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Three killed in attack on China hotel in Afghan capital


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Three killed in attack on China hotel in Afghan capital

December 12, 2022

<p>Taliban security forces arrive at the site of an attack at Shahr-e-naw which is city’s one of main commercial areas in Kabul on December 12, 2022.— AFP</p>

Srcurity forces arrive at the site of an attack at Shahr-e-naw which is city’s one of main commercial areas in Kabul on December 12, 2022.— AFP

<p>Smoke rises from a site of an attack at Shahr-e-naw which is city’s one of main commercial areas in Kabul on December 12, 2022. - A loud blast and gunfire were heard in the Afghan capital December 12 near a guest house popular with Chinese business visitors, a witness said. — AFP</p>

Smoke rises from a site of an attack at Shahr-e-naw which is city’s one of main commercial areas in Kabul on December 12, 2022. - A loud blast and gunfire were heard in the Afghan capital December 12 near a guest house popular with Chinese business visitors, a witness said. — AFP

At least three people were killed when gunmen attacked a hotel popular with Chinese business people in the Afghan capital Monday, with witnesses reporting multiple blasts and several bursts of gunfire.

Smoke could be seen pouring from the multi-storey Kabul Longan Hotel as Taliban security forces rushed to the site and sealed off the neighbourhood.

The Taliban claim to have improved security since storming back to power in August last year but there have been scores of bomb blasts and attacks, many claimed by the local chapter of the Islamic State group.

Italian non-governmental organisation Emergency NGO, which operates a hospital just one kilometre from the blast site, said it had received 21 casualties, including three people dead on arrival.

It did not say if those dead were civilians or involved in the attack.

A Kabul police spokesman said three attackers were killed and one suspect arrested, blaming the assault on “mischievous elements”.

“All the guests of the hotel have been rescued and no foreigner was killed. Only two foreign guests were injured when they threw themselves from an upper storey,” chief Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid added on Twitter.


Video circulating on social media showed people clamouring out of windows on the lower floors of the building, with the hotel sign — in English and Chinese — clearly visible.

Another video showed huge flames licking out of another section, with thick plumes of smoke.

A helicopter also made several passes through the area.

The hotel is popular with Chinese business visitors, who have flocked to Afghanistan since the Taliban’s return in pursuit of high-risk but potentially lucrative business deals.

China, which shares a rugged 76-kilometre (47-mile) border with Afghanistan, has not officially recognised the Taliban government but is one of the few countries to maintain a full diplomatic presence there.

Sensitive border​

Beijing has long feared Afghanistan could become a staging point for minority Uyghur separatists in China’s sensitive border region of Xinjiang.

The Taliban have promised that Afghanistan would not be used as a base for militants and, in exchange, China has offered economic support and investment for Afghanistan’s reconstruction.

Maintaining stability after decades of war in Afghanistan is Beijing’s main consideration as it seeks to secure its borders and strategic infrastructure investments in neighbouring Pakistan, home to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.
The Taliban are at pains to portray Afghanistan as safe for diplomats and business people but two Russian embassy staff members were killed in a suicide bombing outside the mission in September in an attack claimed by IS.

The group also claimed responsibility for an attack on Pakistan’s embassy in Kabul this month that Islamabad decried as an “assassination attempt” against the ambassador.
A security guard was wounded in that attack.

Despite owning the rights to major projects in Afghanistan, notably the Mes Aynak copper mine, China has not pushed any of these projects forward.

The Taliban are reliant on China to turn one of the world’s largest copper deposits into a working mine that would help the cash-strapped and sanctions-hit nation recover.

What on earth are Chinese doing in Kabul? making business deals with the Taliban? get all foreigners out of that hell, RIP to the dead.
There is no future and hope for these people.
Those running Afghanistan don’t really have any real prior experience running a country. Even when they ran the country for 5 year, prior to 2001, they didn’t really have the stability or revenue to focus on nation building. Now they have little excuse.

Gaps in capabilities are to be expected, when they are learning on the job and trying to balance funding between different factions, each with their own interests.

The average age of the population is 18, and many of the trained professionals from the last government have fled or in the process of fleeing.

It will probably take a decade or two for them to build up something approaching enough professionals to manage up to a half way decent level, if they invest and focus on achieving it, which can’t be assumed.

IMHO, The afghans will take many many years to process the over four decades of PTSD to be able to not just accept these attacks. According to some of the news stories, many (not all) Talibs say they are bored of their relative peaceful situation.

This is why they need to be quickly shifted towards rebuilding their economy through mining, rebuilding their canal networks and transit trade. Redirecting all the energy of there young men into productive work. It’s part of why Pakistan needs to get its own internal politics in order, to be able to better shape Afghanistan, for mutual benefit, through mutual trade, and transit trade routes.
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Wow horrible. Especially when the Chinese have the largest stake in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Wow horrible. Especially when the Chinese have the largest stake in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Perhaps the Afghans will ask the Chinese to help them (with the technical means and training) to detect threats in a systematic way to enhance their ability to maintain law and order.

The Chinese could also put pressure on Central Asian nations and Iran to not allow destabilizing elements to operate against the Talibs and in exchange the Talibs could speed up coming to a consensus amongst Afghan factions to allow China to build the trade corridors from Western China and Central Asia to Pakistan and ports on the Indian Ocean.

The Afghans and the Chinese are going to need stability if Chinese companies are going to increase their business activities.
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The Chinese won't leave Afghanistan imo, but they should have terms for securing their peoples safety or IEA should guarantee it
All of sudden Kabul is center of world by killing Un-armed civilians in their place of residence.
Man these criminals will get payback from world for firing unarmed civilians inside Pakistan the other day + now in Kabul, what a bunch of Indian origin minded fools Afghans rogue groups are!!!
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