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Afghanistan seeks India’s help as West pullout nears

Apart from providing military training and monetary help , IAF should secretly start training Afghan pilots , Tejas would be perfect fighter for Afghan air force and More than Tejas India provide Afghanistan at least 2 squadrons of HAL Dhruv and HAL Light Combat Helicopter.

India the scorned woman must sleep around with all Pakistan's friends, but at the end, you will remain what you are, a scorned woman. :D

Instead it has always been the other way round, it is Pakistan which has behaved like a scorned women. First it got in bed in with the British and then went to US and now Pakistan latest obsession happens to be the Chinese.
Karzai should also ask India to absorb 4 Million afghan refugees resisting deportation from Pakistan otherwise do not complain if they are turn into Talibans. Karzai is trying to play a failed game to push Pakistan into sort of blackmail to continue hosting Afghan refugees at its expense. Also Karzai should be served the bill of hosting refugees for 30 years.
The British retruend palestine to the Jews to prepare for the final war , where god will fight on the side of Israel.
similarly US will give afghanistan to the hindus as a homecoming.
In bed? That's the Indian way of handling things. Sleep around with everybody on the block for toys and $$$$. :lol:
Sometimes Russia and sometimes USA. Sometime Britain and sometimes France.
As if it makes a difference to us.
We pay them, to these escort countries. Even give tips for good service. Unlike....well I''ll stop at here. :D

India will step up training of the Afghan police and military after a request on Monday by President Hamid Karzai, who also urged Indian businesses to invest in his battle-weary nation as it gears up for the departure of NATO troops.

The extra help is likely to be welcomed by the United States, which sees India as a stabilizing power in South Asia. But it may unnerve Pakistan, which frets about losing influence in neighboring Afghanistan.

“We do want to expand that as required and wished by Afghanistan. We will respond,” said Foreign Minister Salman Khurshid when asked about the security programme following a lecture given by the Afghan president in New Delhi.

In June, U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta called on India to do more to support both the Afghan economy and security forces as Western nations prepare to end their combat missions there in 2014.

India and Afghanistan reached an agreement last year for some senior Afghan officers to receive training in India. A few hundred police and army officers have so far benefited from the programme, an Indian official said. Khurshid said India had also provided some “vehicle and mobility equipment”.

India is worried that a Taliban resurgence after 2014 would weaken its own security and wants to step carefully to support the Afghan government and economy without triggering countermeasures from Pakistan, which is fearful of being hemmed in by its larger neighbour.

Khurshid said India would only gradually develop its programme to train military officials and police in step with Afghan requirements.

“I don’t think we should do anything in haste that could alarm people,” he said.

Perhaps conscious of the sensitivity of a larger Indian role in Afghanistan’s defence, Karzai and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh made only passing mention of security issues in statements on Monday, instead emphasising the importance of economic cooperation to stabilize the fractious region.

“President Karzai and I agreed to intensify our cooperation with a special focus on deepening our economic engagement in areas ranging from agriculture and small businesses to mining and infrastructure,” Singh said.

India has pledged $2 billion in development aid to Afghanistan and is building roads and railways that could help extract Afghan minerals through Iran. Last year a group of Indian companies won a bid to mine iron ore in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan seeks India’s help as West pullout nears | idrw.org

lol, complete nonsense. Nobody takes anything seriously from the mayor of Kabul. Keep jumping and laughing.

Hamid Karzai might share the same destiny as Najibullah did in the early 1990's.

From what I heard its a complete bloodbath and warzone in Afghanistan. American and NATO troops are dying in the hordes.

Its no hidden secret that the American media is trying to downplay and push aside the Afghanistan war. American media is trying not to report from Afghanistan, or atleast tell lies about the Afghanistan war.

Lol, even Putin knows what going on, thats why he said that "Let them sit there and fight." Because its a drain on the American resources.

Whoever is resistanting in Afghanistan have nothing to lose but their lives, but America has everything to lose, Soldiers, Money, Superpower status, national economy.

World public opinion has turned against America.

Even the public opinion in USA is stridently against the War in Afghanistan.

What are they doing in Afghanistan? Trying to help a puppet government?

Is USA trying to behave like the Japanese empire in trying to set up a puppet government like Manchukuo?

Let the Afghanistanis decide what they want.

Get out of Afghanistan.

Afghanistanis don't want American/NATO troops in Afghanistan!
In bed? That's the Indian way of handling things. Sleep around with everybody on the block for toys and $$$$. :lol:

Sometimes Russia and sometimes USA. Sometime Britain and sometimes France.

As if it makes a difference to us.

huh.. thats pakistans style. india does it alone.
In bed? That's the Indian way of handling things. Sleep around with everybody on the block for toys and $$$$. :lol:

Sometimes Russia and sometimes USA. Sometime Britain and sometimes France.

As if it makes a difference to us.

India has always paid hard dollars for stuff it has brought.

Unlike Pakistan which got the teens courtesy sleeping with the yanks and now it is getting the J17s by sleeping and selling its country to Chinese.
huh.. thats pakistans style. india does it alone.

Now India is sleeping with poor guy Afganistan to coax him into fighting Pakistan.

Northern Alliance is a joke. All we have to do is arm our tribals and history will repeat itself.

As for India, we will guarantee a happy Diwali. :D
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