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Afghans in Pakistan fear return home

I do have problew with MQM and its supporters, but not all mohajirs. Unfortunately MQM supporters make bulk of mohajir population and my comments might seem anti-mohajir when i criticize MQM...

There is no such thing as anti pushtun sentiment in MQM they have a serious problem with Taliban though on the other hand ! now u and i know that most pushtuns support taliban thus why there was a tussle. Its these mofo talibs and their sympathisers who were creating all the trouble for eg inciting ethnic and sectarian troubles in the city by targeting rival party members, bhatta etc etc BUT the truth is out every one knows it since ANP lost its foothold in pushtun dominated areas they cant get in those locations only if they listned to MQM rather than using pushtun card to gain some publicity now Look at both MQM and ANP they are both at peace.
Brother a few may be honest workers but a vast majority are involved in arms making or robbings or the lucrative drugs business which travels from Afghanistan through Pakistan.

The fact that Pashtuns themselves are sick of them should say something.

i think any pathan from afganistan should be allowed to stay, the problem i think is with darris they are generally anti pakistan i know a lot of them in rochester, some who were even refugees in pakistan and they talk alot of crap about us.
There is no such thing as anti pushtun sentiment in MQM they have a serious problem with Taliban though on the other hand ! now u and i know that most pushtuns support taliban thus why there was a tussle. Its these mofo talibs and their sympathisers who were creating all the trouble for eg inciting ethnic and sectarian troubles in the city by targeting rival party members, bhatta etc etc BUT the truth is out every one knows it since ANP lost its foothold in pushtun dominated areas they cant get in those locations only if they listned to MQM rather than using pushtun card to gain some publicity now Look at both MQM and ANP they are both at peace.

U my friend are no different from racist luffy..
Iran doesn't care what Pakistan thinks when it comes to Afghanistan, since most miseries in Afghanistan are caused by Pakistan anyway.

NA was far worse in human right records then Taliban, its a battle for influence please don't wrap it into something else :lol:
There should be a law. Those who came to Pakistan after 1971 must leave. Be it Punjabi Muhajirs, Kashmiri Muhajirs, Indian Muhajirs, Bangladeshi Muhajirs or Afghan Muhajirs.
Btw, Iran has more refugees (Afghans) in its country than any other country in the world. Many Afghans are working as labors in Iran, although recently many of them have been forced out of the country:

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