it never has been the solution as proved by more educated men joining terrorist forces than the uneducated. Sure all Indians should be educated, though what I would call education is slightly different that what goes for education in this country, though that is not to fight radicalization but to be worthy of becoming a potential contributing member of the society. Law and order and all that only helps so far as the people are willing to be part of that system and feel a sense of belonging to that system. Not otherwise.
What would it mean? It would just been free speech just like in USA.
Incorrect on both counts,
As per the defination of Political Correctness that the world understands:
this is what you are against: the avoidance, often considered as taken to extremes, of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.

So when you propose the opposite you are encouraging forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against. Which would be against all minorities not just Muslims.

As per your interpretation:
In India it means the Hindu is the devil and the Muslim is the angel.

and the opposite you propose would be Muslims are the devil and Hindus are the angels, i guess.

none of it is free speech, which is albiet a noble cause.

Dosn't work in both contexts dear. anyways always a pleasure talking to you, good night.
I generally do not speak ostrich, but if you say it is smiling, I will take your word for it..

I am going to sleep. I have been debating the whole evening or perhaps since afternoon and it is 2:02 a.m now.

Free advice: Ignore the global :taz: citizens.
I am not here to bookmark all your postings. Many of the Malayalee members and Bengali members had heated discussions with you for generalizing us as commies, sicularists, anti nationals, traitors etc. If you dont remember saying any of these or standing up to your accusations then let it be..
But brother being an ethnic Bengali myself i can assure you to the fact that Bengal indeed has a high percentage of traitors and anti-national elements these days.And i am not talking about any specific religion here,i am talking about Bengalis as a whole.Gone are the days when Bengalis used to be in the forefront of the freedom struggle,nowadays there are many amongst us who'll probably sell even their mothers or sisters for the right price:mad:.These people don't have any respect towards this country and will probably betray her at the slightest opportunity.Believe me mate,i have personally met some of these people and i can assure you that they are not the exact patriotic type.Heck some of these traitors even took out a possession protesting Afzal Guru's "fake" hanging by the Indian state and i personally heard some of them chanting anti-Indian and pro-Azadi slogans and the funniest thing was that all of them were from the majority community:hitwall:.the Jadavpur University(a renowned technical university in India) has become the breeding ground of maoist ideology.Students openly take out possessions supporting the maoists and criticizing the state for it's "alleged" brutality against the maoist terrorists.Bengal,i am afraid,is already a lost cause....:(
But brother being an ethnic Bengali myself i can assure you to the fact that Bengal indeed has a high percentage of traitors and anti-national elements these days.And i am not talking about any specific religion here,i am talking about Bengalis as a whole.Gone are the days when Bengalis used to be in the forefront of the freedom struggle,nowadays there are many amongst us who'll probably sell even their mothers or sisters for the right price:mad:.These people don't have any respect towards this country and will probably betray her at the slightest opportunity.Believe me mate,i have personally met some of these people and i can assure you that they are not the exact patriotic type.Heck some of these traitors even took out a possession protesting Afzal Guru's "fake" hanging by the Indian state and i personally heard some of them chanting anti-Indian and pro-Azadi slogans and the funniest thing was that all of them were from the majority community:hitwall:.the Jadavpur University(a renowned technical university in India) has become the breeding ground of maoist ideology.Students openly take out possessions supporting the maoists and criticizing the state for it's "alleged" brutality against the maoist terrorists.Bengal,i am afraid,is already a lost cause....:(

These people are more visible. That is all. Nationalism is not dead in Bengal, not in the Hindu community at least, but the Bengali Hindus need to grow a pair immediately.

Hindus are suffering of Stockholm Syndrome.
These people are more visible. That is all. Nationalism is not dead in Bengal, not in the Hindu community at least, but the Bengali Hindus need to grow a pair immediately.

Hindus are suffering of Stockholm Syndrome.
Mate,simply put,the Bengali community is growing more and more anti-national by the each passing day.We have become a community full of hypocrites.When the entire civilized world is turing it's back on communism the Bengali populace is still clinging to the idea of socialism and communism to this day.The whole world acknowledges the fact that Mr.Mao Tse Tung was a megalomaniac mass murderer but here in Bengal you'll find many Bengalis still following and supporting the ideology of that genocidal maniac.And when it comes to "secularism" we are literally the worldwide thekedaars of this ideology.If a person supports BJP or has a spot spot to the R.S.S. then he/she will instantly termed as a "communal" person.It's because of these people that 3 of our districts has already seen a major demographic change in the last 30 years owing to the constant influx of illegal BD lungiwalas.I am telling you that Bengal,as a state,is already a lost cause...:rolleyes:
Mate,simply put,the Bengali community is growing more and more anti-national by the each passing day.We have become a community full of hypocrites.When the entire civilized world is turing it's back on communism the Bengali populace is still clinging to the idea of socialism and communism to this day.The whole world acknowledges the fact that Mr.Mao Tse Tung was a megalomaniac mass murderer but here in Bengal you'll find many Bengalis still following and supporting the ideology of that genocidal maniac.And when it comes to "secularism" we are literally the worldwide thekedaars of this ideology.If a person supports BJP or has a spot spot to the R.S.S. then he/she will instantly termed as a "communal" person.It's because of these people that 3 of our districts has already seen a major demographic change in the last 30 years owing to the constant influx of illegal BD lungiwalas.I am telling you that Bengal,as a state,is already a lost cause...:rolleyes:

Bengal is less communist than what it used to be a decade ago. I call it improvement. Could BJP get such high percentage of votes in WB without any grass root-level political changes? RSS has now spread it's shakhas inside WB which was nearly impossible 5 years ago.

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