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Afghanistan begins to export products directly to India for the first time

I so want to wish away a neighbor like Afghanistan !

Can't we have some sort of an Iron-Curtain type thing where the millions of them that are in Pakistan - stay in Afghanistan & hate us to their heart's content from across the Durand Line ?

Pataa nahin kahaan seii ye parasites lagggg gaiiin haiii hameiiin aur utttar nei ka naaam hii nahin leiteiiin ! :cry:

Oi @chauvunist when I was in Peshawar I asked my Afghan Taxi Driver kei Sahib aap Afghanistan - Apneii mulk - waapiiis kiyun nahin jateiii & he replied - Hamaraa mulk Attock tukkk haiii ! :blink:

Beraa gharaaak ! :lol:

Maraiii gaiii ! :fie:

Haha,Whenever i come across such argument i just tell them that Afghanistan is going to be our 5th province in the near future and you can see their faces turning red...:devil:

Once me and my cousin come across an old afghani of northern decent(uneducated) who passed an aggressive argument against Pakistan and my cousin told him that Karzai with the help of America has made a secret deal with Pakistan to annex afghanistan with us as the 5th province and became like aag baghola and starting cursing afghani nation for being beghairat and non united and we left the place with evil smile on our faces...:lol:
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i got your point that it is indeed a achievement for afghanistan as that got a yet another part to have access to warm water apart from Pakistan.decreasing the influence of pakistan over afghanistan.

I got this all.
and what i said is that chabahar indeed might be better than gwadar for Afghanistan.(even though the afghanistan will now eff the iran with drugs/ganja/opium) but in the end Gwadar will have a better revenue compared to chabahar.

I think Iran is kina at an advantage because they impose their law with an iron hand, how ever we on the other hand are are unable to do so. Might be because our government can be unstable,.our government changes from martial law to democracy. Thus we kina lag behind. While Iran shows zero tolerances for any rebellion or misbehaviour against the state.
I know this project is future failure & waste of investment but obviously it will be known in history, next generations of Pakistanis will ask that if Iran was brother country(as said in Pakistan) then why did it support the countries that were arch enemies & hostile towards Pakistan.

Also i'm very much calm but my reply was to Irani member who asked that why Pakistanis are acting this way, so i made it clear that Pakistan was never & will never be against prosperity of any country but Iran choose wrong country to develop it's Chahbahar, it's like Pakistan choosing Israel to develop Gawadar or built IP gas-line.

You do realize that Iran has a better relationship with India historically than Pakistan?
Statements have no value. Pakistan also stated that it will not allow Al Queda leadership on its soil.. And we all know what happened in Abbotabad :)

What happened in Abbottabad was after Pakistan provide tip.
CIA-ISI efforts helped close in on militants, Abbottabad report says | Pakistan Today | Latest news | Breaking news | Pakistan News | World news | Business | Sport and Multimedia
Timeline: Tip Leads U.S. to Usama Bin Laden | Fox News

No proof of Pakistani involvement.
What happened in Abbottabad was after Pakistan provide tip.

No proof of Pakistani involvement.

Its not offtopic. Its an example that diplomatic statements like these have no value on the ground. (never said there was Pakistani involvement. Its anyone's guess :) )
You do realize that Iran has a better relationship with India historically than Pakistan?

That were with Mughuls who were invaders by indian perspective. Also Pakistan's relationship is much more older with Iran than india. Makran & Balochistan of Pakistan borders Iran not Bengal & Tamilado of india.
Its not banking on the US but mere common sense. The US will not tolerate any activity that enriches Iran, it has successfully forced the Indians to back out of the IPI deal and forced the Indians to reduce their appetite for Iranian oil.
You do realize that US tried but failed to get India and China to cut their consumption of Iranian oil?
This despite Saudi Arabia offering to cover the entire amount of oil that they would reduce from Iran?

And that it is a breeze paying KSA instead of Iran?

Why then are both India and China buying oil from Iran?

And why is it that both these countries have been exempted from US sanctions?

Not really. American strategic planners have realized that it is in the interests of the US to ensure that both Afghanistan and Pakistan are stable. This is why the Americans have shoved down billions of dollars in both Afghanistan and Pakistan to try and stabilize the situation. They have realized that their strategy in Afghanistan was flawed by not including the Pushtuns, this is why the Americans are now openly embracing the Taliban and opening up peace talks with them. If they wanted Afghanistan to remain volatile, they would have never made overtures to the Taliban. It is in the political interests of the US that both Afghanistan and Pakistan remain stable and prosper, State Department was quite explicit in that.
The State department may be explicit, but US actions and words dont always match.

So you admit, the US was successful in its goal. It has everything to do with influence, whether you like it or not but the US remains to be the sole superpower when it comes to diplomatic, political, economic and military clout. Through their chokehold on the Global Financial System, they were successful in reducing China's and India's oil appetite for Iranian oil.
They were successful in reducing it, but as I mentioned above, they were not successful in eliminating it. And that is only India and China who are exempted from the oil sanctions on Iran, despite KSA offering to take up any slack.

Indeed, they offered something to the Indians they simply could not refuse. In case of Chahbar, they don't have to offer anything because the Americans are the top dogs in Afghanistan and India is at best a 'Non Entity'. India lacks the political, diplomatic and military clout required to be a major player in Afghanistan. Its a sad reality but unfortunately it is the reality.
You dont get it.
Americans are the top dogs in Afghanistan and India might be a non entity or a super entity. That is irrelevant. What India wants is a way to ship goods to and from the Central Asian Region along with Afghanistan.
Iran offers that by way of Chabahar - a port developed with Indian assistance.
US would again have to make an offer that India cannot refuse to let this port go and not use it.

Whether they would or not remains to be seen. But at the moment, things seem to be headed in the direction of an operational port in Iran and trade with India.
Its not offtopic. Its an example that diplomatic statements like these have no value on the ground. (never said there was Pakistani involvement. Its everyone's guess :) )

Yes just like india voted against Iran internationally but when it faces Iran it start bowing them.

As we say in Urdu 'Baghal mein churi, munh main ram ram'
That were with Mughuls who were invaders by indian perspective. Also Pakistan's relationship is much more older with Iran than india. Makran & Balochistan of Pakistan borders Iran not Bengal & Tamilado of india.

I am not talking about Mughals. Independent India's relationship with Iran is better than Pakistan regardless of whether Bengal shares a border with them or not.
Why can't we have good relations with both India and Pakistan? I swear, it's possible guys! Neither Pakistan nor India is our enemy and we love them both.Having relations with one, doesn't undermine the other, at least not for Iran.
So you really have nothing to contribute except anecdotal statements.. ?? :)

btw, is churi an Urdu word :) ?

I think i've clear the Pakistani opinion & concern very well supported by official statements & articles where required unlike you who continue to post offtopic.

btw, is churi an Urdu word :) ?

You can present this offtopic to your brilliant teachers who teach you that Afghanistan can directly trade with india some how when it is not an immediate neighbor.:lol:
I am not talking about Mughals. Independent India's relationship with Iran is better than Pakistan regardless of whether Bengal shares a border with them or not.

I don't think india's relations with Iran are more stronger than Pakistan.
I don't think india's relations with Iran are more stronger than Pakistan.

Its your call what you think.

The only downswing in Iran's relations with India have occurred when India voted against Iran. Even after that, India shares exemplary relations with Iran.

Your calling them 'brother nation' doesnt change the fact that Iran and India share a relationship and Iran would agree to India even if Pakistan did not like it.
My few cents on this:

1. I think it is good for both Pakistan and Afghanistan if Afghanistan and Pakistan delink from each other

2. The questions thats Pakistanis need to ask themselves are:
a. Does the revenue from Afghanistan's use of Karachi offset the damage caused to Pakistan by the influx of drugs, guns by Afghans, the lost import duty, the cost that Afghan refugees exert of Pakistan. The Answer no, not be a large margin

b. Further it forces already incompetent and overburdened Pakistani government officials to spend thinking cycles on Afghanistan when they should be dealing with issues that concern Pakistanis such as health care, social development, jobs, the economy.

c. Similar to "b" our foreign policy should be concerned with further integrating with China and dealing with Afghanistan saps our energy.

3. The Afghans have been extremely hostile to Pakistanis since Pakistan's foundation, before any Pakistani meddeling

4. The Afghans are extremely hostile to the Pakistani people even after 7 million or so of them (roughly 50% of their one time population) were provided refuge by Pakistanis for decades.

5. Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, have successfully become prosperous and are doing fine without Afghanistan.


1. Pakistan should see Afghanistan solely through the Pakistani prism - what benefits us.

2. Pakistan should demand her pound of flesh if it suits her.

3. Pakistan should not provide transit trade to Afghanistan by giving them access to our ports or Wagah.

4. Pakistan should expel the Afghans from Pakistan as soon as possible

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