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Afghans hate of Pakistan - The real reason


Would you rather live in Swat?


Or in dusty barren undeveloped place in Afghanistan?
Peshawar probably has a bigger GDP than entire Afghanistan.


Would you rather live in Swat?


Or in dusty barren undeveloped place in Afghanistan?
Oh wait Peshwar 1 city has half the GDP as Afghanistan lol.
1950s Afghanistan and incoming Taliban Afghanistan of today are two vastly different governments.

Barakzai kings of Afghanistan were traitors to Afghanistan and Pakistan both. They even sold land on the Durand line to the British for monthly stipends to enhance their luxurious lifestyles.

I do not speak of anything that didn't happen before. The Durrani empire is the direct predecessor of both modern Afghanistan and Pakistan.


Also this was not merely my vision but that of Ch. Rehmat Ali, the one who named Pakistan Allama Iqbal uttered similar sentiments in his poetry.

Central Asia is our future.

Indians have brainwashed Afghans of Kabul and former NA to refer to Pakistanis as Punjabis.

Do you know why Punjabi is used? Because to Afghans, they think about Ranjit Singh and the Sikh empire when they hear Punjabi.

The anti-Hindu and anti-Sikh sentiments among Afghans due to historic reasons are being used by clever Indian and Iranian spies to promote anti-Pakistani sentiments.

It is ridiculous. We Punjabis suffered most under Sikh empire, they desecrated our Badshahi masjid for one.

I find it very hard to trust Afghanis. They hate Pakistan even more than Indians hate it.
I find it very hard to trust Afghanis. They hate Pakistan even more than Indians hate it.

Where did you experience them?

I am curious, because I had different experiences than you in Lahore, esp in the 90s and early 2000s.

Nuke them. 1 Nuke on kabul would solve this damn problem forever.

Kabul is the source of everything wrong with Afghanistsn. I am waiting for the day when Taliban delivers divine jirga justice on those lifafa cronies.
1950s Afghanistan and incoming Taliban Afghanistan of today are two vastly different governments.

Barakzai kings of Afghanistan were traitors to Afghanistan and Pakistan both. They even sold land on the Durand line to the British for monthly stipends to enhance their luxurious lifestyles.

I do not speak of anything that didn't happen before. The Durrani empire is the direct predecessor of both modern Afghanistan and Pakistan.


Also this was not merely my vision but that of Ch. Rehmat Ali, the one who named Pakistan Allama Iqbal uttered similar sentiments in his poetry.

Central Asia is our future.

Indians have brainwashed Afghans of Kabul and former NA to refer to Pakistanis as Punjabis.

Do you know why Punjabi is used? Because to Afghans, they think about Ranjit Singh and the Sikh empire when they hear Punjabi.

The anti-Hindu and anti-Sikh sentiments among Afghans due to historic reasons are being used by clever Indian and Iranian spies to promote anti-Pakistani sentiments.

It is ridiculous. We Punjabis suffered most under Sikh empire, they desecrated our Badshahi masjid for one.

60% of Pakistan's population are Punjabis. The elite is Punjabi. it is the law of numbers

Who said the cabinet doesn’t rule Pakistan ?

who do you think pushed for that idiot pilot of yours to be released early?

who do you think ordered maximum restraint on India on 27 feb?

who do you think ordered the FWO to
Build Kartarpur sector so millions of Sikhs could visit

everyone knows the army generals call the shots
60% of Pakistan's population are Punjabis. The elite is Punjabi. it is the law of numbers

everyone knows the army generals call the shots
Every one know in America jew lobbyists do everything.if their is no Jew in America so there is no israeli. No funding for israeil from Americans tex payers. No more problems in Middle East
Gold find..see if it can trend on twitter ..pretty surpisingly valid after 70 years

60% of Pakistan's population are Punjabis. The elite is Punjabi. it is the law of numbers

everyone knows the army generals call the shots
Punjabis dont represent 60% of the population
Lastly punjabi isnt even a single ethnicity...

More accurate representation is as following

38.78%(hold strong dominance)
18.24%(probably second most dominant group in military)

Why don't you unify Texas with Mexico? It makes perfect sense for Texas to be merged with Mexico. Texas belongs to Mexico anyway.

You should mind your own business. We know the US deep state is very fond of disintegrating Pakistan. You won't succeed. Your generals were predicting the end of Pakistan, but failed. Today they sit at the same table with the Taliban. Their red faces tell us a story.


Bhai sahab this @nahtanbob guy is a Bharti troll. Not an American. He is ashamed of his original flags.

BTW look at CIA condidential documents with "to be released"date of 2005. Such a long time for releasing a report. Or am I wrong.
60% of Pakistan's population are Punjabis. The elite is Punjabi. it is the law of numbers

everyone knows the army generals call the shots
60% of Pakistan's population are Punjabis. The elite is Punjabi. it is the law of numbers

everyone knows the army generals call the shots


you really don’t listen or attempt to reason.

I guess that is what brain washing does.

so tell how many pints of cow piss you drank today ?

Gold find..see if it can trend on twitter ..pretty surpisingly valid after 70 years

Punjabis dont represent 60% of the population
Lastly punjabi isnt even a single ethnicity...

More accurate representation is as following

38.78%(hold strong dominance)
18.24%(probably second most dominant group in military)

Gold find..see if it can trend on twitter ..pretty surpisingly valid after 70 years

Punjabis dont represent 60% of the population
Lastly punjabi isnt even a single ethnicity...

More accurate representation is as following

38.78%(hold strong dominance)
18.24%(probably second most dominant group in military)


Dude the guy is a clown. He gets his data from dubious sources and has zero application of knowledge.

he will say any thing.

Nuke them. 1 Nuke on kabul would solve this damn problem forever.


nuke is to expensive.

just seal the border, they will do wonderful job of self extermination
Afghan are بکاؤ مال
And so hungry for power that they won't stop at anything.
The entire Soviet invasion Saga was orchestrated by Afghan royal family's internal conflict.
Then they blame that too on Pakistan.
Afghan bashingaside, let’s talk facts if you can’t hide behind insults and let’s make it constructive...

Does anyone here know exactly what happened on 1947/1948 in regards to the Durand line when the British withdrew? Because I can guarantee with 99% certainty that most members who bash Afghans did not pick up a book as to what really happened at that time...
60% of Pakistan's population are Punjabis. The elite is Punjabi. it is the law of numbers

everyone knows the army generals call the shots

You lack any knowledge to make such a comment. Punjab/Sindh itself are sooo diverse. There are many pushtuns, kashmiris, balochis and mojahers in punjab. Atleast half of punjab are outsiders. There are prob more pushtuns in karachi alone than all of kabul/kandahar combined.

Punjabi elite? Pushtuns hold more influence in the military/isi than punjabis

Sindhis/mojahers hold more influence in business than punjabi

All ethnic groups but most esp pushtuns, punjabis, and kashmiris despise india the most but same can be said about northern indians hating pakistan more compared to bengalis/south indians.

Afghan bashingaside, let’s talk facts if you can’t hide behind insults and let’s make it constructive...

Does anyone here know exactly what happened on 1947/1948 in regards to the Durand line when the British withdrew? Because I can guarantee with 99% certainty that most members who bash Afghans did not pick up a book as to what really happened at that time...

Whole of Afghanistan upto Kabul belongs to Pakistan and esp pakistani pushtuns. The day of negotiating with Afghans is long gone. Youve had the chance since 1947 when your nation failed to recognize us, since then weve strived for nothing but peace only to be backstabbed by your government over and over.

My family personally raised afghans who left as refugees in the 80s as children... gave them a job and great upbringing, paid for their wedding, and homes... today they are very well off. Millions of Pakistanis did the same for your people and we are still greatfull to have done that because on the individual level we look at afghans as the same as pakistanis... your govt on the other hand is full of anti-pakistani warlords
Whole of Afghanistan upto Kabul belongs to Pakistan and esp pakistani pushtuns. The day of negotiating with Afghans is long gone. Youve had the chance since 1947 when your nation failed to recognize us, since then weve strived for nothing but peace only to be backstabbed by your government over and over.

My family personally raised afghans who left as refugees in the 80s as children... gave them a job and great upbringing, paid for their wedding, and homes... today they are very well off. Millions of Pakistanis did the same for your people and we are still greatfull to have done that because on the individual level we look at afghans as the same as pakistanis... your govt on the other hand is full of anti-pakistani warlords

Bro you are a nice guy, but I’d like to have a factual discussion so I can educate some armchair historians on here who repeat the same thing over and over like a parrot...

Why did Afghanistan refuse to recognize Pakistan, what was the reason... you can tag some of the members who might think they know but I have a feeling they won’t as well.
Bro you are a nice guy, but I’d like to have a factual discussion so I can educate some armchair historians on here who repeat the same thing over and over like a parrot...

Why did Afghanistan refuse to recognize Pakistan, what was the reason... you can tag some of the members who might think they know but I have a feeling they won’t as well.

Let me give you some in sight, since I'm part hindiko speaking punjabi. Many afghans don't recognise the Durand line because they believe wrongly that what is now kpk belongs to them historically.

This is factually incorrect because we hindikowan punjabis are the natives of this land we have lived here for thousands of years. Afghans/pathans only arrived with ghaznavi in the 11th century mainly yusefzai from Kabul. They killed the local people and took land then used it as a launch pad to invade, pillage and loot what is now pak/India 17 times.

But the bulk of afghans arrived in the 16th century. Even in the 1960s as per census Peshawar was a hindikowan speaking majority city. Therefore afghans have NO legitimate claim to our land this they know very well.

You lack any knowledge to make such a comment. Punjab/Sindh itself are sooo diverse. There are many pushtuns, kashmiris, balochis and mojahers in punjab. Atleast half of punjab are outsiders. There are prob more pushtuns in karachi alone than all of kabul/kandahar combined.

Punjabi elite? Pushtuns hold more influence in the military/isi than punjabis

Sindhis/mojahers hold more influence in business than punjabi

All ethnic groups but most esp pushtuns, punjabis, and kashmiris despise india the most but same can be said about northern indians hating pakistan more compared to bengalis/south indians.

Whole of Afghanistan upto Kabul belongs to Pakistan and esp pakistani pushtuns. The day of negotiating with Afghans is long gone. Youve had the chance since 1947 when your nation failed to recognize us, since then weve strived for nothing but peace only to be backstabbed by your government over and over.

My family personally raised afghans who left as refugees in the 80s as children... gave them a job and great upbringing, paid for their wedding, and homes... today they are very well off. Millions of Pakistanis did the same for your people and we are still greatfull to have done that because on the individual level we look at afghans as the same as pakistanis... your govt on the other hand is full of anti-pakistani warlords

Your comments regarding punjab and it's demographics are incorrect majority people in punjab are Punjabi yes sure there are non punjabis, the largest ethnic group being kashmirs. We are also by logic the most in the military as far as business goes in punjab after punjabis kashmiri are the most represented in business.

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