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Afghanistan opens first ever train route

From the responses by Pakistanis on this thread it is clear that Pakistanis (on this forum) do not want Afghanistan to be independent and strong. They always want Afghanistan to be a war torn ravaged country that they can leverage upon.
The railway was built at a wrong time. It is great to have railway in peaceful time, or in territory devoided of attacks but in war time it will be a big burden instead of asset.

Railway line is easily disable or booby-trap. To guard a railway line against attack, NATO and Afghan will have to deploy large human resources and equipment to ensure every single mile of it is safe, thus diverting their forces from other duties. Even if they use UAV to patrol the railway lines, they can not be on station 24 hours a day.

Stationery trains waiting for repair of damaged railway are also easy target for Taliban attack. May be NATO will want to invest in armed amoured trains.
Congratulations! its nice to see development in Afghanistan. I hope they build more tracks and expand it in coming years.
This coming from a bharati?, very funny indeed. Look who's talking, the same people who can't keep their snotty noses out of others business. You bharatis should not even be in Afghanistan, unless you want to take in all of Pakistan's 5 million Afghan refuges?

LOL 5 million refugees, Pakistan has lot of spaces for foreigners because they need to use them for their interest but they don't have even a inch of land of 300,000 Stranded Biharis in Bangladesh. That shows your hypocrisy of being generous to Afghans.
pretty off topic but..whether rain, chills or war in India..its all bcoz of western disturbance.
Coming onto the Taliban "one mans freedom (occupation ) fighter is anothers terrorist" comprende.
FACT US has stated Taliban is not the enemy, Pakistan has had close relations with the taliban and will continue to do so.All governments have various entities through which they do business, be it a policital entity or an armed entity.
Blah, blah and more blah! So you admit that you guys scrounge the US of A of billions of dollars to arm the 'armed entity', the Taliban to attack the US of A/NATO?? In other words, American money being used to kill Americans themselves! Sheeesh!

Wow! That sucks doesn't it? Running with the hare and hunting with the hounds! No wonder you guys have achieved the exalted status of 'the most dangerous country in the world'! Now I'm not saying this, the world is. Just Google it if you have the time and inclination.

If I were you I would be so ashamed, I would have hidden my a$$ in a cave!

Blah, blah and more blah! So you admit that you guys scrounge the US of A of billions of dollars to arm the 'armed entity', the Taliban to attack the US of A/NATO?? In other words, American money being used to kill Americans themselves! Sheeesh!

Wow! That sucks doesn't it? Running with the hare and hunting with the hounds! No wonder you guys have achieved the exalted status of 'the most dangerous country in the world'! Now I'm not saying this, the world is. Just Google it if you have the time and inclination.

If I were you I would be so ashamed, I would have hidden my a$$ in a cave!


Bhartis never cease to amaze me, this time a bharti Bhakri has joined the discussion with it's customary introduction.

Numpty did you see USA mentioned anywhere, $$ are for the losses we have incurred which isn't any of your business. Muppets like you won't understand that even your own companies pay the taliban protection money to leave them alone.

The world is saying Pakistan is the most dangerous country in the world. What the F has that got to do with building afghani rail lines. For the record we couldn't give 2 sh1ts what you or muppets like u think. We pakistanis are happy at home so do we care about such labels no.

BTW the world thinks and states you have the smallest penises and require smaller condoms.

There are more poor in Indian than africa, your sanity? Well let's just say I can go on all day so. Stop making it a pissing contest as I will ultimately have the bigger gun beta
^^^ you are not making sense. This is a thread to celebrate a very rare good news for Afghanistan. Those who have lost the plot, scoot.
^^^ you are not making sense. This is a thread to celebrate a very rare good news for Afghanistan. Those who have lost the plot, scoot.

Making sense? Grow some brain cells then you will understand. If the thread was put up to celebrate afghani rail lines then why did you Bhartis make it India centric. More like you have lost the plot, BTW make me scoot haha you can't. Pea brain
Interests of Pakistan never based over destabilization of Afghanistan but over stable and prosperous Afghanistan, but Pakistan shouldn't allow third party to use Afghanistan against our interests. Pakistan's interests are vital than any development or progress of any country. India investing so much money in order to disconnect Pakistan with Afghanistan so why not Pakistan should help India? Send all refuges to India and more over gift of US TALIBANS too, so let them handle with them!

India just moving blindly in Afghanistan only to get favour of some low mentality politicians and some part of ethnic groups but India forgetting that all their efforts could be forced down easily.

Trade with Iran and Pakistan not a new matter and building infrastructure for development of Afghanistan not threat to Pakistan.
I'm sure the taliban are aware that a few key placed ied's can destroy this train line causing major disruption, a certain section in the ISI can take care of this train line with a simple phone call if they wish.

If such events occurred you can kiss goodbye to your sea route dreams via Iran.

FACT Afghanistan will always depend on Pakistan whether you like it or not, the connections Pakistan and afghanistan share can never be attained by bhartis no matter how many billions you spend.

Dude as if ISI phone was dead when Osama was killed and when there are drone atackes in pakistan, its the point to note that there are more bomb explosion happening in pakistan then in Afghanistan..look out for you ISI and their phone...till then dont boast too much about your lady ISI....and it can be only pakistan which will will get joy in derailing a already derailed economy and nation..shame on u guys.
Dude as if ISI phone was dead when Obama was killed and when there are drone atackes in pakistan, its the point to note that there are more bomb explosion happening in pakistan then in Afghanistan..look out for you ISI and their phone...till then dont boast too much about your lady ISI....and it can be only pakistan which will will get joy in derailing a already derailed economy and nation..shame on u guys.

Obama???? Pretty sure saw him on the news yesterday night. On a more serious note best wishes to the people of Afghanistan and hope for a better and peaceful future.
Obama???? Pretty sure saw him on the news yesterday night. On a more serious note best wishes to the people of Afghanistan and hope for a better and peaceful future.
chill man it was just a typo :) going to edit it.
Its a good news for poor Pakiatanis whose food is being grab by Afghans with US aid money, why , ANP has just put ban (again) on 100 thousand eggs and 50 thousand chickens being export to Afghanistan while people in Peshawar can't find any poultry products on normal price thanks to Afghans huge hunger.
Afghanistan is distorting Pakistan food industry let them find out other trade route to import food.
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