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Afghanistan is Pakistan’s Principal Enemy

India is using afghans and at the end indian hindus will treat them in same manner like indian Muslims .India is spending money on afghans due to Pakistan otherwise if india wanted to help poors first they should spend on their own poor public so money given by india to afghans is temporary and after achievement of indian objective they will give nothing to afghans
would US lets us do these things if they are so confident of its citizen, say something that makes sense dont act like American all the time

USA allowed hispanic right groups like MEChA, Chicano Movement to operate unhindered
Absolutely wrong Tajiks of western Afghanistan (Herat area) and Tajiks of north eastern Iran (Mashhad area) are one and the same people divided between the two countries.

Really? using your esteemed knowledge, please identify these people and their ethnicity. These people are supporters of Pashtoonistan.

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Pic 5

Really? using your esteemed knowledge, please identify these people and their ethnicity. These people are supporters of Pashtoonistan.

Pic 1


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Pic 5


All the people in these pictures are useless POS, they will have no importance once USA leaves Afghanistan before US 2020 elections. Herat was occupied by Ahmed Shah Abdali just like Balkh and Mazar. Herat, Balkh and Mazar had their history with Khorasan province of Iran (Mashhad) and Khorasan areas (Samarqand and Bukhara) now in Uzbekstan. They are occupied areas of Tajiks and I can understand why nationlaist Tajiks hate Afghan Pashtuns in Afghanistan because no likes to be occupied and ruled by mofo outsiders coming as invaders from southern parts of modern Aghanistan. Even Kabul, Kanadahar and Gardez were also traditionally predominantly Tajik urban localities two centuries ago before the occupation of Ahmed Shah Abdali the renegade servant of Nader Shah.
All the people in these pictures are useless POS, they will have no importance once USA leaves Afghanistan before US 2020 elections. Herat was occupied by Ahmed Shah Abdali just like Balkh and Mazar. Herat, Balkh and Mazar had their history with Khorasan province of Iran (Mashhad) and Khorasan areas (Samarqand and Bukhara) now in Uzbekstan. They are occupied areas of Tajiks and I can understand why nationlaist Tajiks hate Afghan Pashtuns in Afghanistan because no likes to be occupied and ruled by mofo outsiders coming as invaders from southern parts of modern Aghanistan. Even Kabul, Kanadahar and Gardez were also traditionally predominantly Tajik urban localities two centuries ago before the occupation of Ahmed Shah Abdali the renegade servant of Nader Shah.

So you have no idea who these guys are thats why you tried to dodge the questions. please try again

Previously you mentioned that farsi speaking Durranis are the enemies of Pakistan. Abdali was also a Durrani, so it doesn't make sense why both Tajiks and Durranis would hate Pakistan.

Also Ahmed Shah was not a renegade. He only became the King of Pukhtoons through a Jirga and only after the death of Nader Shah.

Let me add another thing from what i have experienced, about 15yrs Afghan Pukhtoons would happily associate with us and would distance themselves from Hazaras, Tajuks and Uzbeks. But nowadays they are united and they all call us Gul Khans
Why don’t the Afghans have any problem with Iran? Historically Iran used to control much of Afghan territory but they have no issue with them.
Historically Indian and Afghans did not had good relationship either but now sons of Abdali prefer Indian Hindu/Sikh over Pakistani Muslims and even seen them chanting jay hind lol

Sut nowadays they are united and they all call us Gul Khans
Yes they call Gul Khans to any Pashtuns who show loyalty toward Pakistan. What does it mean?
i dont suggest that Pakistans biggest enemy is Afghanistan, There are so many afghanis who dont think like other afghanis. India is the biggest and israel comes second.
Historically Indian and Afghans did not had good relationship either but now sons of Abdali prefer Indian Hindu/Sikh over Pakistani Muslims and even seen them chanting jay hind lol

Yes they call Gul Khans to any Pashtuns who show loyalty toward Pakistan. What does it mean?

Gul means flower, it means soft or naive and it meant as a taunt for Pakistani Pukhtoons unless they support Afghanistan.
So you have no idea who these guys are thats why you tried to dodge the questions. please try again

Previously you mentioned that farsi speaking Durranis are the enemies of Pakistan. Abdali was also a Durrani, so it doesn't make sense why both Tajiks and Durranis would hate Pakistan.

Also Ahmed Shah was not a renegade. He only became the King of Pukhtoons through a Jirga and only after the death of Nader Shah.

Let me add another thing from what i have experienced, about 15yrs Afghan Pukhtoons would happily associate with us and would distance themselves from Hazaras, Tajuks and Uzbeks. But nowadays they are united and they all call us Gul Khans

I have seen many "afghan pashtuns" here in Germany, they all speak farsi/dari language, it looks to me that young afghan pashtuns look down upon speaking Pashto. They proudly tell me that they are "Pashtuns" but speak in Dari/Farsi with their friends, wives and children. The only pashto speaking people that I met in Germany were always Pakistani origin Pashtuns.
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Gul means flower, it means soft or naive and it meant as a taunt for Pakistani Pukhtoons unless they support Afghanistan.
But Gul is common name as well. Umer Gul, Ajab Gul, General hameed Gul, Gul panra etc
Afghans slur hardly make any sense. Call Dalkhor to Pakistani Muslims when they eat Meat but never use same slur for dear Indian brothers who are mostly vegetarians

i dont suggest that Pakistans biggest enemy is Afghanistan, There are so many afghanis who dont think like other afghanis. India is the biggest and israel comes second.
Yes it was Israeli who carried out suicide attacks in Pakistan from Afghanistan. Afghans damaged Pakistan much more than India or Isreal because they were directly involved and thast why labelled as security threat. Indian Raw was just giving them money and training and they were doing all dirty job for them
Met a few in Northern Europe and they asked me if I was Pakistani. On finding out I was Indian, they were delighted. I found it funny to say the least.
I have seen many "afghan pashtuns" here in Germany, they all speak farsi/dari language, it looks to me that young afghan pashtuns look down upon speaking Pashto. They proudly tell me that they are "Pashtuns" but speak in Dari/Farsi with their friends, wives and children. The only pashto speaking people that I met in Germany were always Pakistani origin Pashtuns.

Still waiting on the answer to my question about the identity and ethnicity of those people in the pics.

Sounds to me you have no idea about the ground realities and just googling stuff.

But Gul is common name as well. Umer Gul, Ajab Gul, General hameed Gul, Gul panra etc
Afghans slur hardly make any sense. Call Dalkhor to Pakistani Muslims when they eat Meat but never use same slur for dear Indian brothers who are mostly vegetarians

read this for a better understanding of the thought process of Afghans

P.S. its a long post.
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