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Afghan - Iran clashes over Water Rights

I am a full one. Afshar Turk. We massacred Ottomans, Uzbeks, and North Indians for fun. Settlement of Afshar Qizilbas in the Salmas, Khoy was one of the reasons Ottomans feared even looking into the east, they expanded and ruled into Europe, Entire Middle East but could not move a fuckin inch into Iran.


We Iranians are a special breed, a true Iranic-Turkic warrior nation. Persians ruled every niggas *** from the Indus Valley to Southern Europe for millennia and then came the age of the Qizilbas Turks who massacred Ottomans, Russians, Uzbeks/Mughals. Now Iranians are a mixture of these cultures which is why we are a stubborn bunch.
Your bunch of cucks the americans killed your general in your backyard and you mfs did nothing. The israeli kill your scientists in your own country and you do nothing, should i remind the the time of soviets and british, what they did to you sons of whores, warrior my balls, those two literally raped you as nation, fucking hertic. How the mongols raped iranians and every fucking turk in central asia, which ever breed of turks your from, we stood tall and f'ed them
They are just looking for an excuse to fight.

In 2002 , Iran supported northern alliance group who was fighting against Taliban Gov then and now Taliban is back so this is not unexpected fight.
I am a full one. Afshar Turk. We massacred Ottomans, Uzbeks, and North Indians for fun. Settlement of Afshar Qizilbas in the Salmas, Khoy was one of the reasons Ottomans feared even looking into the east, they expanded and ruled into Europe, Entire Middle East but could not move a fuckin inch into Iran.


We Iranians are a special breed, a true Iranic-Turkic warrior nation. Persians ruled every niggas *** from the Indus Valley to Southern Europe for millennia and then came the age of the Qizilbas Turks who massacred Ottomans, Russians, Uzbeks/Mughals. Now Iranians are a mixture of these cultures which is why we are a stubborn bunch.

You need to say sorry for Nader Shah’s plunder of Delhi. He looted the Peacock Throne and the Koh-i-Noor diamond. According to Wikipedia:

The booty they had collected was loaded on 700 elephants, 4,000 camels, and 12,000 horses.

Still the plunder seized from India was so much that Nader stopped taxation in Iran for a period of three years following his return.

Iran should apologize and pay reparations for the death and destruction caused. We’ll take free oil as compensation.
Way more independent than Pakistan. They dont have to obey western powers, not change leaders based on whims of foreign powers and can actually have their own foreign policy. I consider a country independent if they can pursue an independent foreign policy, something Pakistanis can only dream of.

They have way more resources and a much smaller and sustainable population. They have withstood sanctions while remaining a lower middle income country.

Much of their energy resoruces are in demand in the west. They cannot be compared to Pakistan.
All that drama and just 2-3 total casualties... cmon....
Water and other climate related challanges are apparently only going to get worse for Iran.

Water and other climate related challanges are apparently only going to get worse for Iran.

If you look at the pages of history, it shows that Iran's enmity with Afghanistan originates from the first half of the 19th century, when it wanted to annex Herat, the western province of Afghanistan, through a military invasion.
After this, they have made various attacks to take Helmand water. Now, once again, talking about the dispute between Abu Helmand, and in fact, this problem was solved during the time of the late Zahir Shah.
Iran not only disputes with Afghanistan over Helmand river water, but also prevents the construction of Bakhshabad and Kamal Khan dams in Farah and Nimroz. Also, has repeatedly prevented the construction of Salma Dam in Herat province and is still trying to prevent its completion and operation. Afghanistan..
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