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Afghanistan bans Pakistani newspapers

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Afghanistan bans Pakistani newspapers
By Web Desk
Published: September 21, 2012

KABUL: Afghanistan on Friday banned all Pakistani newspapers from entering the country in an attempt to block the Taliban from influencing public opinion via the press, the Associated Press reported.

The order was issued by the ministry of interior, because Pakistani newspapers publish statements of the Taliban, becoming a conduit for their propaganda.

”The news is not based in reality and it is creating concerns for our countrymen in the eastern provinces of Afghanistan,” the ministry said in a statement. ”Also, the newspapers are a propaganda resource of the Taliban spokespersons.”

The ministry ordered blocking entry of the papers at the Torkham border crossing. They further directed border police to gather up Pakistani newspapers in the three eastern provinces of Nangarhar, Kunar and Nuristan.
Afghanistan bans Pakistani newspapers – The Express Tribune
Most of the newspaper published in PAK are in Urdu.. how many afghans can read urdu??? lol
I am pretty sure Afghanistan is not doing anything to stop cross border terrorism which is taking place from their country & attacks are carried out into Pakistan because these terrorists are fully supported by Afghan Govt., US, India & NATO, it is serving their purpose well. So Afghan Govt. can shut their mouth, we also know the new Afghan Intel Director is a criminal & a anti Pakistani, so what can we expect from Afghanistan? nothing.

Everybody here knows that this Afghan Govt. is anti Pakistani & they have no love for Pakistan what so ever.
Unfortunately for us, we are ruled by the corrupt & evil who have no love for Pakistan & they don’t care what happens to Pakistan plus the administration is very weak or is equal to nothing.
Gen. Musharraf time was great because he had the guts to stand up against anybody who went against the interest of Pakistan or harmed Pakistan.

Following things are badly required to be done, reviewing Pakistan’s relation with India, US & Afghanistan. Tough decisions are to be made against these countries because they are doing whatever they can to harm Pakistan.

Pakistan will continue bombing inside Afghanistan until all US, Afghan & Indian rented terrorists are send to hell.
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