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Afghanistan cannot be put together as one country: Joe Biden

I think if we repel ANA terrorists by allowing our local tribes to gi across that would do the job to capture a lot of border territory with Afghanistan, we do need strategic depth so why not just take it by calling false flags like the indian terrorists do
Hurrah. I have been saying this for a long term and have argued this point with many Afghans in other fora.
They would have said that we love Afghanistan more then our lives but we won't spend an hour of our lives over there.
Jalalabad and a other border areas are basically Pakistani anyway, the rest of the country though will never assimilate
Ideal solution to the Afghanistan problem. A four state solution -

  • Pashtunistan [for Pashtuns with which K-Pk could merge down the road]
  • Hazarjat [for Mongolian Shia Hazara]
  • Tajikia [for Tajiks although they could merge with Tajikistan down the road]
  • Uzbekia [for all the Turkics who could merge with Turken/Uzbekistan down the road]
Ps. I am not saying this should be done but if the people concerned wanted to they should have that right.

Ideal solution to the Afghanistan problem. A four state solution -

  • Pashtunistan [for Pashtuns with which K-Pk could merge down the road]
  • Hazarjat [for Mongolian Shia Hazara]
  • Tajikia [for Tajiks although they could merge with Tajikistan down the road]
  • Uzbekia [for all the Turkics who could merge with Turken/Uzbekistan down the road]
Ps. I am not saying this should be done but if the people concerned wanted to they should have that right.

Looks fine!! Only add the Wakhan region to Pashtunistan..
He likely wanted to point towards civil war of 90’s between northern warlords and Taliban.

Taliban idiology will always mean war. Even divided Afghanistan will not change that. Though this would leave northern Afghanistan in peace and then Taliban can continue to fight with each other.
Divide and conquer. ...you people think they going to stop at just dividing?

Looks like people either don't know basics....unity is strength or hatred can make you stupid...

Today if we advocate for breaking a nation tomorrow their people will side whoever plans to break us...PPP is already a tool set and ready ...
Divide and conquer. ...you people think they going to stop at just dividing?

Looks like people either don't know basics....unity is strength or hatred can make you stupid...

Today if we advocate for breaking a nation tomorrow their people will side whoever plans to break us...PPP is already a tool set and ready ...

Divided Afghanistan will be even less of a threat to Pakistan. Less influenced by Bharat to host anti-Pak terrorists.
Divided Afghanistan will be even less of a threat to Pakistan. Less influenced by Bharat to host anti-Pak terrorists.
You think their people are dead?

Whatever you do today...you will see the effects in a decade or two...like cold war effects and WOT. ..

Blunders should be stopped when they are about to happen not when they have happened ...then it is too late. ..

The next generations won't be forgiving ....long term planning is best...
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