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Afghan - Iran clashes over Water Rights

Well if they start a war with Iran,the Iranians could put them in their place. That could be a win for Pakistan without doing anything. But I don't think there will be any war.

Nobody on god's earth can subdue the Afghans and secondly of all we don't have any interests in them fighting it does no benefits for us as we wanna use both Iran and IEA as cannon fodders on another day we can't have a conflict in our region closing trade routes and turning it major sectrain conflict this is not in our interest we want both states to prosper and perserve their resources for better uses.

And also we can use them both at later dates for our own adventures elsewhere. We have some people shouting about muslims to our borders perhaps we will pay the visit all 3 of us together on one faithful day we prefer that but not them wasting resources on themselves

Earlier today images from Iranian side of Nimruz:

Another fake news peddler on twitter to be careful following:

This video is actually is a joint Afghan National Army FOB that was destroyed back in the day after ANA abandoned it.!

Just so you know where this is going and what is happening behind closed doors:


Meanwhile back in Feb 2023:
View attachment 932103

Earlier today images from Iranian side of Nimruz:

Another fake news peddler on twitter to be careful following:
View attachment 932104
This video is actually is a joint Afghan National Army FOB that was destroyed back in the day after ANA abandoned it.!

Just so you know where this is going and what is happening behind closed doors:
View attachment 932105
View attachment 932106

Meanwhile back in Feb 2023:
View attachment 932107

To many fake news surrounding everything in our region it has nothing to do with this incident everytime anything happens there are fake ops accounts running fake news.. Example look at this thread and they were saying the fire was due to water issues lmao. It had nothing to do with that but it was just some random teenagers on the border both sides who decided to trade couple of fires. The fact that this thread survived a lock down is surprising
Those shias would be made Sunni overnight by the Taliban if they act against the state.

Shias were erased from North of Afghanistan the first time they made mutiny against Taliban in the 90s.

This is not Syria or Lebanon, were Iran can play games. This is Afghanistan. Even a threat is answered with an attack.
Whatever you are smoking is pretty strong stuff.
This is so interesting, Taliban saying they will capture Tehran within days...... :lol:

But despite Afghanistan's capacity to do so, it shows the nature and inclination of the Taliban. Afghanistan has good future, the Taliban are an ideological group, very similar to the Iranian mullah or even the commies. Afghanistan will be another Iran in the region.
I love all this. I would like this to expand further. Mullah regime in Iran needs a lesson. Taliban needs a lesson too so love all this. I am expecting Iran to run away from the battle as they are cowards who only fight proxy. Taliban are real hardcore terrorists. I hope they destroy each other.
Tomato or tamoto same shit. They tried to subdue Afghanistan it didn't work they came with the best forces, technologny everything. Are you telling me couple of starved out Uzbeks, Tajiks, Pakistan or Iran etc etc are gonna force themselves on Afghanistan. just no.

Afghanistan has approx 100m sleeper cells in Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan itself this will open up a gap and strifes behind enemy lines example Imam Rahman of Tajikistan will go out in days becasue the whole country has zillions of sleeper cells the same in Uzbekistan. IEA has always been the tip of an iceberg
this comment is so stupid it doesn't even warrant a response.

Do you not realize the difference between unity and destruction?

Your comment reads like your own personal wet dream rather than anything based in reality.

Trying to explain that to people is like shouting in the wind my friend, it is a fruitless exercise. If the yanks really wanted they could have levelled the country in a flash and called it a day, Afghanistan was an experiment in nation building, but an expensive one and one they will not soon repeat. Having worked in Afghanistan as you know I have mentioned before; it was surreal, outside of Kabul everything was underdeveloped, corrupt ALP (Local Police) roamed and demanded bakhsheesh and were basically Taliban in government uniforms.

Kabul was a strange city to visit, it was like a mirage in an otherwise desolate space. Countless SIGAR reports have mentioned how the elected government, rampant corruption and security breaches by interpreters and local contractors working on building contracts etc were funnelling funds and intel to the Talibs. During 2004,2005 and 2006 the yanks even attempted to promote co-working between Pakistan/Afghan law enforcement where their officers came to Islamabad for training at our National Police Academy, I have shared data about this before.

All that ended when Karzai got a bee in his bonnet with the NDS headed by Amrullah Saleh and his newly appointed (pseudo-intellectual) analyst Popal Roshana who was promoted 10 grades above her rank started sowing anti-Pakistani propaganda whilst in Islamabad and when challenged by Islamabad and even saner voices in Kabul all the malba was dumped on Islamabad's doorstep by the Karzai government, that Pakistan was harbouring talib's on the border and launching attacks inside Afghanistan to destabilise the government.

Long story short - If the US wanted the Afghan war could have ended in one day!
100% correct.

At the risk of completely repeating what you said....

The US didn't lose, they gave up on an experiment, that is the thing that people don't seem to realize.

Same with the Soviets, they tried to experiment by nation building in Afghanistan using communism as a base and it didn't work, they gave up as well.

Both nations could have gone in, wiped out the population, and left while suffering very little.

Regardless of the out come, Pakistan is probably the only country in the region that understands the nature of Afghanistan. This is why Pakistan needs to make contingency plans to break Afghanistan, which it is completely capable of doing even without sending troops into Afghan territory.
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