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Afghanistan seeks India’s help as West pullout nears


Apr 4, 2012
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India will step up training of the Afghan police and military after a request on Monday by President Hamid Karzai, who also urged Indian businesses to invest in his battle-weary nation as it gears up for the departure of NATO troops.

The extra help is likely to be welcomed by the United States, which sees India as a stabilizing power in South Asia. But it may unnerve Pakistan, which frets about losing influence in neighboring Afghanistan.

“We do want to expand that as required and wished by Afghanistan. We will respond,” said Foreign Minister Salman Khurshid when asked about the security programme following a lecture given by the Afghan president in New Delhi.

In June, U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta called on India to do more to support both the Afghan economy and security forces as Western nations prepare to end their combat missions there in 2014.

India and Afghanistan reached an agreement last year for some senior Afghan officers to receive training in India. A few hundred police and army officers have so far benefited from the programme, an Indian official said. Khurshid said India had also provided some “vehicle and mobility equipment”.

India is worried that a Taliban resurgence after 2014 would weaken its own security and wants to step carefully to support the Afghan government and economy without triggering countermeasures from Pakistan, which is fearful of being hemmed in by its larger neighbour.

Khurshid said India would only gradually develop its programme to train military officials and police in step with Afghan requirements.

“I don’t think we should do anything in haste that could alarm people,” he said.

Perhaps conscious of the sensitivity of a larger Indian role in Afghanistan’s defence, Karzai and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh made only passing mention of security issues in statements on Monday, instead emphasising the importance of economic cooperation to stabilize the fractious region.

“President Karzai and I agreed to intensify our cooperation with a special focus on deepening our economic engagement in areas ranging from agriculture and small businesses to mining and infrastructure,” Singh said.

India has pledged $2 billion in development aid to Afghanistan and is building roads and railways that could help extract Afghan minerals through Iran. Last year a group of Indian companies won a bid to mine iron ore in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan seeks India’s help as West pullout nears | idrw.org
I think it is important that our relations and the level of military cooperation we have with Afghanistan should be clandestine because declaring such things openly would mean more Taliban attacks from a certain country against Afghan targets.
I think it is important that our relations and the level of military cooperation we have with Afghanistan should be clandestine because declaring such things openly would mean more Taliban attacks from a certain country against Afghan targets.

these relations are not toffees which you can handover secretly.
these relations are not toffees which you can handover secretly.

You clearly don't know what it means to be cooperating clandestinely. We did it with USSR when we were in NAM (until Indira came out openly).

Today we secretly trade more with Israel and no one knows to what extent we share strategic cooperation.

Do you really think that strategic cooperation with Afghanistan cannot be made secret?

I am not talking about making development of roads, colleges, hospitals etc a secret; but military strategic cooperation.
You clearly don't know what it means to be cooperating clandestinely. We did it with USSR when we were in NAM (until Indira came out openly).

Today we secretly trade more with Israel and no one knows to what extent we share strategic cooperation.

Do you really think that strategic cooperation with Afghanistan cannot be made secret?

I am not talking about making development of roads, colleges, hospitals etc a secret; but military strategic cooperation.

What secret?

Stop being a fool.

We already know what's going on.

The Afghans will now face a similar fate that awaits you.

Having coaxed the Afghan Northern Alliance, do you think you can defeat us?

These steps were necessary to awaken the people, and the Indians are playing their role as usual.

Unlike many from my country, I believe a hindu/hostile Afghanistan is more of a benefit to Pakistan, than anything else.
You clearly don't know what it means to be cooperating clandestinely. We did it with USSR when we were in NAM (until Indira came out openly).

Today we secretly trade more with Israel and no one knows to what extent we share strategic cooperation.Do you really think that strategic cooperation with Afghanistan cannot be made secret?

I am not talking about making development of roads, colleges, hospitals etc a secret; but military strategic cooperation.

You cant imply the formula the same way you did in terms of those countries keeping in mind the location and other realities.

as far as having trade with Israel secretly by India well its amusing you cant make it public. anyway even we had bought hardware from Israel and nobody knows ;)
What secret?

Stop being a fool.

We already know what's going on.

The Afghans will now face a similar fate that awaits you.

Having coaxed the Afghan Northern Alliance, do you think you can defeat us?

These steps were necessary to awaken the people, and the Indians are playing their role as usual.

Unlike many from my country, I believe a hindu/hostile Afghanistan is more of a benefit to Pakistan, than anything else.

Than get prepared for a two-front war :D
You cant imply the formula the same way you did in terms of those countries keeping in mind the location and other realities.

Of course any country can depending on the intentions of both the parties in the deal. The location matters scat if things are really wanted to be secret.

as far as having trade with Israel secretly by India well its amusing you cant make it public. anyway even we had bought hardware from Israel and nobody knows ;)

All your US made equipment has Israeli companies acting as sub-contractors.

It is not just about buying and selling that I am talking.

See, that's why I am saying; you can never know the extent of clandestine cooperation.
Of course any country can depending on the intentions of both the parties in the deal. The location matters scat if things are really wanted to be secret.

All your US made equipment has Israeli companies acting as sub-contractors.

It is not just about buying and selling that I am talking.

See, that's why I am saying; you can never know the extent of clandestine cooperation.

:) lets see. since 2001 your clandestine cooperation yielded NO results
What secret?

Stop being a fool.

We already know what's going on.

Actually, you don't. Ever since your Army outsourced fighting to "mjahids", you have no clue of what is going on even in your own country. As a consequence, your troops are now suffering so much at the hands of local militant groups who know your country's terrain and mood better than your soldiers.

Then how on earth can you know what is going on here?

Because what happens in the embassies of two countries remains there. You see, everything is not about buying and selling weapons. It is much much much more than that.

The Afghans will now face a similar fate that awaits you.

Really? Wow! I never knew you had such good intentions for the Afghans. If they're to meet our fate (growing at 5.5% even in the worst of recessions around the world apart from other developments), then I think Afghans will welcome your thoughts here.

Having coaxed the Afghan Northern Alliance, do you think you can defeat us?

Sigh... hasn't breaking your back once taught you anything?

Right now, our objective is not to defeat you which is already accomplished but to destroy the proxy structure that you maintain against all countries in the region.

Of course, US' gatecrashing was a blessing in disguise and made our job easier after that idiot IK Gujral ruined years of hard work.

They unintentionally expedited your bankruptcy to doom. :lol:

These steps were necessary to awaken the people, and the Indians are playing their role as usual.

But we haven't even started playing our role and you're already so miffed about it. What will happen once we replace this regime with someone who actually has the balls to do something?

I am talking about your that "He who must not be named" man you all dread day and night. :devil:

Unlike many from my country, I believe a hindu/hostile Afghanistan is more of a benefit to Pakistan, than anything else.

You can believe anything you want. But that's not taking your country anywhere except more ruin.

Rather than finding ways to mend ties around and being a part of the wider stakeholders, you're grabbing the wrong end of the stick again.


:) lets see. since 2001 your clandestine cooperation yielded NO results

Well it has certainly helped clear the air that we're there for Afghanistan's good.

That was just the initial phase of assistance.

The second phase has not even started.
I am talking about your that "He who must not be named" man you all dread day and night. :devil:


Nice one shering :D

But what will they do if there is a real danger of a two front war, i mean drones & some shots are already been exchanged??? And they threaten us with a two front war concept :lol:

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