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Afghan gunmen attack Kabul hotel

The Haqqani network is not a Pakistan based group, it's an Afghan insurgent group, based in Paktia, and Logar; having a significant presence in Wardak, Nangarhar, Kapisa, Ghazni, Kabul and Zabul.
The Haqqani network is not a Pakistan based group, it's an Afghan insurgent group, based in Paktia, and Logar; having a significant presence in Wardak, Nangarhar, Kapisa, Ghazni, Kabul and Zabul.

The Americans and Afghans believe that the Haqqani leaders are operating from safe havens in North Waziristan, Pakistan .
The Americans and Afghans believe that the Haqqani leaders are operating from safe havens in North Waziristan, Pakistan .

Yes, they believe a lot of things they have no proof for, that remain unsubstantiated. That is why the Pentagon says one thing, the White House says another thing, and the Congress another.
Yes, they believe a lot of things they have no proof for, that remain unsubstantiated. That is why the Pentagon says one thing, the White House says another thing, and the Congress another.

You know, I kind of agree with you but after the Osama fiasco , I can understand why the Americans may be a bit skeptical about the Pakistani version of things .
The Haqqani network is not a Pakistan based group, it's an Afghan insurgent group, based in Paktia, and Logar; having a significant presence in Wardak, Nangarhar, Kapisa, Ghazni, Kabul and Zabul.

To be honest I don't know how within hours of attack they realize that these attackers belonged to Haqqani network and not any other network.

These foreign occupiers are not only losing a war inside Afghanistan but also making a joke out of themselves.
Is the battle still going on??? If not then how many innocent people died???
The Americans and Afghans believe that the Haqqani leaders are operating from safe havens in North Waziristan, Pakistan .

well firstly the NATO and AFGHANs should build equal if not more posts then us on the International border & then make such claims! currently Pakistan has twice the number of border check posts compared to afghanistan. hence if we are to accept the NATO claims then they should do their part too by building more check posts to keep a check!
Lols on sher malang for saying anyone taking orders from outside is not an afghani.. Hahaha
Man, you have just disowned ALL of ur (banana) parliment, Army and president! They all take orders from uncle sam.. Hahaha. And they themselves claim attacks are on the rise and NATO kills civilians.

Anyways, I talked to some people and they all say many affluent people, especially high ranking govt officials visit the mentioned hotel. Poor people only work there..
Waiting for the news that each and every bastard taliban responsible for attack is send to hell.

come on now don't say that the USA says there are good taliban and bad taliban and we should negotiate and the world nods their head don't they??!!!:coffee:
The Haqqani network is not a Pakistan based group, it's an Afghan insurgent group, based in Paktia, and Logar; having a significant presence in Wardak, Nangarhar, Kapisa, Ghazni, Kabul and Zabul.

Pakistan looks to restrict Haqqanis


The United States, it seems, has been successful in winning Pakistan’s support to curtail the Haqqani network.

In what appears to be a significant development, the Pakistan Army is planning measures to restrict the network’s movement at the Afghan border as part of an understanding reached with the US.

At least two senior security officials confirmed that the military has decided not only to restrict the movement of all militant groups, including the deadliest Afghan Taliban insurgents, but also deny them space within Pakistan’s borders.

“We will play our part while coalition forces will stop infiltration from across the border,” said a Pakistani military official.

However, officials refused to divulge details of the plan and it could not be independently verified since media does not have access to border areas.

The move, if confirmed, will be seen as a departure from the security establishment’s years-old approach towards the Haqqanis. Washington has long demanded that Pakistani military go after the Haqqanis, believed to be operating from the Pak-Afghan borders areas in North Waziristan.

But this change on Pakistan’s part does not mean the army will directly confront the group, which the country believes will have a vital role in any future political dispensation in Afghanistan.

These new border security measures are believed to be the result of a deal that was struck between Islamabad and Washington during US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s recent visit to Pakistan.

Under the agreement, the US is no longer asking for a full-scale military offensive against the Haqqani network in return for Pakistan’s commitment to ‘take care’ of the group by using means other than an operation. This includes tightening border security to keep a check on the movement of the Haqqanis and persuading them to come to the negotiating table with the US.

Media reports emanating from Washington also indicate a new approach by the Obama administration on the Haqqani network.

The New York Times quoted a senior US official as saying that Clinton did not use her meeting to convince the Pakistani military to mount an offensive to root out the Haqqanis and other militants allegedly operating from sanctuaries in North Waziristan. “Instead, the administration says, it is pressing the Pakistanis to provide intelligence on the Haqqanis, arrest some of the group’s operatives and reduce ties to the terrorist group – all steps well short of military action,” the official said. “We’re at the point where Pakistanis have told us they’re going to squeeze the Haqqani network.”

When approached, Inter-Services Public Relations Director General Major-General Athar Abbas did not speak of any specific plan but reiterated that Pakistan has a stated policy not to allow its territory to be used against any third country, including Afghanistan.

Lols on sher malang for saying anyone taking orders from outside is not an afghani.. Hahaha
Man, you have just disowned ALL of ur (banana) parliment, Army and president! They all take orders from uncle sam.. Hahaha. And they themselves claim attacks are on the rise and NATO kills civilians.

Anyways, I talked to some people and they all say many affluent people, especially high ranking govt officials visit the mentioned hotel. Poor people only work there..

I figure you hate rich Afghans. Thats sad.
Under the agreement, the US is no longer asking for a full-scale military offensive against the Haqqani network in return for Pakistan’s commitment to ‘take care’ of the group by using means other than an operation. This includes tightening border security to keep a check on the movement of the Haqqanis and persuading them to come to the negotiating table with the US.

We are already doing the bold part. Nothing new here. Good that US is no longer asking for an operation against Haqqani's.
Actually they still are . Btw , Why does Pakistan not act against the Haqqanis ?

We are already involved in military operation against militants in other parts of FATA. Our military is overstretched. Haqqani's are just scapegoat for Ameridca's failure in Afghanistan. We can't just conduct operations for someone else's failures. As I said we are trying our best to keep a check on the border to restrict Haqqani's movement if there is.
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