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Afghan Taliban in Kabul; Amnesty announced and Interim setup rumored

Why indian airlines are allowed to return from Kabul to Delhi using Pakistan airspace?


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BLA is a terrorist group.

PTM is a Pashtun nationalist political group.

Big difference. Pak nationalists have been clamoring for more enemies: most unwise.
Terrorism definition is wide open for interpretation. But most common is that a group who use violence to force their ideology/motives on a government. Ptm fits this definition well. To me they are just an off shoot of TTP.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the President of the United States. ( Please stand.)

and I give you Karzai

asking for mercy, and hiding behind his little girls !!!
what a munafiq !!!
Malala should be arrested she is a fraudster and she made alot of money from falsely accusing a political entity and going along a fake propaganda.. Her Husband was never a taliban or had any affliation to the group and He was from the regime held areas and part of the non-religious afghani community he has zero relations with taliban but she went on to all International media just lying and never bothered to correct the malicous propaganda because she was making alot of money out of it
I am telling you women as innocent as they are they could be the devil's most fatal weapons against islam,still I would spare her life shes been trough enough
When did US try to buy Taliban? There is enmity between them. It will be stupid to offer Taliban anything by US. India's case is different. Taliban has no enmity with India. We'll deal with them our way. Obviously India has more money than Pakistan.

Either you are so innocent or stupid. Did you even think before writting? If india's case is different then why you guys are running with tail between your legs? And all pajeets are crying like they have been raped there, and you are talking about buying taliban :lol:
reuters are saying Ashraf Ghani has left for Tajikistan just heard on Al Jazeera
Let's just wait and watch. We would prefer present dispensation but we can work with others as well. Lets see how loyal Taliban are to Pakistan. Pakistanis think they are the center of universe. Lol. I am guessing 95% of Indians couldn't bother about what is happening in Afghanistan.
:lol: that's the problem with you shameless pajeets. With talibans in power, we gonna play your national game with your assets in afghanistan namely TTP, BLA, PTM etc. Now keep crying a river, and yes we are center of Universe, i am guessing 100% of pajeets are crying like B*tchs on your national TV, and i am enjoying it
Pakistan doen't control Taliban. IK has stated that clearly that "no outsider can control Afghan people"

e would prefer present dispensation but we can work with others as well. Lets see how loyal Taliban are to Pakistan. Pakistanis think they are the center of universe. Lol. I am guessing 95% of Indians couldn't bother about what is happening in Afghanistan.

also at 11:28
You can enjoy it. Pakistanis always fail to see the bigger picture. Let me enjoy the show as well.
:lol: now pajeets gonna teach us how to see teh bigger picture. Let me tell you the bigger picture: we gonna rape you till death in Afghanistan (already happening to some extend:angel:) then the next few years PLA gonna beat shit out of you ( hope they use bullets and not iron rad this time, thatsreally savage) and nobody gonna come to help you
Let's just wait and watch. We would prefer present dispensation but we can work with others as well. Lets see how loyal Taliban are to Pakistan. Pakistanis think they are the center of universe. Lol. I am guessing 95% of Indians couldn't bother about what is happening in Afghanistan.
Still you are commenting even you are not needed lol haha
and I give you Karzai

asking for mercy, and hiding behind his little girls !!!
what a munafiq !!!

I am telling you women as innocent as they are they could be the devil's most fatal weapons against islam,still I would spare her life shes been trough enough
How usless this man is..

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