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After 16 years on the run, Kerala man held in Coimbatore blasts case

It is quite evident who here is propagating discriminatory rhetoric and indulging in personal attacks. Negative rating are from straying from forum regulation. Stay within it and try to carry a meaningful discourse, and there will be no negative ratings.
i do not negatively rate anyone for disagreeing with me.

The only one proposing discriminatory rhetoric is you who wants Hindus to be discriminated against and the state and media to indulge in positive bias towards the Muslims. I on the other hand did not ask for any preferential treatment for Hindus. I just asked for honesty and truth in our deals.

Yeah I know how much forum rules are applied. Since I could see no personal attack against you or any nationality in the comment you negative rated me as well as Chak Bamu issued me a warning about.
Nope. Affirmative action in India constitutionally validated was only for socially imposed disabilities for the dalit caste. No one else. Yes it was extended to include other marginalized castes as time went on.

It was your conflating political correctness with affirmative action which brought affirmative action into the debate.
Wrong again!
Under Article 340 of the Indian Constitution, it is obligatory for the government to promote the welfare of the OBCs.

The First Backward Classes Commission was established by a presidential order on 29 January 1953 under the chairmanship of Kaka Kalelkar, and submitted its report on 30 March 1955. It had prepared a list of 2,399 backward castes or communities for the entire country, of which 837 had been classified as the "most backward". Some of the most notable recommendations of the commission were:

Yes it was extended to include other marginalized castes as time went on.
Yes it was extended to include other marginalized castes as time went on.

You saw that? Other backward castes (OBCs), those are the other marginalized castes. Also is it not funny that the majority schema religions like Christianity which never miss an opportunity to berate and run down Hindus and Hinduism for caste is speaking in terms of castes in Christianity. Of course support of liberals to such logic can be blindly assumed since it is the Chruch which is advocating it.
The only one proposing discriminatory rhetoric is you who wants Hindus to be discriminated against and the state and media to indulge in positive bias towards the Muslims. I on the other hand did not ask for any preferential treatment for Hindus. I just asked for honesty and truth in our deals.
Do you still not see the disconnect, all this while all I have objected to gross generalization of 200 million muslims as radicals, and blanket generalization of state of kerala as terror lab.

It is you who is alleging that I am proposing bias against hindus.

Please show me where have I proposed any such thing. This is your allegation, now prove it or take it back.
And u asked for two more things than unbiased media, you want political in-correctness, which by your own defination is demonization of muslims and you are also proposing 200 million muslims as radicals with a few exceptions. these I believe are your words.
Alright genius, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Zoroastrians (Parsis) and Jains have been notified as minority communities by the Union Government under the National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992. Do you dispute that?

So identifying muslims is consistent with the constitution of India, additionally on the nair issue, Today, the government of India does not treat the Nair community as a single entity. It classifies some, such as the Illathu and Swaroopathu Nairs, as a forward caste but other sections, such as the Veluthedathu, Vilakkithala and Andhra Nairs, as Other Backward Classes.These classifications are for the purpose of determining which groups of people in certain areas are subject to positive discrimination policies for the purposes of education and employment.

So me not identifying nair as a minority is consistent with government of India, so is muslims as a minority. Let me know if that changes, or I am missing something.

Do not twist my words now, affirmative actions for minorities groups identified by government of India. not just muslims.


The notification is ONLY for Minority Educational Institutions Act, 2004. However it is not absolute. Muslims are not minority in kashmir, christians are not minority in Nagaland for eg.

The world minority like the word secularisms is NOT defined in the Indian constitution.

Current definition of the word minority comes from the supreme court ruling under Chief justic S.R. Das, suggesting the techniques of arithmetic tabulation, held that the minority means a "community, which is numerically less than 50 percent" of the total population.

So Nair community does come under the definition of minority in India. So does Brahmin community in Kerala. This was further reinforced by the kerala high court.
Current definition of the word minority comes from the supreme court ruling under Chief justic S.R. Das, suggesting the techniques of arithmetic tabulation, held that the minority means a "community, which is numerically less than 50 percent" of the total population.

By the same logic, would a 25% demographic group be a minority according to you?
Do you still not see the disconnect, all this while all I have objected to gross generalization of 200 million muslims as radicals, and blanket generalization of state of kerala as terror lab.

The disconnected one is not me, it is you. Throughout this debate I have backed up my arguments while all you have done is twisted statements and gone off on a tangent.

It is you who is proposing that I am proposing bias against hindus.

Yes. Any positive bias against minority communities, especially one as large as the minority community in India, is discrimination against the majority community. Any one-sided reporting by the media covering up the deeds of the minorities paints the majorities as the devils for perpetuity as a matter of record for generations to come. You are the lie supporter who wants to make out Hindus as evil in all documents since you do not want the other side of the story ever recorded or known.
By the same logic, would a 25% demographic group be a minority according to you?

The very same logic would include EVERY community in kerala as a minority as non of them is more than 50%.

In a state where everyone is a minority, NO one is a minority.
religions like Christianity which never miss an opportunity to berate and run down Hindus and Hinduism for caste is speaking in terms of castes in Christianity.
who told you that??...there may have some extremists among christians(perhaps in all religion),who will run down hindus and hinduism(just like our makaramarma)...but don't generalize all....
The very same logic would include EVERY community in kerala as a minority as non of them is more than 50%.

In a state where everyone is a minority, NO one is a minority.
Or maybe the metric of determining the minority may need review, instead of caste or religion, Economic status might be a better metric.
who told you that??...there may have some extremists among christians(perhaps in all religion),who will run down hindus and hinduism(just like our makaramarma)...but don't generalize all....

LOL...what is there not to generalise.

The very core of Christianity is Nicene creed which clearly states everyone except the christian is a sinner and is going to hell. :lol:

Its you religion which has created these generalization, not the Hindus or me :lol:
who told you that??...there may have some extremists among christians(perhaps in all religion),who will run down hindus and hinduism(just like our makaramarma)...but don't generalize all....

No darling. Just go and look up who the organizers and funders of sites such as dalitfreedom.org are. It is the church. Just go and look up why India comes up time and again in the US govt's blacklist as the country with the least religious freedom. Just check for sites about Hindu persecution of Christians on the net. I am sure you will find there are more than a "few" extremists in there. Also do look for devil worshiping Hindus and see who is making those websites. Now imagine how much of this conversation happens off the internet too.
Yes. Any positive bias against minority communities, especially one as large as the minority community in India, is discrimination against the majority community. Any one-sided reporting by the media covering up the deeds of the minorities paints the majorities as the devils for perpetuity as a matter of record for generations to come. You are the lie supporter who wants to make out Hindus as evil in all documents since you do not want the other side of the story ever recorded or known.

It is not, as the supreme court of India doesn't buy this argument and has facilitated, subsequent affirmative actions. So your claims have no merits at all. If they did feel free to submit a PIL and I guarantee will bankrole every lawyer fees you would encounter.

GN for now.
Or maybe the metric of determining the minority may need review, instead of caste or religion, Economic status might be a better metric.

Spin it any way you want. Just stop defending bigotry as "minority rights".
Spin it any way you want. Just stop defending bigotry as "minority rights".

Bigotry is to oppose labeling 200 million muslims as radicals, you might want to look up the meaning once again.

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