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Afghan wants 150 Battle tanks and 1 Squadron of Attack choppers from India

@capt.pop eye

Fact is that you have zero leverage in Afghanistan, and arming the north isn't going to win you the sort of foothold you desire.

Not to forget....we will deliver the 'meal' to you if and when its needed.

deliver what ever you are able to deliver; along with the guy from Pizza Hut.
But do wake up to the hard fact that whatever you are having to eat right now is not palatable at all.
See what happens going ito the future.......
Unless you can find another country as strong as US to take the beam, you are guarantee to have a civil war 2.0 happening in Afghanistan, it will be of India interest not to get engage unless you think you can do a better job than the American.

Otherwise, you need to make sure you are betting on the right horse...as far as I see, the whole thing can go either way...

India has no intention whatsoever of putting boots on the ground, or getting directly involved in afghanistan, as many pakistanis here seem to think. Training their officers in our institutes, and perhaps supplying weapon systems (unlikely, IMO) is as far as we are going to do.

As for picking sides, well there India has picked a side, and it is not the talibs. That is for sure. We will provide the ANA with world class counter insurgency lessons, with which we have ample experience (we have also fought afghan mujahideens at our doorstep in Kashmir, when ISI funnelled them there after the soviet war). Hopefully, with the training that the green berets and India's military schools provide them, they would be able to keep the talibs away for a long time.

If it turns out that they can't, and the talibs come to power again, it doesn't really matter as far as Indian interests are concerned directly - we won't regret having picked the losing side, because the talibs cannot come wage war with India anyway; the border is as far as they will get. It is not for nothing that we have the world's largest or so army - if we are prepared to take on China and pakistan, a few talibs far away from our border are no threat to us.

So "picking the wrong side" is not really a concern for us; we have already done so. That doesn't mean that we will go fight there, should civil war ensue.
Let me tell you what I think

Been in Afghanistan myself, I can tell you one thing, many people is misinformed

US enter war in Afghanistan not because anything they want to fix, but simply to pay deuce to one guy (OBL) US enter the war without any concern from Afghanistan and any surrounding country in mind.

Fact is, if US want Taliban gone and to achieve a stable Taliban, they would have another approach than what they did now. Which is simply push them back into Pakistan.

The sad but true truth is, afghani would accept Taliban to be back if that mean they would stop the sectarian violence. Same way they open the door to Taliban after the rusky gone

From what I see, whatever vibe the Afghanistan give out is a farce if you ask me. Now you see people come out and talk bad for Taliban because American is there. But what happen when they were gone? The country would go straigh back into sectarian violence.

Pakistan in this sense already say they will do nothing more than they already did to control Afghanistan (last time they got involved didn't do them any good.)

Unless you can find another country as strong as US to take the beam, you are guarantee to have a civil war 2.0 happening in Afghanistan, it will be of India interest not to get engage unless you think you can do a better job than the American.

Otherwise, you need to make sure you are betting on the right horse...as far as I see, the whole thing can go either way...

Actually you dont know nothing about the Afghanistan and Afghanis.You are right America spend a lot of money and military power ,so they are successfully ousted taliban.But more than that there is another factors like cultural, historical, people to people contact.Our Afghan friends love Indian films ,music etc .When US invade Afghanistan and until now they have only one mission ,FIGHTING.But India's contribution is more than that .There medical mission ,infrastructure etc helped the afghanis
.Afghan education sector is also remarkably improved by Indians.This is a positive fact.And ANA will trained by Indian Army military officers Indian Army has one of the best counterinsurgency in the world.So ANA can fight them easily. Like many said we dont think US will completely leave from Afghanistan may be their regular trops will go from there.But US special forces and their private contracters will remain there like in iraq.So we Indians can again help our friends for reconstruction of their country.
India is already donating older T-55s for free to different neighbours,along with 105mm Field gun(for Mayanmar,I knew for sure)..I wonder if India decided to sell T-72s,we could give them few T-55s as well..for providing them,its not much of a problem at all.but what we really needs to see is that if there is political will for that???
Let me tell you what I think

Been in Afghanistan myself, I can tell you one thing, many people is misinformed

US enter war in Afghanistan not because anything they want to fix, but simply to pay deuce to one guy (OBL) US enter the war without any concern from Afghanistan and any surrounding country in mind.

Fact is, if US want Taliban gone and to achieve a stable Taliban, they would have another approach than what they did now. Which is simply push them back into Pakistan.

The sad but true truth is, afghani would accept Taliban to be back if that mean they would stop the sectarian violence. Same way they open the door to Taliban after the rusky gone

From what I see, whatever vibe the Afghanistan give out is a farce if you ask me. Now you see people come out and talk bad for Taliban because American is there. But what happen when they were gone? The country would go straigh back into sectarian violence.

Pakistan in this sense already say they will do nothing more than they already did to control Afghanistan (last time they got involved didn't do them any good.)

Unless you can find another country as strong as US to take the beam, you are guarantee to have a civil war 2.0 happening in Afghanistan, it will be of India interest not to get engage unless you think you can do a better job than the American.

Otherwise, you need to make sure you are betting on the right horse...as far as I see, the whole thing can go either way...

Is there a 'right horse' in this race at all ?

Its funny how Indians claim 'moral high ground' for N.Alliance's warlords. Not surprised, given your own moral compass. :D

Nothing surprising there. Indians moral ground has historically been always low.
Good. Pakistan test it's weapons on Afghan forces as a pre-game.

Apropos to India for this decision!

Last I remember, the USSR equipped Afghanistan with two division strength worth of armour and a modern air force and if my memory favours me, most of that equipment was in the hand of regional warlords within half a decade and was being used for small genocides on a weekly basis. The wish-list is easy to satisfy as it asks for military equipment that is obsolete by contemporary standards and India should be able to part with their T-72 and Hinds quite easily in the face of their T-90 and Apache acquisitions. But the question remains, can they deal with the bad press when the equipment will be used by one warlord to massacre the populace of the other? And how will India deal with Iran's concerns on the matter as they are regional stake holders on solid terms with India.

Food for thought.

Pakistan can think what they want, they are an unreasonable state with concoted history and delusions about their importance..

I'm pretty sure all analysts place Pakistan as a regional power in the Asian scales of power. So our importance is secured.

Unreasonable, only because we do not subscribe to your foreign policy.

As for our concocted history, I will let the million souls lost in partition rest in their graves and not rekindle a dead debate.
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Last I remember, the USSR equipped Afghanistan with two division strength worth of armour and a modern air force and if my memory favours me, most of that equipment was in the hand of regional warlords within half a decade and was being used for small genocides on a weekly basis. The wish-list is easy to satisfy as it asks for military equipment that is obsolete by contemporary standards and India should be able to part with their T-72 and Hinds quite easily in the face of their T-90 and Apache acquisitions. But the question remains, can they deal with the bad press when the equipment will be used by one warlord to massacre the populace of the other? And how will India deal with Iran's concerns on the matter as they are regional stake holders on solid terms with India.

Food for thought.

Waisee curiously enough why is that everything of or relating to Afghanistan starts & ends with the Taliban as if one day in the '90s a Pakistani General woke up & had an epiphany of supporting the Taliban ?

Why is it that everything subsequent Afghan Governments have been up to since '48 under Zahirh Shah, Daud Khan, Babrak & then the few dozen fiefdoms that were Afghanistan never pop up in any of these conversations ?

As if the Bajaur Invasion, the Loy Afghanistan & the Pukhtoonistan nonsense, the Durand Line Issues, the disgruntled Baloch Sardars & his men finding sanctuary & succor in Afghanistan after his coffers aren't being filled anymore by the Pakistan Government & then starting an insurgency (from '48 till the present one) from there & the belligerency on the borders every time one could including most of the Warlords being used as proxies in Afghanistan by a dozen nations with some being used against us, are all a figment of our imagination ?

Why do you think none of the context of supporting the Taliban is ever understood ? And for whats it worth what kind of 'assets' would the Taliban be of ours when they wouldn't listen to us on the Durand Line, they wouldn't listen to us when we demanded extradition of criminal elements that had run off from Pakistan into Afghanistan & they most certainly didn't listen to us when we continued to ask them to hand over Bin Laden or a myriad other things - Some 'strategic assets'....hmmmn ?

Why do you think this selective amnesia happens ?

P.S People seem to forget Bhutto, Daud Khan & Naseerullah Babur altogether !
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It will be interesting to know the reaction of military about all this. I dont think the govt. will decide before the general elections..
You really favour the taliban, don't you?

Geopolitics aside, tell me one thing - do you approve of the kind of society that afghans had to live in under their regime?

We Only Favor our National Interest and it doesn't matter in which shape it comes...;)
We Only Favor our National Interest and it doesn't matter in which shape it comes...;)

Rorra baaat sunnn are there Afghan Refugees in Peshawar still ? :what:

Or did PTI finally asked them to leave or something ?
Federal Govt Extended their stay till 2015...Provincial govt can't do much in this regard..

FoOk ! :hitwall:

I remember when I visited Peshawar just a few months ago - I can't recall a single person I talked to who didn't want them out & yet the Government still persists ! :angry:

Well the worst of all were my Tribal friends - Kuch ziyadaaa hiii ghusaaa nikaaal diyaa unhoon neiiii Afghanooon peiii ! fie:

I still remember what my Adamkhel Afridi friend from Darra said when I said 'Nahin...nahin hamareiii musalmaan bhaiiii haiin' - He said 'Tu ghar lei jaooo...purr idhar seiii tou nikalooo - Kameenaa jugut bhii maaar giyaaa ! :angry:
FoOk ! :hitwall:

I remember when I visited Peshawar just a few months ago - I can't recall a single person I talked to who didn't want them out & yet the Government still persists ! :angry:

Well the worst of all were my Tribal friends - Kuch ziyadaaa hiii ghusaaa nikaaal diyaa unhoon neiiii Afghanooon peiii ! fie:

I still remember what my Adamkhel Afridi friend from Darra said when I said 'Nahin...nahin hamareiii musalmaan bhaiiii haiin' - He said 'Tu ghar lei jaooo...purr idhar seiii tou nikalooo - Kameenaa jugut bhii maaar giyaaa ! :angry:

Well during Past couple of years People had a good deal of despise but now i rarely come across such aggression directed towards Afghani's as People are more concerned about their Problems plus many Afghani's have already left for their country though a sizeable amount still remains...

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