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Afghanistan is Pakistan’s Principal Enemy

killed in 51.

The CIA had their hands full in Western/Eastern Europe, Turkey, China . I doubt they even looked at India/Pakistan until later. Contrary to the keyboard warriors South Asia was a peripheral theater and had a low priority
The CIA had their hands full in Western/Eastern Europe, Turkey, China . I doubt they even looked at India/Pakistan until later. Contrary to the keyboard warriors South Asia was a peripheral theater and had a low priority
I respect your opinion, if you do research you won't be disappointed. And it was not India Pakistan issue. It was Russia,Pakistan and US issue. He refused to provide airbase to US , during cold war.
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you have to realize that they are extremely poor nation plus what they want from us. we have to be their shoulder to help ourselves helping them is helping Pakistan they are neighbour now whos using them India by making few roads hospitals and buildings and buying them literally to attack on Pakistan plus injecting money to their media to hate Pakistan. what are we doing to counter it,big fat NOTHING buddy, to counter your enemy we have to fight on each door they open on us.
we can use these afghani like india to have them taste their own medicine but we have to have money which come with good economy, and look in 10 years what Nawaz and zardari chor have done to our economy not only that they didnt counter india or represent our narrative to world specially iran and afghanistan its not Armys job.
so enemies taking advantages and we blaming afghan who are not less than donkey we have to find the owner of it and punish.
They want KPK from us and want Pakistan to do nothing about Afghanistan supporting (boht politically and financially) anti Pakistan movement including Pashtun/Baloch insurgency. Remember Afghanistan was the only country to vote against the admission of Pakistan to the UN. Afghanistan hatred towards Pakistan started the day Pakistan gained independence

You are actually portraying Afghan as some five year old kids who dont know that India is taking advantage from them and is in Afghanistan just to destabilize Pakistan. You are telling us about what India is doing in Afghanistan and his intentions behind this charity work in Afghanistan but you are not mentioning about what Pakistan did for Afghanistan and received nothing in return but backstabbing from Afghans

Pakistan should serve its poor, uneducated people and provide electricity, jobs and education for the good people of Pakistan instead of trying to achieve unattainable objectives in Afghanistan. Afghans will remain ungrateful Namak Haram no matter what you do for them. We provided shelter, food, education, health care, identity, citizenship, right to do business to 3.5 millions unskilled and uneducated Afghans. They bad mouthed us even after keeping Pakistani identity cards and after travelling on Pakistani passports. We developed even their cricket by giving them coaching and training facilities in Pakistan and provided them opportunity to gain experience by playing in our domestic cricket but they treat Pakistan as enemy and even celebrate our defeat against India

Afghan supported militants and terrorist against Pakistan which led to thousands of deaths in Pakistan. Afghan officials spew hate and venom against Pakistan on every international forums and blame Pakistan for all the terrorism in the world and all the ills in Afghanistan and when Pakistan tried to seal the border with Afghanistan to curb terrorism then Afghan forces hindered the progress by firing our forces so this all tell their intentions so there will be no use of feeding to snakes . We should learned from mistakes committed in the past. Pakistan was betrayed by Afghans and that is the reason some Pakistanis hate Afghanistan. If the Afghans acknowledge the help they got from Pakistan and stop working on agenda to harm Pakistan along with our enemies then Pakistan will have no issues having friendly relations with Afghans which is in the best interests of both the countries.
During late 1980s to early 1990s when ussr was disintegrating into various states pakistan should have taken up wakhan corridor / nooristan. The wakhi tribal grand jirga could have approved such a deal leading to pak taking over.
Ither than that i do not see Afghanistan as a benefit or something worthwhile for pakistan. They are a pest and our relationship is parasitic with tjem acting like a leech.. This needs to be turned into symbiotic at the least
I think there is an opening with Tajiks in recent times and there is potential that we can reach out to Uzbeks through Turkey. I believe Dostum spends a lot of time in Turkey.

Whatever goodwill we created through the refugees is done and dusted. Our policy makers need to understand that as similar to U.S. Aid efforts in Pakistan to win public support, our policies of granting scholarships and extending refugee stay will not work.

Afghans have made up their mind about Pakistan.
How much truth exist in this topic, can't say. But when I personally meet educated class of Afghans, they complaint that how the Afghanistan destroyed and mainly Pakistani role the destruction of moderate and educated class Afghans. Well, they have lots of valid points. Where we know our military and present govt all
I think there is an opening with Tajiks in recent times and there is potential that we can reach out to Uzbeks through Turkey. I believe Dostum spends a lot of time in Turkey.

Whatever goodwill we created through the refugees is done and dusted. Our policy makers need to understand that as similar to U.S. Aid efforts in Pakistan to win public support, our policies of granting scholarships and extending refugee stay will not work.

Afghans have made up their mind about Pakistan.

Which is why we need to kick ALL af-ghands out if Pakistan by making their lives a living hell and nightmare.
every one even the world want so much but who cares let these afghani think what ever. i am not supporter of these afghanis and i will the fist one to vote to kick them out of Pakistan if gov ever suggest, i also remember how much namak haram they are how they kidnapped our kids how much drugs they smuggled still they doing in arab or other countries under Pakistani Passport how they now and then burn Pakistani flag but dost tell me the solution. we can do all these things to them. we have to think out of box they are very jahil who i am 100% sure dont love Hindu but how india manage to use them its a food of a thought. the only thing i feel its that Afghanis are cheap they sell themselves easily and we dont have money to buy them we cant run this game any more on morals. americans are leaving and they gonna leave huge intelligent network under india. is that what we want.
lets think out of box hate is not solution.
@jamahir read this article you were saying Afghanistan turned against Pakistan after Afghan jihad
Why are we even discussing these haramkhors here. Are they even worth discussing, a faked and a rogue country who never did anything good in the past and will remain as a rogue state. What a shit hole we have at out western border.
Actually india is principally enemy of whole Asia & want to see some sort of conflict between Afghanistan & Pakistan...
A completely ignored Pak-Afghan history from 1947-1979 a must read
There has been a lot of discussion on the Pak-Afghan relationship quite lately. The interesting aspect is that the Pak-Afghan history from 1947-1979 is completely ignored. The long proxy war of 26 years perpetrated by Afghanistan in the name of Pashtunistan (1947-73). Either we are unbeknownst or we do it intentionally which is intellectual dishonesty.

Now let me explicate you with what actions did the Kabul regime take during this time.

1. September 1947: Afghanistan became the ONLY country to vote against Pakistan’s membership of United Nations. Keep in mind how fragile the gov of Pakistan was at that moment while considering this extremely hostile beginning by Afghanistan.
2. September 1947: Pashtunistan flag was raised alongside Afghan national flag in Kabul. Afg started arming and funding proxies in the border areas (Afridi Sarishtas & Ipi Faqir) for the ‘Liberation of Pashtunistan’. This led to skirmishes between Pak forces and Afghan proxies.
3. June 1949: While pursuing miscreants who attacked Pakistani border posts from Afghanistan, a PAF warplane inadvertently bombed the Afghan village of Moghulgai on the Waziristan border.
4. July 1949: A Loya Jirga held by Afghan govt at Kabul unilaterally denounced all treaties related to Pak-Afghan international border and announced full support for Pashtunistan. 31st August was declared as ‘Pashtunistan Day’ which was regularly commemorated by Afghan Govt every year.
5. 1948-1949: Afghan-supported proxies announced the formation of ‘Pashtunistan’ in Tirah (Khyber) and Razmak (Waziristan), with Ipi Faqir as President.
6. 1950: Afghan airforce planes dropped leaflets in support of Pashtunistan, inside Pakistan’s tribal areas.
7. Sep-Oct 1950: Afghan army with artillery support attacked Dobandi area of Balochistan and occupied a strategic pass with the aim to cut off Chaman-Quetta Railway link. Pakistan army send reinforcements to the area and retook the pass after a week’s fighting.
8. 1950-51: Three Afghan-led Lashkars attacked Pakistani areas across Durand Line in Khyber Agency.
Afghanistan declared the miscreants as ‘Freedom Fighters’ and used its official Radio and Press for non-stop Pashtunistan propaganda.
9. Pakistan responded by using ‘go slow’ approach on Afghanistan’s trade transit routes.
10. 16 October 1951: Pakistani PM Liaquat Ali Khan was shot dead in Rawalpindi by an Afghan national Said Akbar Babrak. Afghanistan’s govt disowned his act.
Afghanistan’s material+propaganda support for Pashtunistan miscreants continued unabated throughout the 1950s.
11. 30 March 1955: Pakistan’s diplomatic missions in Kabul, Qandahar, Jalalabad were attacked at the behest of Afghan govt and Pashtunistan flag was hoisted on the chancery of Pakistan Embassy in Kabul.
12. September 1959: Afghan King Zahir Shah and PM Sardar Daud reaffirmed their support for Pashtunistan.
13. September 1960: Afghan army troops and militias attacked Bajaur. The attack was repulsed by Bajauri tribesmen with help of SSG forces from Cherat. An account of the battle is shown in the declassified US Embassy document.
14. March 1961: Afghanistan supplied arms and ammunition to proxies led by Pacha Gul in Bajaur’s Batmalai area for an uprising. The ammunition dump was destroyed by PAF aerial bombing.
15. May 1961: Thousands of Afghan troops disguised as militias attacked Bajaur, Jandul and Khyber. The attacks were repulsed by tribesmen with support of Frontier Corps and aerial bombing by PAF warplanes. President Ayub warned the Afghan side against unprovoked escalations.
16. 6 September 1961: Diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan were cut off after Pakistan decided to restrict Afghan transit trade due to its continuous support for Pashtunistan proxies.
17. The relations were resumed two years later, in 1963, when Sardar Doud (the main engine behind Pashtunistan) resigned as PM.
18. September 1964: Afghan Loya Jirga again reiterated support for Pashtunistan (though much mildly than in past).
19. 1964-1972: Relative calm in relations due to Afghanistan’s domestic power struggle issues and democracy experiments. The Pashtunistan issue went on backburner and Pak-Afghan relations normalized to such extent that Afghanistan remained neutral in 1965 and 1971 Indo-Pak wars.
20. 1972-73: Afghanistan restarted support for Pashtunistan; intensified Radio Kabul propaganda and sheltered NAP activists led by Ajmal Khattak.
21. July 1973: Sardar Doud led a bloodless military coup to overthrow King Zahir Shah and declared himself President. One of the reasons he quoted for the coup was Zahir Shah’s supposedly soft approach on Pashtunistan.
22. Afghan official gazette published the Pashtunistan flag and also ran inflammatory reports about terrorist activities of Pashtunistan miscreants. Radio Kabul’s propaganda reached a peak.
23. 1973: In response to renewed Pashtunistan focus by Afghanistan, Pakistani PM Z.A.Bhutto authorized a tit-for-tat response to Afghanistan. IGFC Naseerullah Babar was tasked to train dissident Afghans for proxy purposes inside Afghanistan.
24. This was Pakistan’s first act to use proxies against Afghanistan, after 26 year long proxy war perpetrated by Afghanistan in the name of Pashtunistan (1947-73).
25. Feb 1974: Afghan animosity to Pakistan was so great that Afghan President Doud didn’t
participate in the ‘OIC Leaders Summit’ held in Lahore.
26. Abdul Rahman Pazhwak, the Afghan delegate at the summit, tried to raise Pashtunistan issue on this Unity forum too but got snubbed as no Muslim country’s leader paid any heed.
27. 1973-78: Soon after Doud assumed power, Afghan govt started supporting the Baloch insurgents fighting against Pakistan. Afghanistan sheltered thousands of Marri tribesmen and gave them training+weapons for militant activities inside Pakistan.
28. 1973-78: Afghan govt under Doud continued to support the Pashtunistan proxies. NAP’s militant wing ‘Pakhtun Zalmay’ was funded / trained / armed by Kabul for terrorist attacks in Pakistan.
29. These facts have been confirmed by Jumma Khan Sufi, a close aide of Ajmal Khattak, in his memoirs ‘Faraib e Na Tamam’. Sufi remained in exile for 20 years in Afghanistan and was involved in the Afghan proxy activities in Pakistan.
30. 1973-onwards: Not only was Afghanistan supporting NAP terrorism in Pakistan itself, it also became a hub for Indian interference into Pakistan via Pashtunistan and Balochistan proxies.
31. 1973-onwards: Not only was Afghanistan supporting NAP terrorism in Pakistan itself, it also became a hub for Indian interference into Pakistan via Pashtunistan and Balochistan proxies.
32. NAP leaders were paid monthly stipends and other funds by Indian govt as admitted by Jumma Khan Sufi in his memoirs.
33. February 1975: Hayat Khan Sherpao, Senior PPP minister and ex-Governor NWFP, was killed in a bomb blast. The assassination was carried out by NAP militant wing operating out of Afghanistan (as confirmed by Jumma Khan Sufi some three decades later).
34. April 1978: Afghan President Doud and his whole family were massacred in the Soviet-sponsored ‘Saur Revolution’. The new pro-Communist regime announced all-out support for Pashtunistan.
35. December 1979: Soviet secret service KGB assassinated Afghanistan’s President Hafizullah Amin and nearly 100,000 Soviet forces entered Afghanistan. Babrak Karmal was installed as President by Soviets who pledged to free the ‘holy land of Pashtunistan’ (from Pakistan)
but Afghans are not known for their brain.

Well, they have managed to create a progressive movement called Solidarity Party of Afghanistan.

@jamahir read this article you were saying Afghanistan turned against Pakistan after Afghan jihad

Thanks for tagging me.

I don't know what to make of the article right now but will just say that the author calling Afghanistan a "failed state" is unfair as it had a progressive government for a decade.
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