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Afghan Taliban in Kabul; Amnesty announced and Interim setup rumored

Picture speaks volumes........

Aug 15, 2021

The Pakistani intelligence and deep state have orchestrated the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan exceedingly well. One can't help but admire this capability. Now China will keep humouring Pakistan for CPEC and BRI somewhat like US couldn't do anything worthwhile against Pakistan.

One has to admire the perfection with which this military operation was carried out. Really brilliant.
I just saw on bbc that waves of waves of refuges are coming to Pak from Afganistan. This needs to be stopped.
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Zalimon, aunti jee ko pani toh pila doh? She needs a cup of water on urgent basis...
The public anger projection and shouting became norm in 2008. It is nothing to do with gravity of the news but just to grab audience. They can yell for every pity thing.
Afghan security officials stand guard at a checkpoint in Kabul, Afghanistan, 15 August 2021

Afghan security forces are still controlling central Kabul, but it is not clear for how long

Taliban militants have reached the outskirts of the Afghanistan's capital, Kabul, after taking control of most of the rest of the country.

The interior minister says negotiations have taken place to ensure a peaceful transition of power.

Malala should be arrested she is a fraudster and she made alot of money from falsely accusing a political entity and going along a fake propaganda.. Her Husband was never a taliban or had any affliation to the group and He was from the regime held areas and part of the non-religious afghani community he has zero relations with taliban but she went on to all International media just lying and never bothered to correct the malicous propaganda because she was making alot of money out of it
Breaking: Two PIA Planes are being surrounded by US forces in Kabul Airport ...Both planes were getting ready for take off. BBC reporting.

I have not found any references of this anywhere - where did you see this?
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