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After 16 years on the run, Kerala man held in Coimbatore blasts case

You are obsessed with howling and shit, are you a dog ? :lol: ....that might account for your low level intellect and might even make you slightly more tolerable.

Your foolish interjection only strengthen my case, if Nair's are 14 % of kerala they too are a minority. :lol:

Now since you have nothing of value to add except troll .......shooooo. Don't you have a car to chase or something ?
I think its better to be a dog rather than a false fager like you..
please,take your rantings somewhere else...
What? Now that doesn't even make any sense?

Why? Does it not? Are not the Multinational companies disadvantaged against the cruel majorities of nation states where they did not originate? Should they not be given preferential treatment?

Affirmative action or positive discrimination (known as employment equity in Canada, reservation in India, and positive action in the UK) is the policy of providing special opportunities for, and favoring members of, a disadvantaged group who suffer from discrimination.

Who suffered discrimination? The Hindus or the Muslims? Who were the ruling class the Hindus? Or are all minorities just given special opportunities just for being minorities? So is Germany, France, Switzerland providing special opportunities for the minorities in their midst? Hey how about Canada and America? Are they giving preferential treatment in all public policies to the Hindus, Chinese, Vietnamese?
Only a fool would continue to claim 25 % of the population deserve "minority" tag and needs special concessions, especially when they are richer than the 55 % of the population.

Its either lack of intelligence or lack of moral integrity. I suspect the latter.

Especially since you continue to defend religious minorities over any other kind. (caste, economic disparity, disabled etc..)

Forget about the readers, Take a cold hard look in the mirror.
Did I specifically say that other miorities do not deserve benefits? I wasn't aware of Nair being minorities, I was under the impression it is just a surname. But I have not proposed any discrimination for other minorities. On contrary, your undertone of personal attacks seems quite contrived, which I will not ignore further. So tread lightly.
As Indian Tiger said it was all started and supported by the Indian state, especially Indira Gandhi.
please,don't give excuses..you have every rights to defense your Tamil community..
but terrorists are terrorists.be it indira gandi supported,davood ibrahim supported, Indian,Pakistani,Muslim,Hindu or Christian..
Why? Does it not? Are not the Multinational companies disadvantaged against the cruel majorities of nation states where they did not originate? Should they not be given preferential treatment?
You are just blaberring nonsense now, you have no Idea of how forign ivestment functions.

Who suffered discrimination? The Hindus or the Muslims? Who were the ruling class the Hindus? Or are all minorities just given special opportunities just for being minorities? So is Germany, France, Switzerland providing special opportunities for the minorities in their midst? Hey how about Canada and America? Are they giving preferential treatment in all public policies to the Hindus, Chinese, Vietnamese?
Affirmative action in india was put ito the constitution of india by public consensus of elected leadership. if you have problems with that, take it up with your elected leaders, If you want t lear about affirmative actions of other countries, google it.
please,don't give excuses..you have every rights to defense your Tamil community..
but terrorists are terrorists.be it indira gandi supported,davood ibrahim supported, Indian,Pakistani,Muslim,Hindu or Christian..

Of course terrorists are terrorists. Hell I support Sri Lanka as far as LTTE goes. Also I am a fan of Dr. Swamy. So there goes your pet theory that I am biased towards Tamils because they are mine.

You are just blaberring nonsense now, you have no Idea of how forign ivestment functions.

Oh right. What is logic in considering one faction minorities though they belong to a global community where they are majorities does not work where Multinationals are considered? How convenient? Make be when the whites start speaking in those terms, you will agree? Since everything they define as per their convenience is the golden standard as per you.

Affirmative action in india was put ito the constitution of india by public consensus of elected leadership. if you have problems with that, take it up with your elected leaders, If you want t lear about affirmative actions of other countries, google it.

Throughout the world from my studies it has only been those communities which have been marginalized and discriminated against by the majorities who have been provided affirmative actions. Like the aborgines in Australia. Like the American-Indians in USA and the blacks, for their genocide and their slavery. Not because they are black. Not because they are minorities.

The only group eligible for that in India are the so-called untouchables or the dalits and that too for a limited timeframe.
Oh right. What is logic in considering one faction minorities though they belong to a global community where they are majorities does not work where Multinationals are considered? How convenient? Make be when the whites start speaking in those terms, you will agree? Since everything they define as per their convenience is the golden standard as per you.

And you want to interpolate majority schema of global community to a specific nation.. brilliant indeed.
Sandy feel free to issue as many negative ratings and even bans. It is the only tool you have since logic is not your forte.
Did I specifically say that other miorities do not deserve benefits? I wasn't aware of Nair being minorities, I was under the impression it is just a surname. But I have not proposed any discrimination for other minorities. On contrary, your undertone of personal attacks seems quite contrived, which I will not ignore further. So tread lightly.

Ignorance is not a valid excuse under the law.

It is your illogical discourse that grants minority status to 25 % of the population even when they are better off than the rest of the population which shows your moral integrity. There is no personal attack, just pointing out the obvious. Moral integrity is a measure of your moral soundness.

Your defence of your moral stand is "ignorance". So stop threatening me.
Throughout the world from my studies it has only been those communities which have been marginalized and discriminated against by the majorities who have been provided affirmative actions. Like the aborgines in Australia. Like the American-Indians in USA and the blacks, for their genocide and their slavery. Not because they are black. Not because they are minorities.

The only group eligible for that in India are the so-called untouchables or the dalits and that too for a limited timeframe.
Perfect, take it up with the elected leadership...
And you want to interpolate majority schema of global community to a specific nation.. brilliant indeed.

Yup, since this majority schema plays a huge role in how social disadvantaged or undisadvantaged one is. Ever heard of preferential visas for Muslims in gulf countries? How about preferential interest free loans to Muslims. How about millions and billions of dollars flowing by the majority schema into church groups which is funded to buy up land and properties all over India. So how many majority schema Hindu organizations you have which has been fueling in money to the 350 million dirt poor Hindus?

Perfect, take it up with the elected leadership...

Yes we are. But since we were on this forum and you were a big supporter of affirmative actions just for being minority of 200 million I thought we were having a debate.
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Ignorance is not a valid excuse under the law.

It is your illogical discourse that grants minority status to 25 % of the population even when they are better off than the rest of the population is what shows your moral integrity. There is no personal attack, just pointing our the obvious. Moral integrity is a measure of your moral soundness.

Your defence of your moral stand is "ignorance". So stop threatening me.

Alright genius, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Zoroastrians (Parsis) and Jains have been notified as minority communities by the Union Government under the National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992. Do you dispute that?

So identifying muslims is consistent with the constitution of India, additionally on the nair issue, Today, the government of India does not treat the Nair community as a single entity. It classifies some, such as the Illathu and Swaroopathu Nairs, as a forward caste but other sections, such as the Veluthedathu, Vilakkithala and Andhra Nairs, as Other Backward Classes.These classifications are for the purpose of determining which groups of people in certain areas are subject to positive discrimination policies for the purposes of education and employment.

So me not identifying nair as a minority is consistent with government of India, so is muslims as a minority. Let me know if that changes, or I am missing something.

Yes we are. But since we were on this forum and you were a big supporter of affirmative actions just for being minority of 200 million I thought we were having a debate.

Do not twist my words now, affirmative actions for minorities groups identified by government of India. not just muslims.
Do not twist my words now, affirmative actions for minorities groups identified by government of India. not just muslims.

Nope. Affirmative action in India constitutionally validated was only for socially imposed disabilities for the dalit caste. No one else. Yes it was extended to include other marginalized castes as time went on.

It was your conflating political correctness with affirmative action which brought affirmative action into the debate.
Sandy feel free to issue as many negative ratings and even bans. It is the only tool you have since logic is not your forte.
It is quite evident who here is propagating discriminatory rhetoric and indulging in personal attacks. Negative rating are from straying from forum regulation. Stay within it and try to carry a meaningful discourse, and there will be no negative ratings.
i do not negatively rate anyone for disagreeing with me.

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