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Afghanistan must share power with Taliban, says Musharraf

On a related note:
Shortly after 9/11 when the tempers in America were high and everyone was gung-ho against the AQ and the Talibans, there was one US Senator who publicly said something like : "At least the Talibans have some principles; the Northern Alliance is nothing but thugs and drug dealers'. Even Collin Powell, in joint appearances with President Musharraf then, conceded that 'moderate' Talibans need to be accommodated.

But, poor Afghans: They have the Talibans who do have significant legitimacy by sheer numbers but are primitive brutes on the whole. On the other hand, there are those who are not only cowards but also drug dealing thugs whose main reason for existence is foreign backing led by a superpower.
Why should Afghan government share power with Afghan Taliban and not Pakistani government with Pakistani taliban for peace in their country?

Afterall these two Talibans are basically the same people, with similar ideology, ethnicity and their views about Sharia and the west.
Afghanistan and Pakistan should surrender their armies and go home. Let Taliban rule both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Within in 10 years Taliban will bring much needed foreign investment and economic prosperity. Shia, Ahmadi, Christians and Hindus will no longer face persecution in Pakistan since they will be wiped out few years before.
This whole new episode of peace talks with Taliban is receiving a very cold reception generally in Afghanistan both at the public and political level. Unlike the the early years when majority of Afghans particularly Pashtuns were favorable of talks with Taliban mainly due to avoid bearing the brunt of war further and be at the receiving end politically (marginalization), that desire if it doesn't entirely exist then it is no where near the degree of the past. Taliban have lost almost absolutely any credibility amongst us and we are too skeptical of their ties with Pakistani establishment and their influence over them which we don't see consistent with the particularly Pashtun independence and loyalty to Afghanistan. Honestly speaking as a Pashtun we have been better off without Taliban as time has gone by and we will be better off without them from now on as they would have nothing positive to contribute. However, we do realise that they are a reality and without making peace with them would mean continuation of insecurity and instability. Nonetheless as a proud nation we and our security forces are strong enough to withstand them and eventually defeat them, though without Pakistan's direct strategic support this could have been achieved decisively. We have the resolve to fight and eradicate this cancer for as long as it takes which have only wrecked catastrophe and destruction on Afghanistan. We don't trust these bastards and we aren't ready give to them what they are ineligible of. Afghanistan should move forward and not regress and if that means fighting them to the end then so be it, Musharaf and his ilk could take their wish with them to their graves. They can lay their arms and participate in the elections freely what all other now de-militarized factions have been doing.

Musharaf's comments are only raising level of distrust in this process and is inimical to the progress in the relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Musharaf should be worried about putting his own house in order than to telling us what to do.

TTP and Sharia 100% for Pakistan!!!
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Musharaf's comment are only raising level of distrust in this process and is inimical to the progress in the relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Musharaf should be worried about putting his own house in order than to telling us what to do.

Musharraf's views doesn't hold more weight than any other common Pakistani as he is no longer in power nor there is any chance that he will ever return. Taliban have to become part of Afghan political process or go extinct. I don't think even current establishment of Pakistan want them to be in any stronger position, they just want to end their insurgency with talks if possible.
There should be a process of rehabilitation and and reintegration and Taliban must be fully disarmed, nothing less or more and Pakistan's role is key to this as we know where they would want to fall back. Pakistan has a choice to be either with Afghanistan or with its enemies and terrorists. Their demilitarization is fundamental to peace in the region meaning end of any support to them from Pakistan and shutting down their safe-heavens.
With an exception of a regime which seeks to destabilise Pakistan by creating another, perpetual civil war in Pakistan's strategic underbelly..Afghanistan.
Afghan Taliban either will take majority of powers or take everything
what is the source of weapon supply to the ghosts of Taliban in land locked state..? or some is suggesting that Taliban ghosts are going to conquer Indian trained ANA, armed with US weapons, plus armies of 10 nations, and a whole nation, with sticks and rocks or at max with some left over russian bullets from 1979?
what is the source of weapon supply to the ghosts of Taliban in land locked state..? or some is suggesting that Taliban ghosts are going to conquer Indian trained ANA, armed with US weapons, plus armies of 10 nations with sticks and rocks or at max with some left over russian bullets from 1979?
Same who are protecting Afghan Taliban leadership in Pakistan and who went to Afghanistan to tell Ghani Afghan Taliban are ready for talks
Importantly, is the taliban willing to share power in a democratic set up.? Musharraf must be cuckoo if he believes they do..

that's why negotiations are taking place and the regional stake-holders are trying to push for reconciliation

i think for talebs their objective would be the removal of all foreign forces whom they view as invaders....initial negotiations would decide when those residual forces withdraw and then of course building political alliances and coalitions. Will require shades of gray thinking - not white and black

what's "cuckoo" is those commenting on the reconciliation process and parroting the usual white and black thinking process which has kept Afghanistan polarized and prevented it from moving forward
Yes Make Mullah Omar Vice President.

if Rashid Dostum is the current VP.....if a man like him could be VP, anyone could

what takes the cake would be your PM Modi - who himself is openly backed by extremist individuals and extremist groups (i.e. RSS, Sangh Parivar, VHP, etc.)

Thank God that kharzai is out otherwise he would have made Afghanistan bitch of India.

Karzai and Salehs are in the dustbin of history now, their careers destroyed. :partay:

On a related note:
Shortly after 9/11 when the tempers in America were high and everyone was gung-ho against the AQ and the Talibans, there was one US Senator who publicly said something like : "At least the Talibans have some principles; the Northern Alliance is nothing but thugs and drug dealers'. Even Collin Powell, in joint appearances with President Musharraf then, conceded that 'moderate' Talibans need to be accommodated.

But, poor Afghans: They have the Talibans who do have significant legitimacy by sheer numbers but are primitive brutes on the whole. On the other hand, there are those who are not only cowards but also drug dealing thugs whose main reason for existence is foreign backing led by a superpower.

well said, agree with you there

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