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Afghanistan cannot be put together as one country: Joe Biden

Having a divided Afghanistan at western border would be the best thing for Pakistan
And Afghanistan can't survive as a one country without American support
If they divide it shouldnt be coz we interfered....I dont want any backlash on my country!
The Pashtun country will be most problematic to deal with the other countries could be easier to have good relationships with

This is the future as soon as US pull out their support.
We Pakistanis will not allow Balkanization of Afghanistan. In fact, we are not in favour of balkanization of any country, including India.
Americans don't need your permission to divide Afghanistan
They just have to stop funding and there won't be any Afghan army or government
Afghanistan will fall like a house of cards

Dividing Afghanistan makes no sense for Pakistan when the plan to divide has come about because they fear the Taliban would take over Afghanistan completely. Taliban is the group that is considered pro Pakistan - and they want to divide it so that Northern Alliance guys don't get completely thrown out.

How does it make sense for Pakistan to help them take down our allies (Taliban) to help keep our enemies (NA) alive and in power?

We should help bring about peace in Afghanistan once the Americans leave.

It's amazing how they move towards larger blocks (EU) but for us they desire further disintegration and balkanization - and we cheer them on.

Americans don't need your permission to divide Afghanistan
They just have to stop funding and there won't be any Afghan army or government
Afghanistan will fall like a house of cards

Exactly, and once they do and the Afghan government falls like a house of cards - the Taliban will defeat all the smaller factions like last time and take over.

The American money is not preventing the balkanization of Afghanistan - it is simply keeping the current lot in power and keeping the Taliban out.
the Taliban will defeat all the smaller factions like last time and take over.
If Taliban emerges as a strongest group after American withdrawal then it won't be difficult for them to defeat northern alliance and to reunite Afghanistan
But if they are unable to reunite Afghanistan then it would mean dividing Afghanistan was right decision
Ideal solution to the Afghanistan problem. A four state solution -

  • Pashtunistan [for Pashtuns with which K-Pk could merge down the road]
  • Hazarjat [for Mongolian Shia Hazara]
  • Tajikia [for Tajiks although they could merge with Tajikistan down the road]
  • Uzbekia [for all the Turkics who could merge with Turken/Uzbekistan down the road]
Ps. I am not saying this should be done but if the people concerned wanted to they should have that right.

Chitrales claim the part you are highlighting as "tajikia". Those arent tajik but people that are similar to chitrales. The only solution is annexing all of Afghanistan. If you go ask any pakhtoon in Pakistan, he will tell you the same. Those included thr people of ex-FATA. It's high time the establishment listens to them. Realistically your only adding 1 or 2 new ethnicities to Pakistan's demographic, it wont do any harm. Infact it will be beneficial, because it would let Pakistan have influence on the bordering central Asian countries.
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Americans don't need your permission to divide Afghanistan
They just have to stop funding and there won't be any Afghan army or government
Afghanistan will fall like a house of cards
Actually balkanization of Afghanistan is not something that will start at Afghanistan. It will affect all neighbouring countries.
Chitrales claim the part you are highlighting as "tajikia".
I know that. There are at least another half dozen sub-ethnic groups like Nuristani's but i did not bother because I wanted to make a point by keeping it simple. Thus the crude division. If you want you can slice it with more finesse. But I think my infographic made the point clear.
Speak for urself. In india's case i would love to see it split one more time.
I don't wish any fire for my neighbour that might reach my home. That's why I advocate that solve Kashmir issue, and leave India as it is, infact support integrity of all neighbouring countries.
I don't wish any fire for my neighbour that might reach my home. That's why I advocate that solve Kashmir issue, and leave India as it is, infact support integrity of all neighbouring countries.

Thats what u get after india is spilit 1 more time. We get a new neighbour smaller in size and force
The Pashtun country will be most problematic to deal with the other countries could be easier to have good relationships with

Afghan Pashtun country will not be stooge of India. Current lot in Kabul are sponsored by India. Kabuli pashtuns like Ghani are persianized and they hate Pakistan. Tajiks hate us for supporting Taliban.

Or taliban need to change their ways and stop killing Afghans and instead agree with some power sharing peace deal.
I know that. There are at least another half dozen sub-ethnic groups like Nuristani's but i did not bother because I wanted to make a point by keeping it simple. Thus the crude division. If you want you can slice it with more finesse. But I think my infographic made the point clear.
I want the whole cake not a slice.
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