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Afghanistan desires role in CPEC, says Afghan envoy

:o: don't know what's happening today first hasina and now this :blink:
First their ambassador welcomes so-called sirgical strike and they both boycott Saarc meeting yet now Afghans are asking to be part of CPEC, what bloody snakes.Kudos

On one hand, supporting India on different platforms and on the other asking for a role. I think we should not give them any role.
Lets hope our policy buffs have your attitude.Kudos
What? didn't they just declared Pakistan a terrorist state and also sought UN to do the same? Go F yourselves you stupid afghans

Afghanistan's Ambassador to Pakistan Dr Omer Zakhilwal on Friday said Kabul absolutely supports China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and wants to become a part of the project.

Dr Zakhilwal, while talking to DawnNews in Islamabad, said "the CPEC was a great project that was equally relevant to Afghanistan like Pakistan, and anything that will be good for Pakistan will be good for the entire region."

The Afghan envoy asserted that the people of Afghanistan were "thirsty for development" and wanted to see their homeland prosper.

“I think CPEC is not limited to Pakistan, it is for the entire region particularly Central Asia,” the envoy maintained.

“CPEC is very much relevant to Afghanistan and it takes much interest in the project,” said Dr Zakhilwal adding that Kabul could excel in development provided it is given the opportunity.

The Afghan envoy said by becoming a part of the project Afghanistan can recover the damages it suffered during the decades long war.

“You saw our cricket team rose up to 8th position in world. Similarly, Afghanistan can surprise many if it gets the opportunity,” Dr Zakhilwal added.

Iran and Saudi Arabia had also shown interest to be part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

Minister for Planning, Development and Reforms Ahsan Iqbal earlier this month welcomed the interest shown by Iran and Saudi Arabia by saying “We will welcome both the brotherly Islamic countries if they want to be part of CPEC.”

Pakistan, he said, would also welcome and appreciate any friendly country which desired to participate in the multi-billion gigantic flagship project of “One Road One Belt” initiative launched by Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Last month, investment in the CPEC was increased to more than $51.5bn after China and the ADB agreed to lend $8bn to upgrade the main railway line from Karachi to Peshawar.
Afghanistan's Ambassador to Pakistan Dr Omer Zakhilwal on Friday said Kabul absolutely supports China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and wants to become a part of the project.

Dr Zakhilwal, while talking to DawnNews in Islamabad, said "the CPEC was a great project that was equally relevant to Afghanistan like Pakistan, and anything that will be good for Pakistan will be good for the entire region."

The Afghan envoy asserted that the people of Afghanistan were "thirsty for development" and wanted to see their homeland prosper.

“I think CPEC is not limited to Pakistan, it is for the entire region particularly Central Asia,” the envoy maintained.

“CPEC is very much relevant to Afghanistan and it takes much interest in the project,” said Dr Zakhilwal adding that Kabul could excel in development provided it is given the opportunity.

The Afghan envoy said by becoming a part of the project Afghanistan can recover the damages it suffered during the decades long war.

“You saw our cricket team rose up to 8th position in world. Similarly, Afghanistan can surprise many if it gets the opportunity,” Dr Zakhilwal added.

Iran and Saudi Arabia had also shown interest to be part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

Minister for Planning, Development and Reforms Ahsan Iqbal earlier this month welcomed the interest shown by Iran and Saudi Arabia by saying “We will welcome both the brotherly Islamic countries if they want to be part of CPEC.”

Pakistan, he said, would also welcome and appreciate any friendly country which desired to participate in the multi-billion gigantic flagship project of “One Road One Belt” initiative launched by Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Last month, investment in the CPEC was increased to more than $51.5bn after China and the ADB agreed to lend $8bn to upgrade the main railway line from Karachi to Peshawar.


Yes but stop sleeping with Indian stop cross border terrorism in Pakistan give us mulla Radio:coffee: Any other conditions guys?

And take your refugees back....
Taliban and civilized in the same sentence ?? Cannot wait for the Taliban to take over Pakistan

Yes, Afghans can be civilized by Taliban only.. Pakistan wants peace in Afghanistan and will do anything and support anyone who ensures Pak interests are protected and Afghanistan can't be used for harbouring scums like Fazlullah & Omar Khalid. Pakistan wants a peaceful Pak-Afghan border as it was from 1996-2001.

Taliban control a significant portion of Afghanistan. They are advancing fast in Helmand, Kunduz, Uruzgan and Farah. Pakistan doesn't like pro-India leaders like Ghani who spew venom every now and then against Pakistan.

Recently, a Pakistani helicopter crashed in a Taliban controlled part of Afghanistan. The crew was released in a few days only. Had it crashed in govt. controlled area, I doubt they would have ever come back.

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ISLAMABAD: Afghanistan has expressed its desire to become part of China Pakistan Economic Corridor.
In an interview, Afghanistan’s Ambassador to Pakistan Dr. Omar Zakhilwal said the CPEC is a great project that is equally relevant to Afghanistan, like Pakistan.
He said anything that is good for Pakistan will also be good for the entire region.
Om Zakhilwal said by becoming a part of the project Afghanistan can recover the damages it has suffered during the decades long war.
With sincere and good intentions, everyone is welcome to join CPEC. May it be Bangladesh, India, Afghanistan or anyone else.
Now Afghanistan is joining .. soon India will also join and later on this rout will become and international trade rout managed by international forces and Pakistan won't have any say in that .. sovereignty will be compromised and Pakistan will end up like Egypt with Suez Canal ..! Such a big trade rout of Suez Canal still relies on aid from other countries ..
Now Afghanistan is joining .. soon India will also join and later on this rout will become and international trade rout managed by international forces and Pakistan won't have any say in that .. sovereignty will be compromised and Pakistan will end up like Egypt with Suez Canal ..! Such a big trade rout of Suez Canal still relies on aid from other countries ..

You have an optimistic mindset.

Think of it this way.
Pakistan, unlike Egypt will have a huge say as well.
So other countries will rely on Pakistan and China just as much.

That means, They will give us aid in trust of the corridor instead of compromising on our sovereignty.
Sorry to say, but enough is enough.
Pakistan should not be offering Afghans anything now and certainly not CPEC inclusion.

Let them enjoy Chabahar if Iran is willing to accomodate them. We have done enough for them.
Afghanistan should not put all its eggs in one basket .Its a good move to have as many options as possible and not be susceptible to blackmail.
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