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Afghan Taliban Gen. Mubeen about Imran Khan comments

The stupidity of Taliban is surprising. Pakistan is the only country supporting them in every way, not just lip service.
Taliban have no leg to stand on. The food they eat and the fuel they use and medicines, all go through Pakistan, and Pakistan has kept their families safe for decades.
If they can threaten Pakistan on one interview. Pakistan should be wary of such mentally unstable people
The sake Taliban "General " said nothing against India who is rubbishing them on all forums, but was very bold against Pakistan.
It may seem that way to us, but you have to understand their mentality. They don’t like being dictated to, they just fought off a superpower that wanted to impose their will. They also want to keep a certain limit on our influence.

And also, they are facing lots of remarks whereby some are calling them our stooges (complete bs), but still that means that they will doubly resist any public statements that might hint that they are beholden to us.

With the Taliban, a kind word gets you farther than a gun. And even with all the guns in the world, you cannot force them to do something against their will, even if that thing is in their interest. I’ve heard this idea elsewhere and I’m paraphrasing it.
I guess the iranian loyal OP is trying hard to find something that makes Pakistanis hate taliban. Lolz some morons are on an agenda.
I am only pro Pakistan and anti everything else.
Pro Iran? No chance.
It may seem that way to us, but you have to understand their mentality. They don’t like being dictated to, they just fought off a superpower that wanted to impose their will. They also want to keep a certain limit on our influence.

And also, they are facing lots of remarks whereby some are calling them our stooges (complete bs), but still that means that they will doubly resist any public statements that might hint that they are beholden to us.

With the Taliban, a kind word gets you farther than a gun. And even with all the guns in the world, you cannot force them to do something against their will, even if that thing is in their interest. I’ve heard this idea elsewhere and I’m paraphrasing it.
Yeah and unfortunately fighting is the only thing they can do and nothing else.
Countries cannot run on war alone. Even if they are excellent at war, that's not enough to feed the population and run a successful government.
Diplomacy is a major part of any government. If they openly threaten the only country on the planet supporting them, what message they are sending out?
Taliban need to grow up. This hormonal teenager behaviour will get them nowhere.
Khan is speaking for them on every forum , rallying support for them, for what gain in return?
A Taliban commander threatening him?.
Afghanistan has it's own way of government and it's own choices. Nobody should dictate to them what they should and shouldn't do.

At the same time Pakistan has it's own choices to whom it recognises as the legitimate govt of Afghanistan and under what conditions, nobody can compel Pakistan to do that. Pakistan has a right to do state what those conditions are.

Our politicians, including the PM who always seems like he's chatting at a dinner party, need to state "these are the conditions we have to recognise an Afghan govt", not "this is what we expect of the Taliban".

If someone likes it, fair enough, if they don't like it - stick it somewhere and spin on it.
Afghanistan has it's own way of government and it's own choices. Nobody should dictate to them what they should and shouldn't do.

At the same time Pakistan has it's own choices to whom it recognises as the legitimate govt of Afghanistan and under what conditions, nobody can compel Pakistan to do that. Pakistan has a right to do state what those conditions are.

Our politicians, including the PM who always seems like he's chatting at a dinner party, need to state "these are the conditions we have to recognise an Afghan govt", not "this is what we expect of the Taliban".

If someone likes it, fair enough, if they don't like it - stick it somewhere and spin on it.
OK, and what about them dictating us for keeping half of their population?
Opening borders and allowing unrestricted and untaxed trade?.
I can hope all good I can for Afghanistan but one thing is clear that Taliban won't learn. Everyone including Pakistan China Russia Iran were expecting an inclusive government to bring peace but all these people did was to form an exclusive government of Pashtun Mullahs. Imran Khan said nothing wrong.

This has always happened since the formation of A stan, history repeating itself, mark my words, this is the sign that a new civil war of some kind will develop, whenever the Centre gets too strong, the provinces will rebel.
What's surprise here ? Why IK is commenting on there internal politics ? One day he comments against Taliban and then about others...he seems confused ...Taliban will comment on ik. For sure if he is doing same ..and Taliban are right here ...IK is just using western policy makers words about women and inclusive government...what if Taliban demands of inclusive government in Pakistan ?.how would we fee here ?
What internal politics? they have been asking us for help, they dont even have food to feed their population and when we send them food trucks they take off our Flag from the trucks.
This has always happened since the formation of A stan, history repeating itself, mark my words, this is the sign that a new civil war of some kind will develop, whenever the Centre gets too strong, the provinces will rebel.
Maj Amir khan said in his interview that new great game is on its way if Taliban failed to make strong government.
I hope the statement if true, does reach PM IK & makes him charged up instead of being defensive. Such a stupid statement being made by the commander when IK & Pakistan is the only country doing some sort of fire fighting for them. Just today IK interview published in Newsweek asking US and world to give the talib govt. a chance.
Guess the commander should know that it's better to be not in wrong books of PM IK. Nawaz, Biden & Modi know better about it lol.
This sounded like some PTM leader was talking. Give it a year or two, and we will have polls about if corrupt Ghani government was better or these extremists. Also, kinda funny how some prominent members who come to defend Taliban on every thread are silent now. Com'on, guys!
Pakistani seculers are still trying to be messenger of west so dont be surprised that they are reacting to all this bs of " inclusive" gov, first give justice to tlp and its leader saad rizwi(second biggest party in Punjab) and let their voice be heard otherways be ready for change in pakistan that will devastate the ruling seculer elite ,be they generals or politicians . There is islamic Renaissance in the air and nobody will be able to stop it ,God willing. Black flag army will defnitely not be the present white educated generals who sell their daughter(aafia) for dollar.
I want to mention one thing here. This guy is a self-proclaimed spokesperson for the Afg Talis. I have no affection for them myself, but just saying this for the record. He is no commander. General in his name is a title people use to address him, and he uses it in his name. Taliban depend greatly on us and appreciate what Pakistan is trying to do here by talking about unfreezing the assets of the Afg state. This gives Pakistan certain latitude and leverage to nudge the Taliban in a specific direction for their good. Ideally, we should be aloof and getting involved only if our interests are under threat, but would our interests not be threatened if there is an economic meltdown in Afghanistan with a deluge of Afghan refugees heading to our borders? Taliban spokesperson praised Pakistan's nudging in terms of forming a more inclusive govt. We interfere because we do not want to get buried under the mess in Afghanistan again. Our interference this time is not military. But diplomatic to have a govt representing the broader cross-section of Afghan society, which could win the world's legitimacy and have the finances to run its affairs.
Pakistani seculers are still trying to be messenger of west so dont be surprised that they are reacting to all this bs of " inclusive" gov, first give justice to tlp and its leader saad rizwi(second biggest party in Punjab) and let their voice be heard otherways be ready for change in pakistan that will devastate the ruling seculer elite ,be they generals or politicians . There is islamic Renaissance in the air and nobody will be able to stop it ,God willing. Black flag army will defnitely not be the present white educated generals who sell their daughter(aafia) for dollar.
ok baboon you justifying TLP and their acts?

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