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Afghan - Iran clashes over Water Rights

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Fake news

Taliban are hiding casualties. Some Twitter accounts are showing videos from yesterday's initial hours of the clash to come across as some great victors. They got mortared out laterwards. These pedophiles will be handed their asses back to them in time. We are masters of war of attrition and they will run out of the American-handed cash in a few months. Iran is the only supply route they have for fuel and food. They are the scumbags of the Iranic Plateau.

By the way it is amusing to me seeing some pakistanis supporting them while they have killed Pakistani soldiers and civilians in bulk since their return to Kabul two years back. This is strange behaviour considering that talibans openly talk about annexing pakistani lands.


Pakistan and Iran should join hands to massacre these child rapists.

Pakistan Army Generals are vicious Hyenas. In all probability, these Hyenas are supporting these Taliban cave apes. Iran should be very careful and should avoid seeking any help from these Hyenas.
Afghanistan has a right to controll their own river and waters. Turkiye should support our Afghan brothers to secure their territorial integrity and their resources from any outside agression.

not your water there is international norms for managing rivers that pass borders
we had a deal with you guys , you didn't honor it
and this time it was you who attacked our border posts and opened fire on our force since last week now you come and say we solve it peacefully .

as i recall it was Taliban who attacked Iran since last week , not the other-way around
You’re shytting your pants from them. All talk but what are you going to do about it? These afghans will smash you.
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This water deal was from 1973 and the climate condition and volume of water in the river changed significantly in recent years. However , Iran in these 40 years have used this river water completely and more than they agreed upon. Meanwhile , hypocrite liar Iran build dozens of dams on rivers that goes from Iran to Iraq!!!!
Taliban blowing the border post:

They got some equipment.

Afghanistan has a right to controll their own river and waters. Turkiye should support our Afghan brothers to secure their territorial integrity and their resources from any outside agression.

You’re shytting your pants from them. All talk but what are you going to do about it? These afghans will smash you.

It looks like the Taliban are taking advantage of the generous gift of the weapons and ammunition that Biden abandoned. Brother not just support from turkey. They got millions of fellow Pakistanis Pashtuns they can count on. Time to burn that Indian Iranian chabhar port really. cover for terrorism against Pakistan.
Afghanistan need a leader like Ahmad Shah Massoud that cares about education of his peoples more than fighting
Ahmad Shah Massoud is only representative of the mindset of Tajiks. The others are hellbent on territorial expansionism and irredentist goals, they see war as necessary instead of feeding their people first.


Enough of these pedophiles



Nuance ... Taliban are hiding casualties but direct confrontation is not the Iranian style of waging wars either. Those who know us will understand if we see them as a credible threat we will deal with them in time, in a way that will be more damaging than what few missiles or a bombs can do. There was once a country called Iraq that attacked us ...
Tajiks are a Persian people, linguistically, ethnically and by history. It would be incredibly easy for Iran if they put their efforts towards it.

Its funny reading comments of few delusional Pakistanis saying Pakistan should do this or that lolz. Pakistan army is a colonial slave army and only obeys their masters and have nothing todo with the state of Pakistan or its betterment. Its a fight between iran and afghan, both fiercely independent and honorable nations, wtf with some idiots comparing and dragging a banana republic lolz.
True, Pakistan will always be little in comparison until the mindset of the nation changes. It has been adapted towards slavery for far too long. No matter how many fancy weapons it acquires, the mindset is not there.

Pakistan needs to pump testosterone levels higher and teach their people what the meaning of independence and true autonomy is, and why it's valuable. They have forgotten.
Who's your gatekeeper? The Taliban?

The Taliban ARE A PROBLEM TO YOUR SECURITY. I guess you forgot the 2000s era. Swat Valley,tribal areas,Northern Waziristan. Red Mosque,random attacks at schools and everywhere.

1.Indians are not planning any invasion
2.If Pakistan doesn't stop the Indians,do you think the Taliban will?
3.What are you even smoking and thinking that Indians want to march all the way to Iraq and Jordan?
4.You're in Malaysia,why the f do you worry?

I didn't think that he would support the Afghans....
Crazy how a Greek person understands better than most Pakistanis, I don't believe it's a comprehension issue, rather religious blindness and social brainwashing into the brotherhood mindset.
This! Even the Afghan tweeters I follow who as effectively diaspora apart from two or three constantly fight with each other.

There is no unified voice, there is no structure and we are in 2023 and the cavemen in charge of Kabul have no plan apart from selling their mineral wealth to the lowest bidder to raise capital.
It's also having a knock-on effect on Pakistan because the ethnic-rivalries export themselves into the Pakistani domain and politics. Due to being neighbours, our politics being intertwined, and the massive refugee population, ethnic rivalries trigger the same in Pakistan. I wrote a thread about the solution a while back.
This is so interesting, Taliban saying they will capture Tehran within days...... :lol:

But despite Afghanistan's capacity to do so, it shows the nature and inclination of the Taliban. Afghanistan has good future, the Taliban are an ideological group, very similar to the Iranian mullah or even the commies. Afghanistan will be another Iran in the region.
Never in a million years. Iranians are highly educated, unlike those cave-dwelling Afghans who have no interest in education. Despite enforcing countless moronic social policies, Iran focuses more on educating its citizens than every single South Asian nation combined. I say this as someone who has nothing but hatred for the Iranian regime. Iran is scientifically way more advanced than Bangladesh let alone Afghanistan.

@RescueRanger @Foinikas @LeGenD
A. Taliban didnt capture shit. There is a video of them briefly firing at a remote border post. I dont see any pictures of them capturing it

Secondly, Iran is not the US. Not only will we answer in a language they understand, but can starve and split them at will.

Iran is bot going anywhere. Its not a distant military adventure , its right on our border

Last time adghanistan was a real threat, a man named nader shah slaughtered 3 different afghan field armies, captured their capital, ended them as an entitity and forced them into servitude

If it becomes a war , its going to be us vs them. And we will genocide those monkeys to the last animal if need. Be. These monkeys are playing with fire
Nader was a complete menace for his enemies. He was one hell of a leader.
It is very difficult to beat Taliban. They are continuously at war since 3 decades. So they are well trained commandos . They have better command in Guerrala warfare . Afghan Mujahideen has upper edge against any larger and decisively better equipped foe.
Yeah not really.

Everyone jumps on the band wagon that look uncle sam couldnt beat Tali.
Uncle sam had different end goals.
They had the ability to pick and each every tali supporter but that would have just made more enemies and People would have asked you have killed every one why money is going to that place.
Over 2+ Cool trill was spent in Afg, can we see anything actual on the ground, most of it just went back to US
Major Nato supplies were going via Air or the land route bribes were given to local leaders and they were very much worried about soft image on international media itself. They didnt wanted casualties on own side which couldnt be managed.
While countries like Pak, Iran they dont care much about grunts dying.
Afghanistan is very very divided.
So ANA being taken over in days makes very sense.
If Actual ground fight takes place because Iran shares border with Pakistan they can force Pakistan to cut off everything going via Pakistan.
This leaves very limited option for Afghans.
Stinger was the game changer but who will supply them now, Not China or Russia, as they are gaining more with iran currently than what talis can offer.
KSA backing off that options has gone lower as well.
When Talis are at back burner you will see more split up between the group.
In guerilla warfare Talis have experience but Iran does have experience in that as well, its not like they are new to the game, also they can make a very much buffer zone and what can west do they already are sanctioned.
I don t agree with Turkey agression on Syria and Irak, but i think Erdogan has reasons about Greece, you want all the islands and this cannot be right... Turkey is stronger and doesn t make sense.
What kind of logic is this? Because Turkey is stronger,they should have the islands? Lol.

Ok,America is strong and huge as a country. Should they own the entire Carribean? China is strong and huge. Give them all of Gilgit Baltistan.

India should annex Sri Lanka?

What kind of a logic is that? Lol
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Never in a million years. Iranians are highly educated, unlike those cave-dwelling Afghans who have no interest in education. Despite enforcing countless moronic social policies, Iran focuses more on educating its citizens than every single South Asian nation combined. I say this as someone who has nothing but hatred for the Iranian regime. Iran is scientifically way more advanced than Bangladesh let alone Afghanistan.

@RescueRanger @Foinikas @LeGenD

Sir I beg to differ. Have heard so much about Irans scientic research but every independant source will tell you this is over stated.

Pakistan has had nuclear tech/rocket tech decades ago. In literally every single field from agriculture, enery, nuclear, defence Pakistan is far ahead of Iran let alone Bangladesh.

What yoy mean to state is that Iran when it comes to literacy rates is ahead of south asian nations. But again Iran has been completely unable to benefit from its supposedly high literacy rate the way every nation has been able to.

Iran is unable to even develope its own tech to extract its oil/gas and hasnt upgraded its decades old oil infrastructure. I am not saying Pakistan is any better but Iran has far far more natural resources than Pak.

If Pakistan had natural resources to the level of Iran we would be a developed nation by now esp with our decent relations with west and china.
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