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Afghan Taliban Gen. Mubeen about Imran Khan comments

Complete interview with English subtitiles.
Sounds PTM ...talking Pashtun rights in Pakistan ..suppression. We Pakistani need to offload the idea, that these Taliban will be pro Pakistani or in the future, they respect Pakistan territorial sovereignty. Cautious and be careful, right now they are not stable, it's better to neutralize TTP and BLA.
A well deserved slap from Khan and those who think they actually won in Afghanistan. We should stay as far away from them as much we can bcz Taliban govt currently is facing a major economic collapse in next 2 months. Pakistan should be planning contingencies rather than teaching Afghans how to govern. War is all Afghans have ever known and soon they will return to old ways.
Pakistan should touch Afghanistan with 9-foot pole. We don't need a refugee crisis, smuggling already started. And Imran Khan is right when he talk about aid for Afghanistan. Because Pakistan has the repercussion of food shortage in Afghanistan.
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The Taliban need to learn a lot of things to keep the peace. Pakistan has to tolerate them. Right now there is a big food shortage in Afghanistan, and Pakistan should raise money to help them. This is a very important need that should be addressed immediately.
Afgandoos will remain Afgandoos. Atleast now world would not support their fuckery anymore.
The Taliban need to learn a lot of things to keep the peace. Pakistan has to tolerate them. Right now there is a big food shortage in Afghanistan, and Pakistan should raise money to help them. This is a very important need that should be addressed immediately.
They need to show good behavior, try to meet demands, what EU or US or Pakistani govt asking them. Few women in cabinet and opening girl school, these small demands not going to kill them. We can't feed them, food and livestock smuggling to Afghanistan is already killing us. Pakistan can't raise the money to feed the whole nation. KSA,UAE, and the rest of Muslim countries show no interest in helping this govt. Imran Khan reach out to every Muslim country, but all offered jaw jogging.
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What internal politics? they have been asking us for help, they dont even have food to feed their population and when we send them food trucks they take off our Flag from the trucks.
They are not asking ..we are doing it on our own..what they have asked is not to interfere in there internal matters..
A lot of people in Afghanistan are paid mercenaries. Anybody can pay them to get a particular statement out of them. No need to worry, Imran Khan should give more interview however he needs to stop explaining everything like a child but rather give witty, slightly aggressive to the point answers.
so lets say we have an invasion where Zardaris and Nawazs are with occupiers and our hero IK throws out the occupier and now persian cults demands us to form a govt that includes Zardaris and Nawazs will you be ok with that?

O Bhai..... Tu chai pee. Tjhy Thora zehni sakoon chaahye chuti le aik adh month ki. Khud ko time Dy. Yoga Kar.. there is no "persian cult" in Pakistan.
This maybe a reaction to Pakistan conditioning recognition on inclusive government, women rights etc. Bashing Pakistan is also how you garner support and credibility from Afghans.
I think this thread has veered off topic like a drunk on sunday night. Lets come back to the topic at hand:
1. Afghanistan was facing a famine long before the Taliban takeover
2. Afghanistan was and is still heavily dependant on aid for the various functions of state to operate
3. 35 million Afghans are food insecure, a 5kg bag of rice is 2800 Afghani (25 USD)
4. Afghan's are fuel insecure, many use cooking gas for heating and cooking, cooking gas prices have gone up 55% to 45 Afghani per KG.
5. Afghanistan is critically short of basic emergency medicine, with most hospitals run by NGOs such as Emergency NGO and MSF reporting they only have 1 week's supply, aid delivered by WHO through the Pakistan to Mazar-i-Sharif air bridge has provided 1 months supply to some hospitals this week, what happens after 1 week?
6. There is rampant job and financial insecurity in Afghanistan, this existed even before Aug 15th, but has been made worse recently.
7. The state had not paid former soldiers and police officers for over 3 months, many have resorted to selling their property in many of the pop-up flea markets in Afghanistan:

A friend who is presently in Kabul told me that people are selling belongings like Smart TVs worth 100,000 Afghani for 25,000 Afghani.

Finally and most importantly, the Taliban wants to be recognised, wants to be at the big boy table, but it fails to recognise that international partners look to work with people who can deliver, if the Taliban keep thinking they can run the show by appointing pointless mullah's to nonsensical posts, infringe fundamental human rights such as education, the right to work, the freedom of speech and the right to freedom from torture, degrading and inhumane treatment.

Coupled with and most importantly, the inability to manage the slowly growing insurgency from ISISK, well then the Taliban will soon find the honeymoon period will come to an abrupt end and this cute little side project they have going will come to an abrupt end.
I think this thread has veered off topic like a drunk on sunday night. Lets come back to the topic at hand:
1. Afghanistan was facing a famine long before the Taliban takeover
2. Afghanistan was and is still heavily dependant on aid for the various functions of state to operate
3. 35 million Afghans are food insecure, a 5kg bag of rice is 2800 Afghani (25 USD)
4. Afghan's are fuel insecure, many use cooking gas for heating and cooking, cooking gas prices have gone up 55% to 45 Afghani per KG.
5. Afghanistan is critically short of basic emergency medicine, with most hospitals run by NGOs such as Emergency NGO and MSF reporting they only have 1 week's supply, aid delivered by WHO through the Pakistan to Mazar-i-Sharif air bridge has provided 1 months supply to some hospitals this week, what happens after 1 week?
6. There is rampant job and financial insecurity in Afghanistan, this existed even before Aug 15th, but has been made worse recently.
7. The state had not paid former soldiers and police officers for over 3 months, many have resorted to selling their property in many of the pop-up flea markets in Afghanistan:
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A friend who is presently in Kabul told me that people are selling belongings like Smart TVs worth 100,000 Afghani for 25,000 Afghani.

Finally and most importantly, the Taliban wants to be recognised, wants to be at the big boy table, but it fails to recognise that international partners look to work with people who can deliver, if the Taliban keep thinking they can run the show by appointing pointless mullah's to nonsensical posts, infringe fundamental human rights such as education, the right to work, the freedom of speech and the right to freedom from torture, degrading and inhumane treatment.

Coupled with and most importantly, the inability to manage the slowly growing insurgency from ISISK, well then the Taliban will soon find the honeymoon period will come to an abrupt end and this cute little side project they have going will come to an abrupt end.

Perfect analysis.
O Bhai..... Tu chai pee. Tjhy Thora zehni sakoon chaahye chuti le aik adh month ki. Khud ko time Dy. Yoga Kar.. there is no "persian cult" in Pakistan.
then what is Zardari and his hitman Uzair baloch who was working for Iranian Intelligence and now he is living a good life at pindi boys Guest house while Zardari under the patronage of Alpha Mafia is looting Pakistan?
Pakistanis who are loyal to Imaginary Ideas more then Pakistan are not new. Religious Nutcase Jihadis, Communists, Nationalists, Pro Iranis, ProUSA etc etc Good look to them. May you all get well soon. No arguments with that lot.
Meanwhile normal Pakistanis should stay calm and take special care about sprouting of any Pro Taliban Extremist groups in your area. Specially keep an eye on your young ones.
Dont let 80s and 90s repeat itself.

And let Taliban decide what they want to do with their country and how they want to deal with us. Its good to see a peacefull withdrawal of foreign occupation forces without useless bloodshed and civil war.
But If they try to become oversmart. Just abandon them. Russia Iran and China will tear them apart and end all their illusions of granduers. And will teach them survival in modern world is not just war and guns. Every war is not fought by guns. Afghans me be good scorth earth fighters on their own turf. But running government maintaining Diplomatic relations running economy is the real deal.
Cat will certainly come out of the bag sooner or later when people will realize it was not a victory of David over Goliath. Rather It was like a little rabbit or Fox wears out an intruding big bear or elephant by annoying it and avoiding its attacks making it tired and annoyed and hence force it to leave.(Which is still an achievement). But the rabbit should not be illusioned that it can kill a tiger for a lunch.

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