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Afghan Taliban Gen. Mubeen about Imran Khan comments

Imran khan was right ,we can not accept them until they not get matured
Taliban is already matured enough to run Maktab and Madrassahs. What else do world people want of them?
I think that Major on that republic tv is right sometimes, you kill them for 20 years, and now you expect them to take orders from you. Pakistan, my country, but deluded leaders, work on the economy, all talks, no brains.
Yeah everyone in Fuaj is western ghulam except you.
Welcome, everyone has to die one day, some die for a cause, some for their masters.
The last thing you want to do is vouch for someone and they let you down. Pakistan has way way more to lose than Afghanistan. Tread carefully there are traps set for you everywhere.
The small fish in Taliban can be loud mouths but their leadership knows its in their interest not to mess with Pakistan
I think that Major on that republic tv is right sometimes, you kill them for 20 years, and now you expect them to take orders from you. Pakistan, my country, but deluded leaders, work on the economy, all talks, no brains.

Welcome, everyone has to die one day, some die for a cause, some for their masters.

You're quoting Maj Amir. Yes, we did help Americans topple their government but without our help, they'd have done that anyways.

However, due to our assistance to the US, they allowed us to airlift much of Taliban top brass via Kunduz Airlift. We did them a lot of favors. Did we invite America? Did we ask these Taliban to make Osama their daamaad? Think about it, couldn't US just topple their govt anyways? Nobody liked them in Afghanistan at that time for their brutality and illiteracy. So if Pakistan wasn't there, US would've had turned this so-called Miltia into ashes.

WE ARE NOT DICTATING THEM. They're asking us to recognize their government, so we've a condition. Include other ethnicities because Pashtuns are just 40 percent of Afghanistan. There are Tajiks Uzbeks Hazaras and recognizing an exclusive Pashtun government means making 70 percent of Afghans hate us!
When can Pakistan declare Afghanistan safe and stable and start returning the refugees back?? Once you get every single Afghan out of the country then you can get more aggressive which is needed.
Should bring the matter to the Pakistani parliament.

It is imperative that government of Pakistan to make an inclusive decision about Afghanistan taking every stakeholder in Pakistan in confidence.
so lets say we have an invasion where Zardaris and Nawazs are with occupiers and our hero IK throws out the occupier and now persian cults demands us to form a govt that includes Zardaris and Nawazs will you be ok with that?
If the Persian cult saved my nuts from the the Zaradis and Nawaz's (fully backed by a super power), where the Persian's themselves lost 80K of their people. Where I used the Persian cults' land to hide my families, did R&R, got medical attention, as well as raise funds. Where I got the Persian cult passports and the authorities looked the other way. Maybe the Persian cult has a little right to tell me, build a sustainable government by including others, and get recognition, otherwise you wont be able to govern and will eventually get eaten up by your own people. If I am unable to hear this feedback then surely I am the raving lunatic.!!!
What's surprise here ? Why IK is commenting on there internal politics ? One day he comments against Taliban and then about others...he seems confused ...Taliban will comment on ik. For sure if he is doing same ..and Taliban are right here ...IK is just using western policy makers words about women and inclusive government...what if Taliban demands of inclusive government in Pakistan ?.how would we fee here ?
Yes he shouldnt
Because a afgahnistan under sanctions with million refugees pouring into pakistan is okay
As it seems, Taliban are not in a mood to rule for long, and, possibly, their this spell of rule will also end, as the previous one. I doubt that they would be able to bring some degree of stability.
If the Persian cult saved my nuts from the the Zaradis and Nawaz's (fully backed by a super power), where the Persian's themselves lost 80K of their people. Where I used the Persian cults' land to hide my families, did R&R, got medical attention, as well as raise funds. Where I got the Persian cult passports and the authorities looked the other way. Maybe the Persian cult has a little right to tell me, build a sustainable government by including others, and get recognition, otherwise you wont be able to govern and will eventually get eaten up by your own people. If I am unable to hear this feedback then surely I am the raving lunatic.!!!
ohh in your case persian cult lost 80k of their own because it joined the occupiers and thought the occupiers were their allies but they were working and arming groups to destroy the persian cult!

so yeh persian cults own fault dont blame the victors!
Not a Taliban fanboy but the reaction is expected when IK goes on CNN to comment on internal policy of the Taliban. This kind of response was predicted by many.

As for his attacks against IK’s political character, he’s echoing the words of our opposition, who have even gone beyond what he has just said here. All round nothing surprising or shocking.
The stupidity of Taliban is surprising. Pakistan is the only country supporting them in every way, not just lip service.
Taliban have no leg to stand on. The food they eat and the fuel they use and medicines, all go through Pakistan, and Pakistan has kept their families safe for decades.
If they can threaten Pakistan on one interview. Pakistan should be wary of such mentally unstable people
The sake Taliban "General " said nothing against India who is rubbishing them on all forums, but was very bold against Pakistan.
I guess the iranian loyal OP is trying hard to find something that makes Pakistanis hate taliban. Lolz some morons are on an agenda.
ohh in your case persian cult lost 80k of their own because it joined the occupiers and thought the occupiers were their allies but they were working and arming groups to destroy the persian cult!

so yeh persian cults own fault dont blame the victors!
Chalo bhai maan lee aap kee baat. After 9/11 not a single country including all of Afghanistan's neighbors sided with the Taliban. Even Iran was willing to work with the Great Satan. Pakistan never directly took actions against Afghan Taliban. And you still fail to acknowledge the other areas I mentioned.

If Pakistan had not given the Taliban some breathing room - they would not have come back to power. If Pakistan decided to support NI do you think for a second Talibs could have taken over. Only you and the lower Talib ranks think the way you are thinking. Also for God's sake lets not think of this as some vaunted Talib victory. The American's could have stayed there another 20 years and no one could do anything about it. Infact the military branch of the US is not at all happy with this decision. This was in the end the Executive branch's decision, and in their calculus they have a strategy, they always do.

So yes Talib's should show gratitude to Pakistan, and have enough of an open mind to listen to us. Whether they act or not is their choice, but the notion that Pakistan cannot even say anything is BS. Also the reason why we faced the 80K deaths, was a payback for not supporting the war against the Afghan Talibs. This pissed off the US, who gave India open space, who then fomented trouble in FATA that resulted in the Army action that then blew up into open insurgency. Get your timelines correct.
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