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Afghan Taliban Gen. Mubeen about Imran Khan comments

Pakistani seculers are still trying to be messenger of west so dont be surprised that they are reacting to all this bs of " inclusive" gov, first give justice to tlp and its leader saad rizwi(second biggest party in Punjab) and let their voice be heard otherways be ready for change in pakistan that will devastate the ruling seculer elite ,be they generals or politicians . There is islamic Renaissance in the air and nobody will be able to stop it ,God willing. Black flag army will defnitely not be the present white educated generals who sell their daughter(aafia) for dollar.

If anyone talks like this vis a vis Baloch insurgents, he would be dubbed a traitor and a terror apologist, but only Islamists receive this kind of latitude in Pakistan who could openly describe the w*t dreams of subverting the state of Pakistan they are having by violent revolution.
Chalo bhai maan lee aap kee baat. After 9/11 not a single country including all of Afghanistan's neighbors sided with the Taliban. Even Iran was willing to work with the Great Satan. Pakistan never directly took actions against Afghan Taliban. And you still fail to acknowledge the other areas I mentioned.

If Pakistan had not given the Taliban some breathing room - they would not have come back to power. If Pakistan decided to support NI do you think for a second Talibs could have taken over. Only you and the lower Talib ranks think the way you are thinking. Also for God's sake lets not think of this as some vaunted Talib victory. The American's could have stayed there another 20 years and no one could do anything about it. Infact the military branch of the US is not at all happy with this decision. This was in the end the Executive branch's decision, and in their calculus they have a strategy, they always do.

So yes Talib's should show gratitude to Pakistan, and have enough of an open mind to listen to us. Whether they act or not is their choice, but the notion that Pakistan cannot even say anything is BS. Also the reason why we faced the 80K deaths, was a payback for not supporting the war against the Afghan Talibs. This pissed off the US, who gave India open space, who then fomented trouble in FATA that resulted in the Army action that then blew up into open insurgency. Get your timelines correct.
agree to some extent yes we helped yes we played a big part in this victory!

so now we should help them and not force our western influenced bs ideology of democracy on them!

thats my argument! we have got nothing being allied to west all we have seen is destruction and their puppets both in political elites and military elite ruling us and destroying our country!

this is our chance (that we worked hard for) to change our bearing and get back on track and we can only do that if we have a friendly govt on our west and only friend we have in Afghanistan are Taliban so we have to work with them and get some concessions and not force our idea son them!
ok baboon you justifying TLP and their acts?
I dont have to because every well educated en neutral persons knows how the pakistani elite is playing dirty with them or any other islamic party. Judges not hearing their case and ,gov is filing secrets references etc ..those are not because of tlp being violent but because the elite is afraid of islam . Anybody saying they acted roughe need to come with evidence or shutup . Inshaallah taliban wont give garantees to secular elite of pakistan when these seculers are doing injustice to religious parties /persons by keeping unlawfully them in prisons and killing their party members.
I dont have to because every well educated en neutral persons knows how the pakistani elite is playing dirty with them or any other islamic party. Judges not hearing their case and ,gov is filing secrets references etc ..those are not because of tlp being violent but because the elite is afraid of islam . Anybody saying they acted roughe need to come with evidence or shutup . Inshaallah taliban wont give garantees to secular elite of pakistan when these seculers are doing injustice to religious parties /persons by keeping unlawfully them in prisons and killing their party members.
So, let me get this straight, you are supporting a foreign militia and wishing it does not comply with our demands of not allowing Afghan soil to be used against us? OR are you saying it would not pay heed to our advice of them having an Islamic govt. that represents the entire cross-section of their society? If it is the latter, they would be fools to not listen to a piece of advice that is in their interest. Do they want recognition? Do they want access to frozen funds belonging to the Afghan state? Well, then they would have to play ball like the rest of the nation-states in the world. If they do not, the Afghan economy will collapse (it has started collapsing), and we would be buried under its rubble. We do not want to be in that position. That is why we are advising them to be wise, unlike their last stint in power. This is not for them, but us.
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So, let me get this straight, you are supporting a foreign militia and wishing it does not comply with our demands of not allowing Afghan soil OR are you saying it would not pay heed to our advice of them having an Islamic govt. that represents the entire cross-section of their society? If it is the latter, they would be fools to not listen to a piece of advice that is in their interest. Do they want recognition? Do they want access to frozen funds belonging to the Afghan state? Well, then they would have to play ball like the rest of the nation-states in the world. If they do not, the Afghan economy will collapse (it has started collapsing), and we would be buried under its rubble. We do not want to be in that position. That is why we are advising them to be wise, unlike their last stint in power. This is not for them, but us.
all they can do is emotional bs rants
when you talk to them in a logical manner, they'll disappear, talk crap or just go deep down into conspiracy theories

ever seen a logical fundo?, I never saw one in my life
So I usually just curse out these morons and be done with it
logic isn't their strong suit
Pakistani seculers are still trying to be messenger of west so dont be surprised that they are reacting to all this bs of " inclusive" gov, first give justice to tlp and its leader saad rizwi(second biggest party in Punjab) and let their voice be heard otherways be ready for change in pakistan that will devastate the ruling seculer elite ,be they generals or politicians . There is islamic Renaissance in the air and nobody will be able to stop it ,God willing. Black flag army will defnitely not be the present white educated generals who sell their daughter(aafia) for dollar.

There is Pakistani renaissance in the air. The wheels are already in motion son.
Well, our official position is that Pakistan has no leverage over the Taliban. We are not responsible for what these guys do in their country, nor do we have any influence over them to make them do anything the World expects from them.

This guy is just proving us right and strengthening our narrative
Pakistani seculers are still trying to be messenger of west so dont be surprised that they are reacting to all this bs of " inclusive" gov, first give justice to tlp and its leader saad rizwi(second biggest party in Punjab) and let their voice be heard otherways be ready for change in pakistan that will devastate the ruling seculer elite ,be they generals or politicians . There is islamic Renaissance in the air and nobody will be able to stop it ,God willing. Black flag army will defnitely not be the present white educated generals who sell their daughter(aafia) for dollar.

Pakistani Awam have never elected religious extremists and fundamentalists in our history. TLP winning in elections is extremely unlikely .. TLP, just like all other religious parties, will end up either as a pressure group or as a terrorist organization
Pakistani seculers are still trying to be messenger of west so dont be surprised that they are reacting to all this bs of " inclusive" gov, first give justice to tlp and its leader saad rizwi(second biggest party in Punjab) and let their voice be heard otherways be ready for change in pakistan that will devastate the ruling seculer elite ,be they generals or politicians . There is islamic Renaissance in the air and nobody will be able to stop it ,God willing. Black flag army will defnitely not be the present white educated generals who sell their daughter(aafia) for dollar.
Aafia was a nutjob, and anyone knows her real story knows she wasn't in Afghanistan for an afternoon picnic. What is wrong with us. If you want heroes at least find someone worthy for God's sake. There are enough good ones out there, why do we always go for garbage.
I wish I could ask all these expats -- sitting overseas advocating shariat for Pakistan-- the reason for Pakistan not having implemented it already. whenever I do so --away from PDF-- their answer is always: because Pakistan is run by kafirs.

what the lowlife illiterates and some half-read molvis do not know is that there is not a universal version which can be installed. there are far too many, if ever PM. Khan tries we'll end up with 100 plus little emirates

Cursed Sects/Schools/Groups/Divisions (so-called Sunni - all are munkar-e-Hadith inc Ahle-Hadith and the Shiat) all of these must be eradicated gradually. Studying Quran with translation in the new education system will go some way to damage these sects. It will take years. Current Constitution is a rotting corpse and should be rewritten. Judicial system needs to be built from ground up. Patchwork has miserably failed.

It would be interesting what the Afghan Taliban come up with ... especially as they seem to be blindly following the Fiqh Hanafi ... they will have to rid this fiqh and look at Quran and Hadith only for a new system.
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I wish I could ask all these expats -- sitting overseas advocating shariat for Pakistan-- the reason for Pakistan not having implemented it already. whenever I do so --away from PDF-- their answer is always: because Pakistan is run by kafirs.

what the lowlife illiterates and some half-read molvis do not know is that there is not a universal version which can be installed. there are far too many, if ever PM. Khan tries we'll end up with 100 plus little emirates

You are already Muslim enough, make some room for being Pakistani too, in life you need balance my friend otherwise there is chaos.
need a few clarifications from you before I go any further.
knowing my PDF luck I'll done for discussing/insulting religion.

anyhoo here I go:

are you advocating that people be self-teaching?
are you advocating ditching mazhahib, specificaly hanfi and Jafaari?
are you like the salfis?
which Quranic interpretation (translations are rare) are you recommending (every group is interpreting it differently)?
which hadees books do you recommend? do you know the origins of hadees compilers?

@AgNoStiC MuSliM
@M. Sarmad
sorry can't think of any more people of knowledge here, if I do recall any later I'll tag them

Seems, you are looking for a ban. :lol: :lol: :lol:
are you advocating that people be self-teaching?

If one can read and write Urdu or English, one app (IslamOne) contains all translations done in these two languages. Each Aya, all translations including literal translation word by word. All Hadith books stored in the app too with Urdu and English translation.

Quran is made easy for Guidance - repeated 4 times in Surah Al-Qamar.

are you advocating ditching mazhahib, specificaly hanfi and Jafaari?

Yes, ditch all. I do not differentiate between sects and madhab. Same. In their books written by their dead ulema of past, they all label each other Kafir. All rejected. Quran is clear that those who divide in groups over matters of Deen have nothing to do with Prophet PBUH (Quran 6:159). Muslim is the name given to us, and we should only be Muslim, not Hanafi, Hanblm Salafi, SHafi, Maliki, Brelvi etc etc etc - Sufis, another fraud claiming to do things that even Prophets (PBUT) couldn't.

are you like the salfis?

No, they are Ahle-Hadith and offshoot of Hanbali (if you had known and read that in my earlier post, you wouldn't have asked this question). That's another madhab/sect that I would say are munkar-e-Hadith ironically, rejected. All these groups pick and choose half Hadith whilst ignoring others, to fit their narrative - they do that with Quran as well - it's so blatant but they are getting exposed with time as more and more people have quick and free access to translations and hadith books.

which Quranic interpretation (translations are rare) are you recommending (every group is interpreting it differently)?

Tafseer is where all madhab etc make up stories to differentiate themselves to stick to the narrative of madhab/sect etc created by their so-called ulema. These groups are all about money and power. Tafseer of Quran is Hadith, as Hadith is a record of history as well.

Reading multiple translations is the way forward and as above they are all available in one place under each Aya. Context is the same if all translations are read, but everything changes in Tafseer written by the ulema of sects.

which hadees books do you recommend? do you know the origins of hadees compilers?

Yes. Sahih Hadith by Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim would be a good start for anyone. Sahih Muslim is easier to follow. There is that argument of Muhaditheen being students of the 4 Imams thus making them their followers. Them being followers is rejected as they wouldn't have recorded Hadith that goes against their teachers' teachings - such as Imam Bukhari's Juz Raful Yadain that clearly demolishes Fiqh Hanafi's rejection of Raful Yadain.
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