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Afghanistan-Pakistan border war(s) in the 60s?

Monkey d luffy showing what a .... he is!

He even considers other Pashtuns inferior ... why? coz hes the only King marwats produced in the last zillion years...
Monkey d luffy showing what a .... he is!

He even considers other Pashtuns inferior ... why? coz hes the only King marwats produced in the last zillion years...
I do not consider khattaks inferior, i consider them to be odd ones among us....ask from any pakhtun, he must have some joke about khattaks.
They are rediculed because khushal khan khattak himself spoke against his tribe in his poetry. Khattaks, unlike other pakhtun tribes, were loyal to mughals. Khushal baba was betrayed by his own khattaks , he was arrested and handed over to mughals. Khattaks were also fiercly loyal to farangis.
Its not that every thing is negative about khattaks. They are highly educated people, literacy rate in karak city is 94% while in the rural areas of the district it is 84%. Female literacy rate is 71%. They have heavy presence in army , beurocracy and in professional fields like doctory and engineering. Their area is dry and barren but they have compensated it by going ahead in education. In this regard they are role models for other pashtuns.
I read your thread about libs. Ahle-hadith and hanafi punjabis must join hands with pashtuns in the great war of future......look at the situation of pakistan, seculars, ahle-bidaat and ahle-khomeni are insulting sharia , islam due to actions of TTP. It seems TTP is 'bahana' for them to malign sharia....
I read your thread about libs. Ahle-hadith and hanafi punjabis must join hands with pashtuns in the great war of future......look at the situation of pakistan, seculars, ahle-bidaat and ahle-khomeni are insulting sharia , islam due to actions of TTP. It seems TTP is 'bahana' for them to malign sharia....

Yeh haraamzaade. Inka ilaj bhi hum kar le gaye. The sharab drinking, pig eating people have become our leaders. LOL


Have we elected them?

All of these people should be removed and/or killed.
And how many pashtuns are not loyal to pakistan? What is your definition of patriotism?
You hate JUI and JI, yet they are loyal to pakistan....they are dominated by pashtuns specially JUI-F, do you consider them patriotic pakistanis?
Reject and exclude me as an afghani but tell me which pakistani pakhtun in his right mind would accept the blames of terrorism, drugs, bacha bazi, insults-thrown-at-their-women by you people?
I am a mild-mannered man, the fact is my pakhtun people are very short of tempers, they would reply back with the insults and name callings in the same tone, no matter how much patriotic and loyal pakistanis are they.
your a pakistani too.
i know your going to change your views soon or later lol
your a pakistani too.
i know your going to change your views soon or later lol
Look man i am not anti-pakistani, i am just a frustrated pakistani.....you must be thinking i am a devil who is conspiring against pak army...the fact is one of my uncle is retired fauji, another of my relative fought in 1971 war in east pakistan. Four of my school time class fellows are in the army, they are in contact with me.....my brother applied for ISSB though he failed it. My problems with army started in 2004 and intensified in 2009. I dislike military establishment for ruining the peace of pakhtunkhwa. I hold them responsible for creation of taliban.
As for as taliban are concerned, i understand why and how they became violent terrorists.....i know taliban, i have interacted with them.......they are the most poor and neglected persons of society who seek refuge and warmth in religion. Faith is always blind, any of its interpretation by their ustaad is blindly followed by a talib.....life is so bitter, dull and aimless for them that they want to go to jannat too soon and with short cut.....in deep analysis, you will find out that they lack of modern education, bigotry at madrassas and poverty are major causes of terrorism...
What if there is a zombie outbreak, who has most chances of survival in pakistan? The answer is pashtuns.
@syedali73 in any post-apocalyptic world, pakhtuns would be able to not only survive but establish their dominance over others due to their social cohesiveness and strong community sense. And each and every one of us has GUNS.
Near qayamat, the earth would become so hot that machines would stop working, the technology would be of no use and people had to fight with swords again.
@Bamxa, @shan

Less of walking dead, more of Homeland please.
Look man i am not anti-pakistani, i am just a frustrated pakistani.....you must be thinking i am a devil who is conspiring against pak army...the fact is one of my uncle is retired fauji, another of my relative fought in 1971 war in east pakistan. Four of my school time class fellows are in the army, they are in contact with me.....my brother applied for ISSB though he failed it. My problems with army started in 2004 and intensified in 2009. I dislike military establishment for ruining the peace of pakhtunkhwa. I hold them responsible for creation of taliban.
As for as taliban are concerned, i understand why and how they became violent terrorists.....i know taliban, i have interacted with them.......they are the most poor and neglected persons of society who seek refuge and warmth in religion. Faith is always blind, any of its interpretation by their ustaad is blindly followed by a talib.....life is so bitter, dull and aimless for them that they want to go to jannat too soon and with short cut.....in deep analysis, you will find out that they lack of modern education, bigotry at madrassas and poverty are major causes of terrorism...

If you are Pakistani pashtun then tell me is being nasal prast allowed in Islam? My mother side is deobandi/wahabi and they all think pashtuns are proper muslims and brave people. Never seen any punjabi looking down at pashtuns, though no doubt there most be some just like there are in pashtuns.
If you are Pakistani pashtun then tell me is being nasal prast allowed in Islam? My mother side is deobandi/wahabi and they all think pashtuns are proper muslims and brave people. Never seen any punjabi looking down at pashtuns, though no doubt there most be some just like there are in pashtuns.
Does Quresh, banu-ummaya, banu-hashim and identity of other tribes vanished with islam? Quran tell us that humans are divided into qaums and tribes for identity. Several ancient nations are mentioned in Quran and prophets were sent to each nation....Islam is not against concept of qaum and qabila....jinnah's words that we cease to be pathans, sindhis etc from now on, was pure bakwas.....you do not create new identity by eradicating others. You dont need to give up on your langauge, culture and traditions, just follow the islam in its right sense and make sure that none of the custom is against islam.
Does Quresh, banu-ummaya, banu-hashim and identity of other tribes vanished with islam? Quran tell us that humans are divided into qaums and tribes for identity. Several ancient nations are mentioned in Quran and prophets were sent to each nation....Islam is not against concept of qaum and qabila....jinnah's words that we cease to be pathans, sindhis etc from now on, was pure bakwas.....you do not create new identity by eradicating others. You dont need to give up on your langauge, culture and traditions, just follow the islam in its right sense and make sure that none of the custom is against islam.

I was not talking about that but your racist rants against Punjabis. How you will make punjabi, sindhis proper muslims.
I was not talking about that but your racist rants against Punjabis. How you will make punjabi, sindhis proper muslims.
What racist rants against punjabis? Did i make fun of complexation, height, looks, genetics etc of punjabis?
@Informant mentioned some social evils in pashtuns with intention of insult. I reminded him the social evils of punjab s. Whats racist about it?
@Pak-one , I agree with @Armstrong here, we see Pakhtuns as 'our' people too. It's sad to see that you guys do not. By the way, Punjab has a rich Sufi tradition, so I don't think that you guys are 'Islamising' anyone.
@Pak-one , I agree with @Armstrong here, we see Pakhtuns as 'our' people too. It's sad to see that you guys do not. By the way, Punjab has a rich Sufi tradition, so I don't think that you guys are 'Islamising' anyone.

They do - He doesn't !

If hes representative of Pukhtoons then I'm gonna win this year's Mr.Universe title ! o_O
What racist rants against punjabis? Did i make fun of complexation, height, looks, genetics etc of punjabis?
@Informant mentioned some social evils in pashtuns with intention of insult. I reminded him the social evils of punjab s. Whats racist about it?

Racism not like about skin, looks etc but how punjabis are not proper muslims and we will make them follow proper islam etc which is not racism i agree but bigotry. And your support for TTP over Pak army just because most of them are pakhtuns. While they never ever talked about any ethnics, they have punjabis etc basically anyone who agree with them.
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