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Afghan Taliban leader was treated at Shaukat Khanum Hospital: Imran Khan

It doesn't matter what the Afghan people think. The truth is that they would be unhappy no matter what happens.

This probably happened with US approval, as the US is pushing heavily pushing for peace talks to start, along with Chinese support. Afghans can hate Pakistan all they want, but in the end, their opinion never mattered.
Truth is Afghans hated us even before ISI was created. They were the only country not to recognize us in 1947 at the UN. And they extended support to terrorists in Baluchistan even before the Taliban were created.
And Pakistanies wonder why Afgans hate them.
Funny even ANA troops recieve treatment in Pakistani hospitals ...
Do to any govt hospital in Peshawar .. And you will find afghan civilians and soldiers in wards.

SK memorial hospital is a charity run hospital and one of the best in the country... They don't charge anything from deserving people.

It doesn't matter what the Afghan people think. The truth is that they would be unhappy no matter what happens.

This probably happened with US approval, as the US is pushing heavily pushing for peace talks to start, along with Chinese support. Afghans can hate Pakistan all they want, but in the end, their opinion never mattered.

Even Russia and Iran are supporting Taliban lead peace process... Russians are actually helping Taliban against IS.
IK is behaving like the village idiot...

His broken record mantra to negotiate with taliban and that they cannot be defeated....both proved wrong...

At begining of zarb e azb ; he put whole islbd in danger by starting dharna in heart of islbd...

Chief minister kpk has done nothing for security of peshawar... no cctv... nothing....

Was sitting on dharna when APS happened....

Pervaiz khattak is a sub human kind of person more in lines of champenzee ... arrested evolution...

He is using every muscle in his body includibg that of his arse to make cpec controversial...

Now this revelation that shaukat khanum is treating taliban....

Khans political carier has worst out look than his married life....
ISLAMABAD: In what appeared to be a shocking revelation, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Imran Khan has stated that a senior leader of the Afghan Taliban militant movement was recently treated at the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital, in Lahore.
In an interview with a private TV channel, the PTI chairman made the confession. While speaking about the successes of the year 2015, Imran Khan said that the inauguration of the Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital in Peshawar was one of his biggest achievements in the outgoing year.
He proudly appraised the management of SKMCH Lahore, confessing that the hospital was so successful that even a senior Afghan Taliban leader went through treatment there. He stated that the Taliban later even wrote him a letter, thanking him for the Taliban leader's treatment there.
The PTI chairman said that he got to know that the senior Afgan Taliban leader was treated there only when he received the letter. He said that many people from Afghanistan come to the SKMCH in Lahore for medical treatment.

Afghan Taliban leader received treatment at Shaukat Khanum: Imran Khan
Very immature statement by Imran khan , he already knows that Afghan-Pakistan relations are so going worse and worse everyday still giving these type of statements , Now the indians will come trolling .:undecided: The afghan media would be showing all this to there citizens and brain washing them that afghan Taliban are being treated in Pakistani hospitals .

I think Imran khan was too excited about his Hospital and tried to showoff '' that even people from Afghanistan are coming for treatments in shaukat khanam""
When Dr Asim do that ( allegedly ) he face anti terrorism court for son of soil it's a blessing. Sharm ham ko magar nahi aati.
Its routine matter for Afghanis to get treatment in Pakistan Islamabad,s hospitals are full of them and besides Afghan taliban are not wanted in Pakistan
Dr Asim (allegedly) knowingly provided treatment to wanted men and terrorists. SKMCH did so unknowingly,. We all know that afghans have gotten fake identity via some corrupt NADRA officials. Btw correct me if I am wrong Dr Asim's father is also from Lahore.
He ( Asim ) didn't accept that it's an allegation on him and yet to proved, he drying it. We are not talking about normal afghanis here the person who got treatment in SKH is well known Afghani Takiban Leader and IK's soft corner for Takiban brothers ( his ) are well known.

Its routine matter for Afghanis to get treatment in Pakistan Islamabad,s hospitals are full of them and besides Afghan taliban are not wanted in Pakistan
Acha ji:coffee:? (^_^) matti pao tusan kede kam Che pe gae.
Oh well! His big mouth has produced far worse things before this....So no surprises here.
I bet you don't even see the program LOL ... He said in Hamid Mir program that there is no sefarsh allowed in SK hospital and the people who are pooor, SK treated them without ask for any $$. He said I just came to know that in 2009/2010 (5 years ago) that some of Afghan Taliban was treated in SK ... HE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THAT ... he didn't recieve Nawaz Sharif, Mullah Omar, Waseem Akhtar call to treat their terrorist in his hospital like Dr. Asim!! eek say bhar kar eek chawal hey idar... surprise to see few tatooo replies in this thread lol
It appears that some people have problems with comprehension.

IK or SKMH were not aware of the fact that this person was a Taliban. It was only after IK received a letter of gratitude did they realize, they treated a Taliban leader. The Taliban don't exactly have Taliban written on their foreheads, the Taliban leader entered and got treated as any other patient.
Taliban leaders come Lahore having treatment in hospitals go back home write thanks letters .:o:

ISI is number one secret agency on earth :lol::lol::lol:
Taliban leaders come Lahore having treatment in hospitals go back home write thanks letters .:o:

ISI is number one secret agency on earth :lol::lol::lol:

CIA is number one agency because Osama Bin Ladin was treated in American hospital in Dubai

but the bastard didnt send a letter of thanks so he was killed along with his goats in Abbotabad

CIA is number one agency because Osama Bin Ladin was treated in American hospital in Dubai

but the bastard didnt send a letter of thanks so he was killed along with his goats in Abbotabad
mind you the isi does have a very good reputation and is amoung one of the worlds best agencies.

i got this from @Horus's thread

Faisal Aijaz: What do you have to say about Pakistan’s premier Intelligence ISI ?

Col (R) Abid: I’m just going to give you provide you with a thin sheet of shadow regarding ISI. When I went to United States to train with U.S Army Special Forces, they always used to acknowledge and say that ISI is the most feared intelligence agency in the world. Elements within Israel & India tried to stop our Nuclear Project but the ISI took care of everything and by the grace of Allah, Armed Forces and ISI, we are now a nuclear power. During the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, West Germany’s Intelligence Agency BND came to Pakistan and handed over a piece of brick taken from the Berlin Wall to Lt. General Hamid Gul and the inscription said ‘With deepest respect to Lt. General Hamid Gul for giving the first blow to Soviet Union.’

Faisal Aijaz: What was the greatest achievement of ISI at that time?

Col (R) Abid: ISI achieved so many things militarily during my time but the greatest to me was and will always be ‘Soviet-Afghan War’. When It was all over, the ISI was on top of the world and even the American CIA acknowledged this several times. Let me tell you something very interesting, Soviet Red Army came to Afghanistan with their almost 300 transport & attack helicopters carrying thousands of soviet airborne soldiers and spetsnaz, ammunitions and other stuff, bomber aircrafts and jets such as Su-25, Mig-21, Su-17, Mig-23. When President Amin was assassinated by the Russian GRU Spetsnaz, that was the time when our ISI moved in. CIA funded us and provided us soviet-made weapons bought from the black market which was then transported from Pakistan to Afghanistan for Afghan Mujahideen. The entire process was under the control of General Akhtar Abdur Rehman who was the DG ISI at that time. We were even provided with United Kingdom’s Blowpipe MANPADS which came out to be a total failure when we gave it to Afghan Mujahideen because It was ineffective and then only United States decided to gave us their US made Stinger missiles which came out to be a huge success when Afghan Mujahideen gunned down several Soviet Hind assault helicopters and aircrafts. Only a handful of ISI officers went to Afghanistan for the training and assistance of Mujahideen and It was our ISI who single handedly mastered the proxy war in Afghanistan which resulted in a huge blow for the Soviet Union. It was indeed a nostalgic dive for us.

Was there any Special Tactics adopted by ISI ?

Yes. Soviet Union established their main bases in Bagram, Shindand, Herat, Kandahar, Jalalabad, Kabul Int Airport etc. The two most important Soviet installations in Afghanistan were at Bagram and Shindad where they even stationed their naval reconnaissance bombers and electronic warfare aircrafts. The Soviet Army was fully mechanised: they always travelled in vehicles. The Russian Spetsnaz troops including VDV put on Afghan clothes and grew beards; they looked a bit like Afghans but we always managed to ambush them. ISI contaminated the main water supply lines to these three crucial bases and in return around 40 percent of Soviet Union personnels were affected by polluted water then which then resulted in several diseases. We improvised guerrilla warfare technique for which the Soviet Union army was unprepared. Their troops were stationed mostly in remote areas far away from their actual bases which was an advantage for the Afghan Mujahideen to disrupt Soviet Union’s main supply routes for weapons. Soviet Union forces did not even had special boots for the rugged mountainous terrain because of which they suffered whereas the ISI provided special boots made for mountain warfare to Afghan Mujahideen.

Source: Interview with a former SSG Colonel.
Once again, Geo & PML-N are making a fuss out of nothing. They are trying to defame IK but are defaming the country actually.
It appears that some people have problems with comprehension.

IK or SKMH were not aware of the fact that this person was a Taliban. It was only after IK received a letter of gratitude did they realize, they treated a Taliban leader. The Taliban don't exactly have Taliban written on their foreheads, the Taliban leader entered and got treated as any other patient.
Yes, that's very easily comprehensible. What is not comprehensible is that why he doesn't think before speaking

If the Taliban commander came to Pakistan and the ISI didn't know it. (Bad ISI)
If the Taliban commander came to Pakistan and the ISI knew it. (Worst ISI)
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