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Afghanistan bans Pakistan newspapers over Taliban support.

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Afghanistan bans Pakistan newspapers over Taliban support.
22 September 2012 Last updated at 09:41 GMT

Afghanistan bans Pakistan newspapers over Taliban support

Both leaders say they are determined to reduce tension on their joint border

Afghanistan has moved to block the entry of all newspapers from Pakistan, saying they serve Taliban militants.

In its order, the interior ministry said the newspapers "are a propaganda resource of the Taliban spokesmen" and has ordered police forces in east Afghanistan to confiscate all copies.

The latest move comes amid increasing tension between the two countries.

Afghanistan has urged Pakistan to immediately stop shelling in the border province of Kunar.

The Afghan interior ministry order focuses specifically on blocking entry of the papers at Torkham, a busy border crossing.

It authorises police to impound Pakistani newspapers in the three eastern provinces of Nangarhar, Kunar and Nuristan.

Referring to the reasons for the move, the ministry said news in the Pakistani newspapers "is not based in reality and it is creating concerns for our countrymen in the eastern provinces of Afghanistan".

'Sensitive issue'
Correspondents say that cross-border violence has become a highly sensitive issue in Afghanistan, where many are wary of Pakistan's historic ties to the Taliban.

At a UN Security Council meeting on Thursday, Afghan Foreign Minister Zalmai Rassoul said the attacks had killed dozens of civilians.

The UN says around 4,000 people have been displaced due to cross-border shelling.

Last month, Afghan President Hamid Karzai and his Pakistani counterpart, Asif Ali Zardari, agreed to send a joint military delegation to examine the shelling across their border.

Islamabad says that the violence is being carried out by Pakistani Taliban fighters sheltering in Afghanistan, who have infiltrated the border to resume attacks on its security forces.

Pakistan says it is only targeting militants who flee from their territory and try to seek a safe haven in Afghanistan.

BBC News - Afghanistan bans Pakistan newspapers over Taliban support
I will support ban on all transportation and supply to Afghanistan. Where question comes about shelling than i will support if Pakistan will use chemical and biological weapons to clear 30 miles inside Afghanistan to give good gesture for Afghan Hosts and terrorists guests there.
I am pretty sure Afghanistan is not doing anything to stop cross border terrorism which is taking place from their country & attacks are carried out into Pakistan because these terrorists are fully supported by Afghan Govt., US, India & NATO, it is serving their purpose well. So Afghan Govt. can shut their mouth, we also know the new Afghan Intel Director is a criminal & a anti Pakistani, so what can we expect from Afghanistan? nothing.

Everybody here knows that this Afghan Govt. is anti Pakistani & they have no love for Pakistan what so ever.
Unfortunately for us, we are ruled by the corrupt & evil who have no love for Pakistan & they don’t care what happens to Pakistan plus the administration is very weak or is equal to nothing.
Gen. Musharraf time was great because he had the guts to stand up against anybody who went against the interest of Pakistan or harmed Pakistan.

Following things are badly required to be done, reviewing Pakistan’s relation with India, US & Afghanistan. Tough decisions are to be made against these countries because they are doing whatever they can to harm Pakistan.

Pakistan will continue bombing inside Afghanistan until all US, Afghan & Indian rented terrorists are send to hell.
Good job Afghan government, death penalty must be applied to anyone who goes against our country's interests.
stop the routs and than i will see u ................ empty slogans , dirty minds

afghanistan has always blamed PAKISTAN for its crimes and blunders .....
now again it is on wrong path and blaming us for its ills
Good job Afghan government, death penalty must be applied to anyone who goes against our country's interests.

This is a very good suggestion,
I think we should have the same law here, and to make sure there is no interference in afghanistan
we should seal the border with Afghanistan. Like a wall or some thing.
and make sure nothing, NOTHING goes through.
Pakistan media produces very misleading news about Afghanistan, a good move by Afghan government.
There are three different things to consider:

1. Does Afghan government have a right to ban news item or a newspaper?

We are dealing with freedom of expression here. Any citizen or resident or a visitor doesn’t have to agree with the prevailing opinion of the masses or of the establishment. Banning the News is definitely a curb on the fundamental human right to have a different opinion. However, Afghanistan is in the middle of a war and it is well within the Afghan Gov’t rights to ban any newspaper or news item on the pretext of national security.

2. Do Pakistani newspapers favour Taliban and Al Qaeda?

Yes, most of the Urdu press columnists; Urdu media anchors including right wing political parties such as JI, JUI and PML-N are partial to religious extremist groups and Taliban (Rana Sana ullah a chum of SSP). Even Imran Khan has openly indicated his hostility against war on Taliban and has sent observers to the sectarian/extremist Defence of Pakistan Council. Thus assertion of Afghan Gov’t that Pakistani Newspapers support Taliban has some justification.

3. There have been quite a few Green on Blue attacks, where Afghan security forces have opened fire on ISAF forces causing causalities. This is highly embarrassing to Hamid Karzai and this action tantamount to clutching straws to save one from drowning.

No matter how much we dislike it; Taliban have deep roots in the Pashtun population along the Pakistan/Afghan border belt. When attacked in Afghanistan these elements escape into Pakistan and conversely melt into Afghan population when attacked from the Pakistan side. This is a very tough situation which Hamid Karzai Gov’t is unable to control. In the days when nearly everyone has a mobile phone, a few pro-Taliban articles would hardly make any difference. Don't think Pakistan needs to take any notice of this.
Isn't it against the freedom of speech? i mean its up to people if they agree with the opinion or not, its not like its related to their values, religion or traditions, imagine pakistan blocking the print and electric media, all hell will break through
Good job Afghan government, death penalty must be applied to anyone who goes against our country's interests.
i like your suggestion, am not being hater or a basher but what you suggest we do to afghan brothers who smuggle in goods into pakistan like car spares (engines,transmissions, and what not), electronic items like tvs, lcds, alcohol, drugs isn't that against our country;s intrest? do you know how much we have to suffer because of smuggling?
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