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Afghanistan is Pakistan’s Principal Enemy

I've said this for years Afghanistan is the worst country to Pak even afghans living a liberal western countries their whole lives they haven't lost their racist ,violent and tribal mindset. Did you guys ever wonder why the Iranians keep them on a tight leash and all their other borders with their their neighbors are closed .
Why don’t the Afghans have any problem with Iran? Historically Iran used to control much of Afghan territory but they have no issue with them.

They have had huge problems with each other like when they nearly went to war when they executed Iranian diplomats they also did genocide of shia hazaras . Pakistan gets more of their attention due demography -Afghans are extreme ethnic chauvinists and very tribal minded and pashtuns are largest and most dominant ethnic group in Afghanistan who claims all Pashtuns as their people and the largest population of this group in the world lives in Pakistan(35-40 million). Huge Parts of Pakistan also used to be part of Afghan empire which they still dream about and Iran was the opposite so would not be their focus.
The British also made borders to make them a buffer state between Russian and British empires and Pakistan later inherited this land from British India upon independence which Afghanistan resented they also haven't gotten over the fact that they regressed from a once mighty empire to a failed state while new kid on the block Pakistan surpassed them . Plus KPK iis very beautiful like Switzerland so no wonder they still burning about it lol

every one even the world want so much but who cares let these afghani think what ever. i am not supporter of these afghanis and i will the fist one to vote to kick them out of Pakistan if gov ever suggest, i also remember how much namak haram they are how they kidnapped our kids how much drugs they smuggled still they doing in arab or other countries under Pakistani Passport how they now and then burn Pakistani flag but dost tell me the solution. we can do all these things to them. we have to think out of box they are very jahil who i am 100% sure dont love Hindu but how india manage to use them its a food of a thought. the only thing i feel its that Afghanis are cheap they sell themselves easily and we dont have money to buy them we cant run this game any more on morals. americans are leaving and they gonna leave huge intelligent network under india. is that what we want.
lets think out of box hate is not solution.
Pakistani govt should cancel all its passport in phases and renew new one. Whole Afghanistan has Pakistani passport and id. Imagine, all Afghan cricket players are Pakistani national.
You are so right i know some afghani and irani who have pakistani passport and ids its so hard for anyone to make or renew in foreign land so what they do is go back to Pakistan and renew then come back to their works.
Its clearly corruption in our NADRA who easily let em have our citizenship.
With Afghanistan sitting in lap of India, Afghanistan will always be our enemy

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