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Afghan National Army hostile to Pakistan: Report

You Indians are dumb. Low IQ. Sorry to say but that's true. Where were the Taliban in 47 when Afghanistan objected to Pakistan in the UN or when Afghanistan attacked Bajur in 60's or supported Baloch militants in the 70's.


Well these guys were hostile to Pakistan since 1947. Nothing new. The best part is they can't do anything about their hostility. They can't fight with us. They can't live without hating us. Miserable situation poor fellows are. I would suggest Afghan charas as a quick and shot term remedy for these guys. :rolleyes:

But this state can make you harm which none of other country can do ...

From same A-stan ..

gun culture came in pakistan

killer of 40000 came n

those do bomb blast also came

and if civil war breaks out in a-stan then you will be the most affected :) and you say they cant do ...
We want ANSF to be a bit of a hostile to Pakistan considering the wrong interests of Pakistan in Afghanistan but Pakistan has full authority of adopting necessary strategies on their end. ANSF has remained hostile to Pakistan since 47 there is nothing new in that indeed!

'ANSF has remained hostile to Pakistan since 47 there is nothing new in that indeed!'

'considering the wrong interests of Pakistan in Afghanistan'

I wonder why ? :what:

@Hyperion @Redbull @haviZsultan
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Government of kabul should recognize durand line, is that too much to ask?
@Hyperion : Why can't you be like this lad ? :hitwall:

Hes a Pashtun too ! :kiss3:

When Pakistan supports Afghan Taliban, what will you expect.

When many Pashtuns & Non-Pashtun Pakistanis support the 'Afghan' Taliban what do you expect us to do ? :blink:

Not to mention when the ANA is the Northern Alliance with a shot of Botox what do you expect the Pashtuns (Afghans or Pakistani) to do ? :undecided:
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:rofl: so indian training working as it shuold?:enjoy:

It has nothing to do with India or Indian training. India is involved in mainly civil projects like roads, railways, electricity etc, and training of small number of military officers. India train many foreign military officers along with our own officers, means they have no separate training, just like other international training institutes.
Thing is ANA is trained by NATO and its officers are trained in India. And people said it won;'t matter.

Reality is different from assumptions.
lol whts new the news should be tht now the ANA is hostile to NATO & american forces as well...:D

remember the recent atacks on nato by ana...:D

BTW this afghans are against Pakistan since 1947 i guess tht hatrate is the reason for total mess of afghanistan today

see afgahnistan was stronger thn Pakistan in 1947 even the gdp of afghanistan was bigger than Pakistan & now....we all know wht this hostility & hatrate against Paistan gives to afghans its better tht this ANA take some history classes.
But this state can make you harm which none of other country can do ...

From same A-stan ..

gun culture came in pakistan

killer of 40000 came n

those do bomb blast also came

and if civil war breaks out in a-stan then you will be the most affected :) and you say they cant do ...

Well they are a suicide bomber type country. Then yes they can do a lot of damage. But ANA can't do a sh!t with Pakistan as far as conventional warfare is concerned.
it doesn't seem too surprising, given many Muslim countries don't seem to get along. this would be just another.
They have been 'engineered' to be anti Pakistan.
They have been 'engineered' to be anti Pakistan.

How come?
Where is Islamiyat in them?
You know the following adage right:?
A Muslim can be rented, but can not be sold......
Well they are a suicide bomber type country. Then yes they can do a lot of damage. But ANA can't do a sh!t with Pakistan as far as conventional warfare is concerned.

i m not writing from my own but as per obama karzai pact.

1)Attack on A-stan will be attack on U.S
2)After withdrawal,U.S will work with Afghan forces with backing of air force (you can understand what they mean)
3)We will attack where ever we will find out targets of militants or those who attack on us.
it doesn't seem too surprising, given many Muslim countries don't seem to get along. this would be just another.

Being Muslims does not mean they would not work for own interests.

even two brothers in a family fight for interests with each other
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